is it too early???

Lilburn, GA

to sow perennials for next year? I am planning on doing it now so I have bigger plants next spring.
thank you for the advice

west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I sure hope not Anna because I'm about to start doing the same thing.

Lilburn, GA

what are you planning on sowing, Debbie?

west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I was thinking on shasta daisies (those double kind--I think called painted ladies? or something like gulf coast penstamon (a native here--not sure how far south you are), hollyhock so it will bloom next year, echinacea magnus (not cold enought last winter--they all died), a couple of perennial vines (dutchman's pipe and roving sailor), and just to really aggravate myself because I'm sure I'll fail but I have the time now and not in Sept: some delephiniums from the meditteranean that are supposed to like heat and some gladiolus also from the med region look like Byzantine Glads. I'd have to go find my seed pkts for the exact variety on those last 2.

Lilburn, GA

O no Debbie, you will not fail. I sowed some perennials in March (when the weather was already hot here) and they are all growing strong. Even the echinaceas that are supposed to need a cold period to germinate, did well without it.

You can always sow a bit and keep a bit for later.

west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I know they will all work except the delphiniums--never tried them this early. Daisies do really well planted at the end of Aug where they can grow a bit before cold. Then they bloom like crazy in the spring.

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