Some more of mine :-)

Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

Mone, you sure did send Naomi and Prospero along with the rest of those beauties, but those two either never developed growth or shrivelled up. They didn't even make it into the garden despite my best baggie efforts to save them/sprout them for weeks.

You guys are so lucky to get rain! We might have a chance of showers tomorrow night and on into late week. Up until now we've had the sum total 1.25 inches in two rainfalls all summer long. Plus about 10 drops in ten minutes one evening which doesn't count. That will change big time in about two months!

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

Pooch - we had some decent rain here finally

Mone - for better or worse I am down to a couple new ones to open here.

Chicago, IL

Pooch, I only point and shoot with my camera. I know how to adjust some light and some close up shots - that's about it. And here yesterday while at Best Buy, I went and aped a digital SLR! The nerve. LOL. My exchanged student just grinned at me. :-)

We have pouring rain for 4 days now. Everything is waterlogged.

Chicago, IL

I really think this could be Ruth Ann, Pooch. Just Peachy is different. We have so much rain, it made all those dots on the petals:

Thumbnail by Pitimpinai
Chicago, IL

Kenora Frills, finally:

Thumbnail by Pitimpinai
Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

Kenora Frills has a wonderful color and nice fluffiness about it, Mone. Is this one of the first blooms off it?

I checked my notes and I sent you both Just Peachy and Ruthann, but JP will fill out with petals twisting about, and Ruth Ann should remain pretty much straight cactus/pointy. Both very close on colors, you are right. Time might tell which one is shown so nicely above.

Delhi, IA

Kenora Frills is a beauty. Such intense color.

Chicago, IL

Thanks, Pooch & Jam.
Yes, this is the first bloom from a cutting. I have no idea where the ones from tubers are. Somewhere in Cook County. lol. This one was a cutting from Corralitos. Last year, it didn't bloom at all.

Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

Interesting you should bring that up Mone. I found this year that plants from cuttings were much slower, much more lacking in floriferousness. Now, I did get a late start, planting out cuttings in late June. But I don't feel any big urge to turn to cuttings as a way to grow plants after this year anyway.

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