
Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

Just got this lovely plant a few weeks ago. They say it's a 'self-cleaning' plant. I'm looking for some seeds, but where???

Circleville, OH(Zone 8b)

Hey tiG

Send it over here and I'll let it self clean my house as I am not getting any thing else done. LOL

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

LOL!!! why didn't I think of that!!!

Milford, CT(Zone 6a)

If that's the case I had better get one too...what can I gardens look great but my house, well, that's another story LOLOL!!!

Lol, know whatcha mean'''I have to confess my gardens far outweigh my home for the "tidyness" test' I just tell anyone who has the "guts" to come in that we're "remodeling",Lol

I have a clipping from an old Ann Landers'article where a person wrote that if she had to do it all over again"wouldn't have plastic on the furniture,wouldn't have worried about the stain on the carpet,would have asked friends over anyways,it goes on and on,really makes ya think where our "priorities" are,doesn't it??????? Right''

For me life's too short to chase "dust bunnies"lol Just give me wide open spaces''''See ya,sis''


Angellonia does produce seeds but needs a very warm climate the majority of the time to do so. The best form of propigation is through cuttings for those of us in zones which don't have the weather for it.

You never know you may be lucky but I would suggest that you protect the plant during the winter.

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

Baa, it's plenty warm here now:) I read that's it's a perennial, but couldn't find much at all on it. That's why I was hoping to save seeds.

While I'm not suggesting you won't get seeds I am suggesting not to count chickens LOL. I'd love it if you could get seeds I've never been able to get it to set them even when its been grown in the greenhouse all summer.

Ok some info on this great container plant:

A member of the Scrofulariaceae family (foxglove and figwort) is a subshrub which comes from South America.

Angelonia angustifolia comes from Mexico, other species from as far south as Brazil. They are hardy in Zone 9 and above. It has great heat tolerance and really flowers well in the hottest part of the summer. Where there are frosts in the area its best grown as a summer bedding annual. In no way is it frost hardy, its quoted lowest survival temp is 50 F (RHS). Any cool temps will check its growth, particularly in the early stages.

Height ranges amongst the species usually from 6 inches to 3 ft, A. angustifolia (most nursery sold Angelonias are this species) is about 1-2ft at the most, and can spread to about 2 ft.

Likes full sun and moist well drained soils and enjoys a feed once every 4 weeks in growing season.

Propigation by softwood cuttings or seeds which should you get them should be sown in Spring and germinates best at temperatures of 75 degrees and usually germinate at around 4 weeks after sowing.

Tends to be prone to aphids and occasionally mildew.

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

Thanks so much!!!! I'll try cuttings as the summer ends! If I get seeds, the first ones have your name on them.

Cave Spring, GA(Zone 7a)

I got an Angelonia this spring too, and it's been a great plant. It has bloomed all summer with little purple blooms. Thanks for letting us know that it can be propagated by softwood cuttings.

west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Any one know where to get the seeds for angelonia? Saw some growing in Houston in dead of summer, looking great so they must be good for this climate!


It really is much easier to buy a plant or obtain a cutting. Seeds of Angelonia are rarely sold.

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Searching thru these old threads and I came across this one.

After a year of growing this plant, I have harvested quite a bit of seed ~ all three colors. And, I have had no difficulty with aphids, mildew etc. I find this an easy and delightful summer bloomer.

As I have not started from seed yet, does anyone have any pointers there?

What I have found is do not cover seed with soil. Lightly spray with water.

Thumbnail by podster

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