
Hi! In May I got few Lampranthus conspicuus. They were in bloom and looked great. But two weeks later they stopped blooming and now they look sad. What should I do? I would love to see them in bloom again, possibly this year? It's the beginning of the summer here. Please help!

Valley Village, CA

Plants flower in cycles, so don't be disappointed. Try giving them new soil, once the head of this plant flowers it won't flower again until next year. It's like a apple tree, flowers in the spring, sets fruit and then we harvest.

Valley Village, CA

Fertilize, you may want to cut off the tips to force new growth and thus new flowers. They get woody and I think this might benefit them. Crasulady

I agree with Norma, they are most likely seasonal bloomers. I have Lampranthus that bloom in Spring as well as at other times of the year. Mostly I see them in nurseries labeled only with the flower color. I bought a six pack labeled gold, and it is now putting out a few flowers, so perhaps now is its blooming season.

Mesembs are a very interersting and huge (!!) group of plants. Various species bloom at just about any time of the year. But, I have learned they are gourmet deer food. The deer left my entire collection alone except for the few mesembs, which they found and ate. That would be OK but one of them was my 'Cosmic Cube'!!*

*That's a really special cv. of faucaria.

Valley Village, CA

Okay, Jon, if you promise to keep the deer away, I'll send you one. Raise your right hand and make that promise, no fair crossing your fingers behind you back. Crasulady
Remember to send me your address

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