Phoenix Fall Swap

Dolores, CO(Zone 5b)

Okay all... here are the details. I've decided it would be fun to have a theme, so my theme is Hawaiian Luau. Pot Luck lunch... bring a dish to share...if you can't cook, bring a bag of chips or cookies (or a bottle of tequila!). I'll provide main course. Don't forget, the pool is available to cool off in, and the socializing can occur both inside and out (so no one has to fry...). October 8, 10:30 a.m. start... lunch at noon-ish. Wear something Hawaiian! Everyone is welcome!


Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)


Crossville, TN

OK...I've posted it in the Round Ups at a Glance thread...

This sounds like a lot of fun....I love luaus....hmmmm...let's see if I can get a group to come up that way again....since I have decided NOT to go East this year. Jo

Phoenix, AZ

Oh darn...where did I put that grass skirt?

Phoenix, AZ

Probably went into your new composter.

Phoenix, AZ

Wear something Hawaiian? Last time I was in Maui, was at the nude beach. Maybe I should skip this round up.

Phoenix, AZ

Well Jim, with your coming to the luau nude and Fish Knee's grass skirt in the composter it should be an interesting luau, even without the adult beverages. sam

Goodyear, AZ(Zone 9a)

Darn out of all the weekends to have it...I leave for my yearly week in Vegas on the 30th of September with 5 of my girlfriends from all over the country. I won't be back until Sunday.

Phoenix, AZ

To-GA! To-GA! To-GA! To-GA!
oh..... uh not that.
Sounds like a lot of fun! I'll be there for the Big Splash!
Thanks Brenda, good idea.

I'm hoping to be there, Brenda. Just have to find a date... ;-)
And ooooooh, I can wear a muu muu :o

Dolores, CO(Zone 5b)

You all crack me up!! Kathi, how awful for you that you must go on a girls week to Vegas!

Mesa, AZ(Zone 9b)

Hawaiian, huh? so that means hawaiian recipes.......SAM!?!?!?!

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9b)

all you really need is.....spam and macaroni salad. Maybe Brenda will let us dig a big pit in her yard for kalua pig, the centerpiece of any true luau!

Phoenix, AZ

I cheat and make Kalua Pig in a crockpot as it makes Dave nervous to find me digging a hole large enough to bury a body.

I am bringing the poi so no one else needs to sign up for that item.

Mesa, AZ(Zone 9b)

Oh, Mary I forget about you living in HI! That's OK Sam, you leave the poi at home, really. Poor Dave, does he really think you'd put him in and ruin the taste of the pig? So, Brenda, is that the main course, are you gonna do a pig?

What is it with Hawaiians and spam anyways? Nothing weirder than seeing spam at mcdonalds :-( Something just not right about that.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9b)

Actually, taro pancakes are awesome - poi comes from taro 'ya know. I have seen people eating poi like it was a porridge but I never acquired a taste for that. If anyone thinks they may like pancakes that day, I'll see about getting some taro mix air lifted to Pheenie. LMK.

And Lynn is right, at least some of the McDonald's in the islands got special dispensation from HQ to offer spam - in some form or other.

Dewey, AZ(Zone 8a)

Hey! What about us non-paid-subscribers?! I have no access to the round-ups, so can someone D-mail the info to me?

Phoenix, AZ

The info is at the top of the thread from Brenda. I'm sure her address will be provided later, possibly in Dmail. sam

Dolores, CO(Zone 5b)

Stephanotis... when we get a little closer I'll send a dmail to everyone with my address. Okay... the pig. So, here's the thing, I've never roasted a pig (but I'm generally a good cook, just not necessarily in dirt pits). The next problem would be that I don't know how to carve a pig. I did have a luau party for S.O., but it was catered so they made the pig and carved, etc. I'm a pig virgin (that doesn't sound right!). If anyone would like to give me instructions (I do have a lovely big grill with rotisserie if that works), or I may be able to get Tony to dig a big hole, if that is what is needed, to roast it in. I've been considering it, and as we have several of you who could instruct me, I'm game for giving it a try! Recipes, anyone?

Phoenix, AZ

Its a huge job. You may have one of the important necessities of the job, though. That big pile of rocks in your yard? You'll need to bury those and get them HOT several days before you put the pig in the pit. Need the rocks to be hot and sea soaked taro leaves wrapped around the pig to steam it for about 3 days underground.

Or we could have Spam and hot dogs.

Trivia: Did you know Paradise Valley resident, deceased Gordie Hormel (I think that was his name - believe he passed on last year), descended from the family who invented Spam.

Mesa, AZ(Zone 9b)

Pig virgin .......giggle

Crossville, TN

At the round up I attended in Southern Calif back in July...Dr Don and one of our members did a buried pig...They said it took until 1:00 in the morning to get it in the ground and covered.....but it was GOOD!

Here are some pictures for those that can can see the Round Up Pictures thread.

Here's one for those that can't. Jo

Thumbnail by roadrunner
Crossville, TN

Grand opening of Eunice!

If anyone wants to know how to do this...Dmail Drdon, Hardwood, or Dovey.


Thumbnail by roadrunner
Phoenix, AZ

Brenda, let's just go with the crockpot. Unless you are expecting a hundred people to show up. And if the weather is still a tad warm, how about substituting slices of ham and some fresh fruit. This is just a friendly swap. It shouldn't be a chore for the hostess.

El Mirage, AZ(Zone 9b)

I'm with Sam. It's great that you are opening your house and garden to us. Please don't worry about the meal.

Phoenix, AZ

TOO much work! Lets all just get drunk :)

Tucson, AZ(Zone 9a)

I would like to come up to the Fall Swap. I asked my hubby if he'd want to go with me, and...he sort of looked like he'd want to go. I am just not too crazy about driving up there by myself, since I am "Phoenix road challenged"

I mentioned to him that I could offer to drive others up there with me, from Tucson, and he said that sounded like a great idea. So...if anyone in Tucson is interested, let me know.

PiggyPoo :0)

Dolores, CO(Zone 5b)

PiggyPoo, I know Jo (Roadrunner) wants to come, and is trying to get together a group from Tucson. I haven't decided what your lunch main course will be yet, but I promise I will provide something good to eat. (Probably not cooking a pig... also not serving spam!) I have 2 fridges and 2 ovens, so if anything any of you bring needs to stay hot or cold, no problem. If you just want to swoop in and out... no problem (I did that at Magpieds' swap). No stress, just fun. BTW, non alcoholic beverages and a taxi will be available!

Tucson, AZ(Zone 9a)

I wasn't going to make any Spam comments, but...Ewwww. My mom used to "try" and feed us that when we were little. My hubby and I want to know what is a "Spam" animal, or where do they get that stuff? LOL

I still would like to convince my hubby into going, but even if he does, I have room for 3 others to ride along. 4 if he doesn't go :)

Phoenix, AZ

This sounds so fun...I'm pretty sure I'll be able to make it & I'm going to see if my husband will attend as well (although, with 2 kids in sports on Saturday mornings, it's sometimes rough)...but we'll do our best. Need a ukulele player? I dabble, lol...

Crossville, TN

Correction...I'm not in Tucson...but south east of there....about 90 minutes drive......and if I can find 3 more Dave's Gardeners that will come from my area...I'll be there.

I can bring a gourd drum and a gourd Shakerie....anyone play a conch shell?


Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9b)

ohhhh you guys, bring the ukulele and gourds. And PiggyPoo and others, bring the hubby, mine likes to attend and likes it better when there's some other guys around. Too much estrogen, he gets nervous. ;-))

Tucson, AZ(Zone 9a)

Mary, I'm really going to try and get him to go. I'd like him to be involved in what I'm doing here on DG. It's really not a matter of him not wanting to go or participate, but more so if he is not busy that day. He has a side business outside of his regular job, and it involves most weekends. But...I'll keep nagging LOL

Dolores, CO(Zone 5b)

Live music!!! Wooo Hoooo! Jo, sorry about the geography mistake, gotta get out my AZ map! And yes, bring the guys if you want... Tony will be around, so they'll have some other male company.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9b)

Yay... I'll definitely be there... I love hawaiian themes...

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9b)

I have a reason to shop. I have nothing .....hawaiian to wear.

Good gardening


Goodyear, AZ(Zone 9a)

I'm still po'd cause I can't be there!

Dolores, CO(Zone 5b)

Kathi... so sorry you can't come. You know we'll miss you! You could just reschedule Las Vegas!


Crossville, TN

Bumping this back up as time is getting short!

I will need driving directions from Phoenix...maybe a telephone number for WHEN I get lost?

Dmail me, please. Jo

Tolleson, AZ(Zone 9a)

Looks like I may end up making this one!! My daughter's birthday party has been scheduled for the following weekend.

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