Hydrangeas in the semi-arid.

Denver, CO

(Steve: I have failed to say several times that Kip is the most adorable thing I have ever seen. The picture ambushed my thougths several times during the day. )

Centennial, CO(Zone 5b)

THat is in the high desert display at the Denver Botanical Gardens, this past spring.

Did you know that Centennial CO was named after the fictional town in Michener's novel (not the other way around).

Denver, CO

I did. But Michner's town is just a few hundred miles north of the one you live in.
The first chapter is good already.

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

Great Movie but I never read that one. Have enjoyed the history in all of the others I have read. Kip says thank you for your comments. This breed is a unique terrier. They are quiet and very cuddly. My Jack Terrier is noisy and playful. The two fit my personality. After all I am a Gemini. What about walking on the Veronica.

Denver, CO

The ones I grow tolerate mild foot traffic. They are sort of dwarfed by it , but not killed.
Liwaneniss and foot traffic:
I have read the following words: "Light," "occasional," and "some." (foot traffic).
You can place some stepping stones in the most worn spots. No, but that's right, you don't like stones at all...
Will you step on it or you dog? Is Kip a puppy in that picture, or one of those that always looks like a puppy? Quiet, fitting for you?
Kenton, who has yappy little dogs.

Thumbnail by ineedacupoftea
Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

I tried growing Potentilla verna here in New Mexico, but in a shady spot. That doesn't work well at all. Speedwell and thyme work ver well in the sunnier spots.

Centennial, CO(Zone 5b)

The turkish Veronica I have stands up well to all kinds of punishment, including light foot traffic. That means < than a sidewalk, but no more or less than the lawn.

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

I planted some turkish veronica this year. It seems to be settling in nicely. I look forward to seeing it spread. Actually I have planted several low growing plants and am holding a contest for which one does best.

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

Kip is full grown and 4 yrs old in that picture.
I like the idea of a ground cover and will probably mix it in the new bed. We got a lot of rain yesterday and today was perfect. Crystal clear and 58F for the high. Heading up to Bowman Lake this long weekend to paddle the lakes, Kintla and Bowman. You all have a nice weekend. Steve.

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Kip looks like a wonderful dog and a great admirer of flowers. How can one help but love such a critter. I have two keeshonds who are rather elderly by now, 13 years. One has too much arthritis to be a good hiker, but the other loves to get out and sniff everything. I take them up to the nearby Jemez mountains. I hunt mushrooms and raspberries. The male goes everywhere I go and more. The female, with severe arthritis stays with us as long as she can then jumps back in the car or truck and waits for us. They are wonderful friends.

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Kip looks like a wonderful dog and a great admirer of flowers. How can one help but love such a critter. I have two keeshonds who are rather elderly by now, 13 years. One has too much arthritis to be a good hiker, but the other loves to get out and sniff everything. I take them up to the nearby Jemez mountains. I hunt mushrooms and raspberries. The male goes everywhere I go and more. The female, with severe arthritis stays with us as long as she can then jumps back in the car or truck and waits for us. They are wonderful friend and go berzerk whenever they see me pick up my keys or open the leash drawer. How did I live before I had them?

Denver, CO

This just in! Exciting news visable from the compost cam!

Thumbnail by ineedacupoftea
Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Yesterday my husband and I went to the Fine Arts Museum in Santa Fe for the last day of the Mexican Artists show. A wedding was going on in the St. Francis Auditorium next door and the bridal party came out into their shared patio for pictures. All the bridesmaids and mothers of bride and groom were carrying the most beautiful bouquets of white hydrangeas. I thought of you, White_Hydrangea. I have now read about a couple of them that grow in zones 4 and 5. After seeing this wedding party I was just amazed at what a great bouquet they make, all by themselves.

Denver, CO

A nice art show?

Hydrangeas last so long, too.

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

The show was lovely. Paintings I have never seen. One or two from the big names, Rivera, Orozco, Siqueros, and Kahlo, then many from their comtemporaries who were equally interesting. So much gets lost in history.

I don't know how long they last, but the hydrangea boquets of the wedding party were magnificent. I have never thought of hydrangeas as being available for flower arrangements. But why not? They are magnificent flowers and last a long time, as you point out.

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