oops! What can I do to fix this?

Binghamton, NY(Zone 5a)

I bought some plants without realizing that they won't live through the winter here (zone 5). I like them both, a butterfly weed and several caladiums that I got for color in the shade garden. Can I pot them up and expect them to survive the winter in the house? I have a big south facing window, and could put them both there. I would just make them into house plants, not put them outside again. What do you think?

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I think people do grow Caladiums as houseplants so those may be OK, never heard of anyone growing Asclepias as a houseplant though. It might be fine, but at the very least I doubt if it'll get enough light inside the house to get it to bloom again, so if you like it for its foliage you could maybe keep it that way, but if you want to see it bloom I would try bringing it in for the winter but then put it outside again next year when the weather warms up if it makes it through the winter in the house.

Emporia, KS(Zone 5b)

I've had caladiums survive the winters as houseplants- they go dormant, though- you'd have to stop watering them. And they take forever coming back in the Spring. Never tried the butterfly weed. I'd say it'd be worth trying, but isn't it a full sun plant?

Good luck!

Emporia, KS(Zone 5b)

lol Wow...sorry...posted a second after you...you said everything I was thinking!! lol

The Heart of Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

The butterfly weed can make seeds & you can save them for planting the following year or trade them for something else.:)
The caladiums should come back. Just let it die down & don't water it til spring. In spring set it out on some concrete that get s abit of sunshine. water once real good & wait for growth to appear. I have kept a few this way for a long time.



SW, WI(Zone 4b)

Hey, MsC.....do you set it on the concrete to warm the roots?
Good point...something I'd never thought of!! Thanks!

The Heart of Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

Yep, Nan... I did it with my African Mask too. They take forever to come back up, but that helped alot!


Tucson, AZ(Zone 9a)

I kept my african mask on a heat mat in a south facing window all winter last year. It looked a little puny toward the end of winter, but it survived and never went completely dormant. I may do the same with my ZZs if they aren't too big by the time it gets cold out.

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