spider plant root bound and then some

smithton, MO(Zone 5a)

i went to repot my spider plant and i have never seen a plant be soooooo rootbound(i just bought this a week or so ago)it had roots that were larger in diameter than a pencil...i split it up 3 ways.......i washed off as much of the old dirt as i could then i trimmed the roots, repotted like i said in 3 different pots.....now for the question...should i have trimmed these roots that were so big and washed off the old dirt...i sure hope so cuz i already did......i have never had a spider plant but from some symptoms it had i was told it was probably root bound...and boy was it ever....do yall think it will be ok?

Brownville, NY(Zone 4a)

I don't think washing off the old roots will hurt the plants any. There might be alittle transplant shock, but spiders are pretty tough. They grow quick too! Seems like whenever you turn your back, they double in size!

Port Huron, MI(Zone 5b)

About a month and a half ago, i went through the same thing with mine.Not only did i clean off the roots, and separate the plant into several plants, and cut back the roots, but I pulled and tugged and removed a bunch of the rhizomes that were in with the roots. Then I repotted alot separately, kept the biggest one and gave the rest away.Now, a month and a half later, the plant is doing better than it ever has done in the past.Again it has doubled in size and it also sent out 5 or 6 long shoots, where 30 or so of the babies are growing. When I repotted the plant I put it back into a pot that it would quickly become potbound in, because I have always heard that they prefer to be potbound and that is when they seem to be at their best
sounds to me(I am no expert at houseplants)like you did the right thing, although, with spider plants I am not sure that there even is a wrong thing...like Bucky said, they seem to be a really tough ole' plant

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)


As everyone says, Spiders (Chlorophytum) really are sturdy, durable plants. Sounds like what you did will be just fine. These are not tender, delicate plants, abt which one ought to be that concerned.

On mine I never even washed the roots, just cut 'em back, changed the mix & left mine in same pot. Pls. just give it a bit of time & I'm sure you'll be pleased w/ the results. (Yes, potbound is recommended for them, they'll make babies & flower more readily I think.) Enjoy.

New York, NY(Zone 6a)

I agree that a healthy and hardy spider plant can withstand much abuse and do very well. In general, however, soil replacement and root pruning is analagous to undergoing surgery: Do it when necessary, but otherwise it is best to avoid the stress.

Unless a plant has a serious root disease or the soil is infested or completely compacted, there is no benefit to replacing soil. Potbound plants simply need to be divided or moved into or a larger pot.

smithton, MO(Zone 5a)

thank you everyone...i feel better...and this poor plant was in dire need of some of the roots trimmed...i didnt trim it that much...it was so compacted that i had to soak it in a bucket of water before i even thought about rinsing off the roots.......lol....and i had to use a knife to seperate it cuz i couldnt just pull it apart, thats how compacted it was....im sure it will be ok...thanks again


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