Some more of mine :-)

Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

Your EE is still struggling here Mone, just about a foot tall and so hidden from the sun I'm not expecting to see a flower- so I'll enjoy your blooms from afar! I do have April Dawn here this year.

Hillcrest Kismet. Swoon....Camano Pet- wow! I love any of those with defined colored edges especially.

Your poor colleague 10 blocks away- Pretty soon you'll have him tearing out sidewalks and driveways to get more gardening space LOL! You'll be out there at 11 pm with a miner's head lamp preening and primping your pretties.

Chicago, IL

HC is getting prettier and prettier. I have 6 in bloom right now. Swoon is right, Pooch.
Sorry to hear that EE is not doing well for you. I should be getting more tubers this year. I kept only one in my garden, but it is going strong if its stem is any indication.

Camano Pet was my very first success from a specialty grower, so I have a soft spot for him.

Just Peachy is deepening as the season progresses. It is dominating the garden scene right now. I can see it very clearly from my kitchen window:

Thumbnail by Pitimpinai
Chicago, IL

I finally scratched around the plant and found the tag for Staleen Condessa. She came as a cutting from Corralitos last year:

Thumbnail by Pitimpinai
Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

Lovely Nai! I think I had Staleen Condessa on my wish list at one time. Lovely lilac color. Just peachy has wonderful colors. I have one that IS peachy and this one on a new plant of Just Peachy.

It's just pathetic! Second bud on the plant to act this way :(

Thumbnail by Poochella
Delhi, IA

Pitimpinai, I did cuttings and hope for next year to have the solid row of Zorro. My Spartacus hasn't bloomed yet. Don't know what it is waiting for.

That Elma Elizabeth is striking. If it multplies I'd be interested. Which purple or dark one are you interested in?

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

Staleen looks nice Mone.

Chicago, IL

Thanks, Pooch, Jam & Al,
I still have several that are not showing any sign of blooming. The temps have dropped now. For once, I don't have even my fans on at night. I hope they will have made enough tubers for next year.

Aw....your Condessa looks sad, Pooch.
I'll send you C. Pet, HK, Condessa, Lavid and everything else.

Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

It's a second Just Peachy that is not looking so well. Only one good double bloom off it, the rest have been single. I've cut off 5 stems that just weren't cutting the mustard, as they say.

Don't plan to send me anything until I formulate a plan for 2007 Mone! But I really like your offers! But please, please reserve a Hillcrest Kismet for me. Not only did my own tubers die, but the one cutting I took died now as well.
I am Kismetless. It isn't the best tubermaker either, so if you come up short, it's certainly available elsewhere.

Chicago, IL

Pooch, Here's HC today. Absolutely stunning. I hope there'll be enough tubers for us. I'll be very mad if I rot them. I am sorry yours did not do well.

Thumbnail by Pitimpinai
Chicago, IL

Bracken Ballerina:

Thumbnail by Pitimpinai
Chicago, IL

Another Bracken Ballerina:

Thumbnail by Pitimpinai
Chicago, IL


Thumbnail by Pitimpinai
Chicago, IL

And a beautiful yellow D. Just kidding:

Thumbnail by Pitimpinai
Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

Lovely, one and all. Yes that is Mosaic. I just love how the waterlilies cup up and then unfurl again in the sun.

I agree: absolutely stunned by Hillcrest Kismet. Such a beautiful color and each petal perfection. You think it's pink, but then follow the petal inward to find golden orange. ahhhhhhhhh impossible to describe!

Delhi, IA

Mosaic___put me down if it multiples. A beaut.

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

I hope there'll be enough tubers for us.

I fully agree.

Mosiac is nice. Bracken has the same form as Tarahiti Sunrise, the curving almost upside down ball - real nice.

Chicago, IL

Thanks, Pooch, jam & Al.

Yes, Jam. I'll dmail you.
OK. Now I have a name for Mosaic. I want to post the photo in Plantfiles.
Pooch & everyone, you should post your photos.

Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

Oh, my, Mone, just love your 'Mosaic' and that cool 'Bracken Ballerina'. The petals on that BB are very intense. Love the color scheme on 'Mosaic'.
You do have different ones..............
Yes, I should post pic on the PlantFile but.......... maybe this winter??????

Chicago, IL

Aren't they lovely? All courtesy of Pooch.

I'll put your name down for both Mosaic & BB, Carol & Al.
I'll also come back to the posts when I divide tubers this fall or next March/April.

Chicago, IL

Marvelous Mans on a cutting:

Thumbnail by Pitimpinai
Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

Very fuzzy and pretty in pink ! Marvelous LOL Nice job on the cutting.

Chicago, IL

Thanks, Pooch.
And look who's here! I was moaning its loss just yesterday when I was looking at its photo from last year. I thought for sure I didn't have it anymore.

Goodwill 90:

Thumbnail by Pitimpinai
Chicago, IL

Karma Corona:

Thumbnail by Pitimpinai
Chicago, IL

Karma Fuschiana:

Thumbnail by Pitimpinai
Chicago, IL

Remmel Mountain:

Thumbnail by Pitimpinai
Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

Lovely one and all! SUch pretty pink and yellow on GW90. My first Goodwill 90 is open here too. I hoped to have 3 plants but my tubers of it were ones that really took a hit in the spring rot and are not more than 14 inches tall- very little hope for them. I think the one good plant I have of it is back in WA after a season in NY at Willow's garden! Funny how this goes- pretty soon all our yards will look like clones LOL!

Chicago, IL

Clones? Nah. I don't have room for all of them even though I would love to.
Anyhow, I hope GW90 will give me a couple good tubers this year.

My Karma is opening one by one now. But Pooch, Ventura disappeared. Not a trace anywhere. Please save a Ventura for me, please.

Why do I see a red x instead of my Remmel Mountain above???

My first K. Sangria this year:

Thumbnail by Pitimpinai
Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

Love those Sangria colors. I don't see the red X, but every once in a while I get the dreaded " Image has been removed" icon from Photobucket. Not so much here at DG though.

I am ordering more of those Karmas next year and will be glad to share a Ventura. You have to have it- magnificent bright yellow. I lost Prospero and Naomi both- rotted or dried up early on.

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

Goodwill and K. Corona looks nice Mone!

Chicago, IL

Thanks. I sure hope they make several tubers so I can share them with you all.

Chicago, IL

Another of Bishop's Children:

Thumbnail by Pitimpinai
Chicago, IL

What is this, Pooch? Or was it from Carol? Can't find the tag. It might be buried too deep.

Thumbnail by Pitimpinai
Chicago, IL

Camano Phantom finally sent up a 2nd bloom after doing nothing for over a month. It is still too red in this photo:

Thumbnail by Pitimpinai
Chicago, IL

Karma Naomi:

Thumbnail by Pitimpinai
Chicago, IL

More Camano Phantom. Yeeha. Will have a lot of tubers to share. Found out that I have at least 3 plants scattered in different garden sites:

Thumbnail by Pitimpinai
Chicago, IL

Chimacum Topaz. Got two plants. All right!

Thumbnail by Pitimpinai
Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

Mone, that beautiful bloom isn't mine. Wished it was tho. It is gorgeous.
But so is that 'Karma Naomi' too!
Am glad you found more of those. I just love mine from you.

Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

Oh that Karma Naomi is tops! I'm trying not to start every post with "WOW" ( had to erase it here LOL.) So beautiful. I was reading on another site that adjusting your "white balance" on the camera and using a low iso speed will help to get the correct purple/wine/maroon colors on a digital camera. Don't ask me about it further, as those terms are all gobbledegook to me.

Re the pink and yellow: if it's from me, it could be an early Just Peachy, early Ruth Ann, or pale Camano Denali, but I think more likely one of the first two as CDenali's pinks are really dark; mauve colored. Ruth Ann is 3 ft, Just Peachy is 4 ft. generally.

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

Reds are nice, I like Chimacum and your noid one also.

I took this photo of Night Queen in the rain and got it dark enough finally
otherwise it kept coming out red under different settings.

Chicago, IL

You are tempting me. :-) That is a beautiful photo. It must be raining cats and dogs in WI too, huh? It's been raining for 3 days here - almost like a tropical monsoon.

Carol, Pooch & Al,
I am writing down my wish lists. LOL. Will finalize them soon. I actually am waiting for everybody to post his/her photos to see who has which Dahlia. My greed is showing; I know. I am also nudging my friends and neighbors for more planting space. LOL.

Didn't I include K. Naomi in the box for you this spring? I thought I split all the Karmas with you.

I went to check two other gardens today to see how the friends took care of those Dahlias I gave them this spring. A neighbor of one of those friends has 4 very pretty Dahlias. I begged her for a tuber. She said she would give me some at the end of October. You'd better believe I will head out there this Oct. LOL.

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