Flowerbed photos 5 a continuation...............

Pasco, WA(Zone 6b)

Time for a new thread before this one gets too long. Below are the threads that preceded this thread. Keep those photos coming!






Pasco, WA(Zone 6b)

Here are some daylilies that are blooming their little heads off. They are very bright and pretty, but I don't know the name of them. They were given to me a few years ago.

Thumbnail by Sherrygirl
Pasco, WA(Zone 6b)

Another shot of them from further back.

Thumbnail by Sherrygirl
Pasco, WA(Zone 6b)

And here are some Autumn Red daylilies.

Thumbnail by Sherrygirl
Pasco, WA(Zone 6b)

Some red Hollyhocks. Something is eating the leaves terribly. ;o(

Thumbnail by Sherrygirl
Pasco, WA(Zone 6b)

Here is my Hydrangea. I love the blue color in the garden.

Thumbnail by Sherrygirl
Pasco, WA(Zone 6b)

Here is a long shot of the front of the garden. There were a lot of pinks and purples in this bed. Now I'm seeing more reds and yellows.

Thumbnail by Sherrygirl
Bay, AR(Zone 7a)

I've got a couple of my front yard....
I did this daylily/rose bed last year after we cut the tree down (there's a stump in the middle) and put the arch in....

Thumbnail by gardenergail
Bay, AR(Zone 7a)

This is my "daddy" memory garden. I just got the statue yesterday.... it's sitting behind a Magnificent Dad daylily someone sent me.

Edit: Notice I gave that little fan PLENTY of room to expand!

This message was edited Jul 8, 2006 2:24 AM

Thumbnail by gardenergail
Bay, AR(Zone 7a)

And St.Francis is on the other side behind Clothed In Glory sent by the same DG friend.... 3 double fans!

Thumbnail by gardenergail
Bay, AR(Zone 7a)

I've got a garden in the back I call the Canna Garden, but there's lots of stuff in it.... it has 4 entrances and a 3-tier strawberry bed centered on one half and a stand of hollyhocks centered on the other half.

Thumbnail by gardenergail
Bay, AR(Zone 7a)

The other side of the front porch

Please ignore the shutter that's fallen off....

This message was edited Jul 8, 2006 2:39 AM

Thumbnail by gardenergail
Bay, AR(Zone 7a)

Nearing the corner, you come to the water garden bed...

Thumbnail by gardenergail
Bay, AR(Zone 7a)

Then around the corner is this fountain

Thumbnail by gardenergail
Bay, AR(Zone 7a)

View from the outside

Thumbnail by gardenergail
Bay, AR(Zone 7a)

Looking through....

Thumbnail by gardenergail
Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Gail, your garden shows how much love you have put into it. Looks like a peaceful place to pass the time.


Linden, VA(Zone 6a)

Gail, seeing your white tire gives me an idea for an alternative to the $450 blue container SalmonMe suggested for my color echo. I have a tire and some cobalt blue spray-paint-for-plastic and some new, almost white, daylilies that need planting. I think they're all going near Gen'l Sikorsky, with his almost white anthers.

I was in a NC daylily garden yesterday where she had 'Memories of Dad' that was very pretty. Do you have that one in your dad's memory garden yet?

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

I was lurking in the hosta forum one day and saw someone who loved blue so she painted her terra cotta pots blue! I thought it was a terrific idea for the budget gardener...

xxxxx, Carrie

Sherrill, NY(Zone 5a)

Dwarf Hollyhock. Japanese beetles love 'em!

Thumbnail by Mary1NYS
Bay, AR(Zone 7a)

Thank you! It is a very peaceful place for me, more and more every day.

Mickgene, that one is at the top of my wish list! I think it's Memories of Daddy, though... at least that's the only one I found on the AHS database... Gragg, '05... EM DOR DIP 7".... (Rose Emily x Wings of Chance). The reason it's at the top of my wish list is this.... I have Rose Emily and LOVE it. I bought it because my granddaughter's name is Emily and I love roses! When I was compiling my wish list and saw Memories of Daddy was a Rose Emily cross x "Wings" of Chance, I just had to have it! Haven't found one I could afford... yet. If anyone knows where I could get a start reasonably priced, please let me know. When I get it, I'm going to move some of Rose Emily to the memory garden. My stuff is so new I've just got a few fans of each. I can't wait until I have big clumps of them like y'all do!! Glad you got a good idea for your garden! And cobalt blue!! That will look really cool! I'd leave the bottom side of the tire in tact... that curved part will hold water and help cut down on watering. I cut the top-side part back. I still left a lip but I wanted to open up the top as much as possible. I'm going to have to re-work it though. It's supposed to be 3-tier but the middle and top tires have sunk down where there's not as much added height as I was going for.

carrielamont-I want you to know, GF, that I didn't get that coreopsis planted out last fall, and I struggled to keep it alive in the house all winter. I finally planted out a little bitty piece this spring and it's coming around!!! SO glad I didn't let it completely die. I saw where you were trading some more. I've got a bunch of clay pots I'm wanting to paint and I may use them as yard art... plant them half in the ground on their side with something planted at the open end kind of thing.

Mary1NYS-You should post that pic on the "color echoes" thread of the perennial forum! That pink hh and red astilbe are beautiful together!


Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Oh Gail, you could have left it outside in a pot all winter! You should have said something! All the coreopsis we have came to us this way: We bought a pot of it at a garden store and put it in a whiskey barrel that was here when we bought the house. It grew and grew. I decided it was time to split it. (Particularly since the whiskey barrel was falling apart - it made great kindling!!!) So whoever was working for me at the time (with "landscaping experience") helped me split it into two plastic pots and there was a tiny bit left over. It was too big to throw away and too small to plant. We tucked it in behind something in our first bed and waited for next year. Well, the 2 plastic pots' worth was completely dead in the spring. Entirely, utterly, not a live root between the two of them dead. But the little tuft in the other bed had become a gargantuan specimen. We get rid of at least half of it one way or another every summer, and it never gets any smaller!

xxxxx, Carrie

Bay, AR(Zone 7a)

I knew that I don't know why I didn't just put it out there, but the longer I went, the more reluctant I was. It's happy now, though, and will probably be gargantuan next year! LOL

Linden, VA(Zone 6a)

Gail, Memories of Daddy is a new intro this year. I was in Debbie Gragg's garden yesterday when I saw it. It was quite pretty, but even if I were in your situation, I'd wait until the price drops substantially.

Brockton, MA(Zone 6a)

Update on my new bed. I had to check way back to thread 4a to be sure I was in the right place, LOL.
I've put down the antique bricks, the Dahlias are 8 inches tall, the one Stella D'Oro is blooming (not today, though), the Oxalis are blooming and leafing out nicely and the Liatris is about to flower too. Even the freshly planted lawn is coming up. Everything is doing well, so far.
There should be some real color in there in a few more weeks, when the annuals fill in a bit.
Andy P

Thumbnail by Sarahskeeper
somewhere, PA

I think you are in a time warp Andy! But its a pretty one.
Terrific transformation.

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Andy, I keep forgetting you live so close! xxxxx, Carrie

Bay, AR(Zone 7a)

mickgene-yes, I will not have a choice but to wait until it comes down... : - (

Andy, the bed looks great! I really like the old bricks.

Brockton, MA(Zone 6a)

Thanks guys, there is nothing like 6 inches of rain in 2 weeks to make things grow.
Many of the old brick are badly chipped and cracked, 'rustic', lol.

Mary1NYS, those Hollyhock are extra pretty.

My Hens & Chicks are going to bloom. I've waited 50 years for this. It must be the very wet Spring.
Andy P

Thumbnail by Sarahskeeper
Bay, AR(Zone 7a)

Well, would you look at that! I didn't know they did that! Of course, the two pieces in my pot are the first I've ever had....

Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

Andy, who says patience doesn't pay off? Can't wait to see the blooms! Hens-n-chicks is a new interest of mine. Bought 2 this year. I don't have any 'antiques'. It is nice to keep a plant you are fond of. I have an nth generation of an African violet that was my great-grandmother's.


Linden, VA(Zone 6a)

My Hens and Chicks began blooming a few weeks ago. I though it was just because I'd planted them too densely that they started growing up.

Here they were a couple of weeks ago, at their peak. I think I should have been more appreciative, based on what you're saying, Andy. The ones that bloomed seem to be dying now, making room for the others. Is blooming a "swan song" for them?

Thumbnail by mickgene
Midway, TX(Zone 8b)

Mickgene I love the pot you have the hens/chicks in. Beautiful!

Bay, AR(Zone 7a)

Oh, how pretty! (and the pot, too!) did you make it yourself?

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Me too, I was amazed at the blooms and then in love with the pot.
xxxxx, Carrie

Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

Mickgene, the hen that blooms always dies, but (hopefully) there will be chicks to carry on. an interesting plant for sure. btw, I only know this from reading, not experience. I'm new to growing them and mine have not bloomed. here's my 'Ruby Heart'


Thumbnail by grampapa
Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

I really am enjoying this thread. :)

The hens n' chicks comments reminded me of a funny. Several years ago when I was newly married, just bought my first house and new nothing about gardening.....I lived next to an elderly woman that is responsible for my love of plants. We were always swapping plants and pieces of plants back and forth. One day she was standing in my drive and noticed my chicks n' hens in the rock wall. Some were blooming. She said something was wrong with them and asked what the tall ones were. So I told her those were the roosters! She had a very good laugh about it and told me I was "dirty". LOL I sure miss her now that she is gone.

somewhere, PA

That's hysterical! Roosters... LOL

Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

Badseed, how funny! Think I see how you got your name LOL


Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

I do *try* to behave myself, especially around my elders but every now and then a little bit of 'devil' sneaks out of me. My neighbor joked with me for years over the 'roosters', always shaking her head like she was disgusted but laughing the whole time.

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