Var. Rubber Tree problems

I think my Variegated Rubber Tree is having some health issues. The stalk isn't supposed to be brown like this, is it? What should I do for it? Can I cut it off above the brown part and root it? Help, please!

Thumbnail by RainGazer

Here's a close picture of the stalk.

Thumbnail by RainGazer

It also has two small shoots growing. Can those be cut off and rooted? If so, please tell me how. This is my first rubber tree and I'm clueless about it.
Here's one baby...

Thumbnail by RainGazer

And here's the other, growing out of the top.
Thanks everyone!

Thumbnail by RainGazer
Powder Springs, GA(Zone 7b)

I don't have the variegated one but it seems like what works for the regular green type should work for the variegated as well.

The brown is probably just woody tissue. Is it hard or soft and mushy? If hard, then you are okay. Soft and mushy means rot in which case you need to rescue the top.

You can cut off the new shoots and root them in good draining soil or water root (this requires more care in my opinion). You probably should wait until the shoots are bigger and semi-hard. I've water rooted and also stuck cuttings in Nature's Helper (mostly shredded pine bark and some sand). While the water method worked, I never got around to potting them up so eventually they died. The Nature's Helper worked great - one pot (6 cuttings) was 100% success while the other one (6 cuttings) maybe had 50% success due to over watering.

You can also cut the top out and the stub should send out several new shoots.

Good luck.

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