This is my bubbler

Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

Just wondering why you bother putting bush morning glory in the bubbler as it roots in dirt w/in days?

Emory, TX(Zone 8a)

I didn't know that. This is my first year to have it and no one told me... I'm glad you did though!!! :) Now I can just stick cuttings in pots and put in the greenhouse. I need a lot of them because there are alot of family members who want them after seeing mine.


Emory, TX(Zone 8a)


Will the other things I am having trouble with root in dirt as well? The last four on my list?

Toone, TN(Zone 7a)

I think alot of plants can be rooted either way. Here is a thread I found especially informative about the easiest plants to propagate (and how) for those of you who haven't seen it.


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

What a great thread!! I think I'm going to have to put together a bubbler... I've probably got everything I need, although one of those bubbler bars does sound better than the little airstones I have.

Carol, thanks for taking the time to photograph everything and upload all the photos -- great setup!

Blckwolf, I don't want to dampen your enthusiasm, but please reconsider about using that heating pad. Neither heating pads nor electric blankets are designed for continuous use or for putting under something, that's why they've got those manufacturer's warnings all over them. Although I know lots of folks have used them for years as seedling heat mats "without ever having a fire," I think the hazard is quite real, and it's just not worth the risk, especially when you can purchase an aquarium heater so cheaply.

(Apologies to those who have heard me on that subject before.)

Emory, TX(Zone 8a)


So will an aquarium heater heat enough to make a difference? I had thought about an aquarium heater and posted another thread asking about it. But then I remembered when I had an aquarium and had to stick my hand in it and it was COLD... I think they only make a small difference but it is enough for the fish.

I am going to try adding willow water to my bubbler and also to water cuttings I put in potting soil. I had read about willow water a while back but did not have any willow. But a kind DG-er is sending me some so I will see what that does.


Emory, TX(Zone 8a)

After I posted this I found that you posted on the aqurium heater thread...LOL So I guess basically you and stressbaby answered my heater questions!


Missouri City, TX(Zone 9a)

Thanks Jill for the tip! I am guilty of using them as a seedling heat mats but probably won't anymore- well if it gets super cold I might for a short time, but agree it is not safe, not what the manufacturer intends, etc. AND I DON'T RECOMMEND IT TO ANYONE.

Yardqueen- don't really know the answer to all the plants you are having trouble w/. I just know that bush morning glory will root if you look at them cross eyed- they are super easy. I have made many, many cuttings and most the time w/ them I don't even use rooting hormone. I cut (at an angle to give greater surface area for rooting) a piece about 8 inches long, remove the bottom leaves and leave the top 4 or so leaves, stick that piece in rooting hormone or rooting gel if you are going to use that, then put it in a pot w/ potting soil- I like to have at least 3 or inches of the cutting under the soil line, then water- just an opinion but if you have some superthrive water it the 1st time and maybe the next couple of times w/ a superthrive solution. If you are concerned about low humidity you can put the potted cuttings in plastic bags for a day or 2 but I don't do that because my area is a high humidity area and things rot easily, I guess w/ your own greenhouse (jealous) you probably wouldn't need to do that either. You will have the 1st little nubby root beginings within days. The last cuttings I did were at the begining of this week -either monday or tuesday- and they had little nubby roots by thursday.

As far as the others I haven't rooted those, but would suggest the following based on some experience and what I've read:

- the greener the cuttings the better
- add some hydrogen peroxide to the bubbler water
- add some superthrive to the bubbler water
- use rooting hormone or rooting gel w/ cuttings that you start in soil
- any cuttings that you start in soil will require moist but not soggy soil and misting the leaves every now and then will help
- make sure that you are removing most of the leaves on the cuttings and all of any buds or flowers

Hope this helps.


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