leaves falling off goldfish plant

Davenport, IA

This plant looks great other than the leaves are dropping off like crazy. Does anyone know what is happening? I moved it out of the window in case it was getting too much sun, but it's still dropping the leaves. Thanks.

Dunedin, FL(Zone 10b)

it might be from too much watering ..or from Pest
If you poset over in the Adrican violet and Gesneraid forum I'm sure more people will have answers. A picture helps too.

Davenport, IA

Thanks Violet, I'll try there.

Mandeville, LA(Zone 9a)

I think it's a summer thing. All of mine (& I have a lot of them) do this every summer. I just cut them back at this time and they come out nicely. The cuttings root really easily so I use them to replentish any plants that have gotten ragged looking.

Davenport, IA

Thanks NematanthusNut. I thought about cutting them back. The leaves are falling off the center of the stems, I moved it back to where I had it before. I'm hoping that helps. I didn't think it would be that different to where I had moved it. Thanks again.

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Check your plant for spider mites. If you find webbing on your plant, spray it with a solution of one quart of warm water (in a spray bottle): 1/2 tsp. of shampoo, 1/2 tsp. alcohol and 1/2 tsp. of a light cooking oil. You will need to spray every ten days for three weeks to stop their cycle.

Davenport, IA

Thanks Kay. I think I did over water it. I always think, if it has something wrong with it, give it more water. Will that spray be okay to spray on cactus do you know?

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