i got a peace lily from my grannies funeral....

Roopville, GA(Zone 7b)

i was given a peace lily by my mother after my grannies funeral yesterday. i need advice on how to care for it. it is very special to me since it was sent by friends of my grandmothers to the funeral home. any help is so appreciated. here is a picture. it is so big and healthy.


Thumbnail by lovesdaylilies
Hometown, IL(Zone 5a)

Hi Kelly,

What a nice way to remember your grandmother.

They're pretty easy plants to keep. They like bright indirect light, and consistently moist (not wet; think damp washrag) soil. They like humidity, so a fairly deep dish or tray filled with pebbles and water is good. If you use one, just be sure to mound the gravel up in the center of the dish so that the plant is not always sitting in the water. I've had nothing but good luck with mine since I started using one. (Before you put the plant on the tray, be sure to remove the wicker pot cover!) ;D

It shouldn't need to be fertilized for awhile. When I fertilize, I use an 8-8-8 liquid, half strength, about once a month in the summer, and not at all in the winter.

I hope this helps you,


This message was edited Jul 7, 2006 3:12 PM

This message was edited Jul 7, 2006 3:13 PM

Roopville, GA(Zone 7b)

thanks so much you have been a big help!


SW, WI(Zone 4b)

Marsha's got good advice for you.

If you do use a humidity tray, you could put the 'wicker cache pot' into a clear saucer before placing it on the gravel....then you can still keep it in there if you choose to.

One thing I've noted after having several of these plants is they don't want to be fed......only repotted, even if in the same pot.

They also dislike fluoridated water and 'limey' water, and for some reason they're known to dislike soil with perlite in it....I don't recall the details on that, but I've read about it in the past.

I've been watering mine with distilled water, as our limey water seemed to lead to browning leaves.

Some people have good luck with them without the repotting and distilled water, but I've found that's what works for me.

Good luck with your keepsake, and again, so sorry about your grandmother, Kelly.

Roopville, GA(Zone 7b)

nan thanks for your advise as well. i do have flouride in my water so i will need to be careful about that.


Orlando, FL

I have some growing out in the shade and by our pool. Two different types the dwarf and the giant and I just water them every few days and not too much. I also have some in pots the dwarf. But the ones in the ground grow better and bloom better. No special care. Of course they wont live if it freezes there but you could dig them up in the winter. Fran
Sorry about your granmother passing away.

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