Walmart New Houseplants

Harrisburg, PA(Zone 6a)

My walmarts' has a new shipment of 'large' houseplants in, in case anyone is interested! 8>))

Mandeville, LA(Zone 9a)

My Walmart NEVER gets anything good. I was there last night and all they have are sickly bedding plants :(

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

LOL! Same here, NN....

senlarrs....did you find anything you liked?

Anything 'follow you home'?

Harrisburg, PA(Zone 6a)


Not this time, hehe, didn't even jump in the cart!LOL Seriously, just don't have the room anymore. Will be a job just bringing things in when its gets cold.

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

Oh, I hear 'ya there!! I love fall, but as soon as the first frost threatens I scramble (and I make everyone else scramble, too!)

Thank goodness for the least they can spend a night or two in there between frosty nights and non-frosty ones.

So did they (WM) have anything particularly interesting?

I WM did have a few (fairly nice, too) Mandevillas in hanging baskets marked down to $4.00....they always seem to 'overstock' them!

Harrisburg, PA(Zone 6a)

Na, just the common ones, some diffenbachia; a group of varigated ficus(rubber trees); these plants were huge(to me).8>))

Emporia, KS(Zone 5b)

Wow...your Walmart carries Mandevillas? Ours just carries the regular old stuff like the ones senlarrs listed. We have to go an hour up into the big city to HyVee and Lowe's and such for the really cool stuff. Found a mandevilla there in April and Doug thought I was going to pass out!!! So of course he got it for me!!! lol ; ) Don't know what I'll do with it come fall, though. lol Anyone ever have any luck overwintering these in their homes?

Mandeville, LA(Zone 9a)

Not sure about mandevilla indoors. They grow outdoors year 'round here. Oh how I'm dreading the cold weather scramble. I have all of these anthuriums that have to come in and some of them have gotten so big. Everything else pretty much stays out all winter but they can't stand anything less than about 55 degrees. I drag a lot of them to work for the winter. I'm seriously looking at greenhouses. They are so expensive though!

BTW, off topic but....I'm on VACATION!!! I haven't had a day off in over three months and I'm taking two weeks off. Going nursery hopping in New Orleans tomorrow. Whoohoo! I'll just bet there's something green over there with my name on it!

Roopville, GA(Zone 7b)

wow enjoy your vacation!!!!! buy something unusual and take lots of picts. to post for us : )


Locust Grove, AR(Zone 7a)

Okay, so I'm a sucker! I came home from wally world today with a diffenbachia in a 4" pot. (Like I needed one more potted plant in the house.) I couldn't help it! It was calling my name and begging me to take it home. And then I started feeling bad for all the diffenbachias I've killed in the past.... So it's home now and I'm going to try really, really hard to keep this one alive. :-)

Lilesville, NC(Zone 7b)

i have a couple dieffenbachia and they are doing so-so...

I love them death and trying really hard not to murder them, they get new leafs an then die...I had one on my front porch in indirect sun, did not do so well, brought her in and she is doing better....overwatering is the biggest problem...they are not to sit in standing water. Saturate soil with water, and allow to drain, the topsoil should be dry before rewatering..

So i will see and I hope yours does better, Angie


Dieffenbachia do great under fluorescents in the office but I can't get one to live at home.

Good Luck with yours!


Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

I have been known to kill a few, I have two though that seem to like me. They are not growing much however are thriving.

Locust Grove, AR(Zone 7a)

Thank you all for your kind words of encouragement and helpful hints. I will try my best to keep this one alive!

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