question on boston fern

Plano, TX

I have four boston ferns that have gone crazy in their hanging pots. Can i take them out and split them to make four additional pots? If this is possible how is the best way to proceed with the splitting? It seems obvious to split in half and repot them but there is always someone who knows a secret that helps out us rookies. Thanks for all replies.

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Hi, I've had no experience with the boston fern but have sword ferns which I have treated brutally. I remove from the pots when root bound and use a drywall saw to cut in halves or quarters. Repot or put in ground, water well and stand back. As you have four, you might sacrificeone to experimentation. Do let us know... pod

Chesapeake, VA(Zone 7b)

I have 2 huge boston ferns and 2 small ones that all came from the same plant. I do exactly like podster does. I take it out of it's pot and use what ever I can to saw in half or quarters. I actually got mine started in half and then had lay it on its side and "pry" it apart with my foot. They are pretty tough. Just repot with some good soil, water well and watch it grow.

Plano, TX

Thank you both for your advice. I am planning to do it this weekend since it supposed to be a little cooler. Pdoyle- is your boston fern outside or inside and how much sun does it get? Mine are outside a get direct evening sun but are thriving as long as you keep water on them-

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Has anyone used an electric knife for this? I have seriously considered picking one up at a garage sale or flea market and trying it. Hate to sacrifice my good knife... pod

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