Autumn rose Sage bloom time?? mine doing nothing

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

i have autumn rose sage planted...gotten bigger looks this the time they should be blooming??

Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

I'm in a diff part of the country but same zone. All of mine are blooming, despite the insane weather pattern.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

I really think they should be blooming you think deer or something else could be eating the top? Just a guess.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I don't have this one, but I had a couple other fall-blooming salvias, and based on the name I'm assuming this is also supposed to be a fall bloomer, and mine usually didn't start blooming until later in the year, August or September. My climate's completely different than yours though.

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

nothing is eating mine...BUT, i am wondering if they are getting enuf sun......or too much water??...and this is the first year....could all of those things cause them not to bloom.?? the tag said part shade....and they only get about 3 hours of sun.....i am wondering if i should move them to a bed with more sun?? or just let them be this year and see what happens next?? they are over a foot tall now....look fairly healthy except for browning on the edges of the leaves....i think my sprinkler system might be watering these cause the bed is staying moist....

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

you could move some to more sun and keep the rest where they are...hedge your bets. Are these considered a perennial where you are? If so maybe they wait awhile to bloom (later in the summer). Here we use them as a reseeding annual..and so we buy them already started.

Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

After your last post, I would think that your plants are getting too little sun and maybe too much water. Since it's almost July though, I'm unsure if I would suggest transplanting any this summer. Maybe you could make note of your observations and move them in early fall or early spring next year.

Some of my sages are perennials here and I'm zone 6b/7a (they're up against a south facing wall). Others that are more dispensable are treated like annuals and are not 'protected' during winter. If I collect seed then I will begin my own in my greenhouse. Otherwise, I will buy a few in the spring. Sages are wonderful and I feel they're worthy of garden space on my property!

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

they are considered a perennial..(i think)..suppossedly they die back and then come out next year...almost like a lantana...again, my gardening skills are still learning and so am not the brightest star in the sky.....

as for moving them, i am still not sure...i hate to move but will if i start losing any....they are very strong andn green...just no blooms

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

I think I'd wait.

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

i may just do that....maybe i will messenger them and see what happens....

in the mean time i am planting stuff like a fool....our local nursey has all their perennials on sale for 1.25 ......and i really have no experience with perennials prior to this year so i am having to research buy and then plant!!!! yehaw!!!!

Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

If you keep paying attention to your plants, you will catch any 'ailments' early. Glad you've been bitten by the perennial-bug. As you know, it's contagious. LOL

Today, my local nursery began their annual sale w/ 50% off of everything. I was there at 8 and the traffic was awful. I had to park in an adjacent lot! I found plenty of plants that I didn't have: 3 DLs, an Astilbe, a tall phlox, a clematis, 2 Jap. Beech ferns, a wonderful false cypress, a spirea, a small spruce, and a Jap Maple. All for $110 and well worth the trip through plant-lover traffic! :-)

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

lynn doesn't it feel good to get that stuff at a bargin??....i just love it...

i just got back from mine and they said only 2 more weeks and they are i got some more mexican heather and some tobacco plants...and a bunch more stuff i have to research so i can go back for them 1.00 perennials....whoo hoo

Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

I really went WAY over-budget this year. (But since I don't have to report the expenses to any CEO, I'm still

If your tobacco plant is Nicotiana, it's an annual, not a perennial. I don't know what Mexican heather is.....

Can you post some pics of your plants and/or gardens?

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

oh is just ruined my whole day.(grin)...i guess i have to research better.....oh well......

as for my stuff...i am just a will not be impressed....but here is the link:

what about us some!!!!

ps i am not getting this link to work right...i hope it does right for you....

west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Mine never bloom much in the summer--they bloom when it gets cooler: late autumn (Nov), thru the winter, until about April...then they just sit there until it cools off. I could take you a picture but it would be pretty boring without the blooms.

Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

I think you're doing alot of growing for a 'beginner'. We all have to start somewhere, and the best teachers are personal experience.

You have a good eye for color combos and I like how your containers have been put together. I'd have never thought of putting basil with coleus, and your planting looks so very good!! (Oh, and you have cute doggies....)

Here's a pic of a portion of my front garden bed (taken about an hour ago in sun). The lilies blooming in the foreground are called Italia. Other plants: Echinacea, Daylilies, Peonies, Hostas, Iris, Plum tree, Viburnum.

Thumbnail by LynnCanGrowIt
Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

This is another section of my front garden. The photo is blurred, but I only snapped one picture. (Sorry!!) Plants are mostly shade-tolerant ones. They include iris, daylily, pelargonium, hosta, bergenia, astilbe, primrose, hardy geranium.

Thumbnail by LynnCanGrowIt
Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a) are what i aspire to be....but it is years away.....i only started last year....then hubbie decided to put a sprinkler sytem in so all of a sudden i had to landscape a flowerbed....i wasn't planning on doing that till next year....then i have the challenge of pretty much all shade(this is just in my front yard, my back yard is bare) trying to landscape with shade loving is really challenging.....

i still am trying to decide whether or not to add a flowerbed due to these autumn rose that i stupid to add a flower bed due to 4 plants....i really love these and would like to see them bloom, but to dig a flower bed just cause of them is not since i am not having a breakthru with regards to what i will put in that bed....i think i am NOT going to dig it and see what the autumn sage does without moving it.....

now moving back to my back yard....i am having to add everything...that is where the 1.00 perennial sale comes in....i am filling a complete bed with perennials; that way i can justify spending money that i shouldn't be spending this year....(i have already spent so much on the other beds and containers)...

anyway, thanks for being an inspiration and one of these years mine will be flowing like yours...(hopefully) grin:)

Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

This growing area is behind my greenhouse. The landscaping bricks actually serve as a retaining wall for tons of soil, gravel fill, and the greenhouse (and goodies inside). Having the area around the greenhouse meant another growing area (translation: a little perimeter garden). LOL

Plants include: dianthus crimsoniana, achillea, salvia, echinacea, daylilies, and morning glories that haven't climbed very high yet. There are some irises and gladiolus to the left, just out of view. A gorgeous delosperma is just to the right, starting to ramble down the bricks.

Thumbnail by LynnCanGrowIt
Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

And I'll finish with a little Platycodon, Dwarf. I started these seeds last year. A few of them are tucked right up to the front entry into my greenhouse. They're late to surface in the season, but worth the wait! I love that little purple blossom!

Thumbnail by LynnCanGrowIt
Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

lovely...i love the bed with astlibe.....i had grown astlibes in my sunroom this winter....they looked bad so i thru them away...i could kill myself now...but i love them with the color ....but mine were are so lucky to have a greenhouse...i bought a hobby greenhouse for this year to see if it will help me and if i will really use it ...(DURRR)so that i can get a REAL one ....

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a) can grow!!! i hope to be like you one day!!!

Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

You're quite fortunate to have a sprinkler, and if you've already dug your bed and started your garden, then you're all set for next year. From where I sit, you're ahead of yourself! (Remember to look at gardening as a process because it is never-ending......)

A shady area is a wonderful way to start gardening!! One of the benefits of shade is that colors don't fade as easily as if they were in full sun.

When I moved to my place 19 years ago, there was nothing planted on the couple of acres that were "lawn". The back acreage is all wooded with a stream, and it was a sharp contrast to have bare "lawn" (actually, it was pasture land where a family built a home). But the "lawn" acreage was so boring that I had to start gardening. I had lousy soil, terrible drainage problems, and such an abundance of shale that I should've considered mining the stuff! To add to that, there was a semi-circular driveway that had to go, too.....Sometimes, you just roll up your sleeves and get-to-work! But it has been a great joy to garden and grow vegetables and flowers and bushes and.....eventually, the property started to look like there were gardens. Imagine that.


Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

Wow, it's great that you have a GH, too! You'll love having it around and by next winter, you'll be starting some of your own plants! I'll have to share some seeds with you. The dianthus in the picture above is not difficult to grow from seed (and there are abundant seeds that have been set). They have been blooming for over a month now. Since it's a species, the plants will come true from the seeds, so if you'd like some, I'll hold some back for you.

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

well yours is lovely....i am so thankful for the desire to do keeps me going....we have very windy conditions here and warm temps...but your right at least i have the sprinkler system...and thank god for the trees...that adds some coolness in an otherwise desert atmosphere....

Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

Pretty soon, you'll be addicted to plant-growing....Here's one side of my GH. Can you say, "Fill 'er up!" ??? ;-)

Thumbnail by LynnCanGrowIt
Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

What part of TX are you located in? We were in TX about a month ago.....took a month-long RV trip into AZ, UT, and CO. We stayed at Palo Duro Canyon and a few other places. I really enjoyed the Canyon a great deal.

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

so kind of you and your dianthus....i would love some!!! thank for growing my own, well, i am already doing cuttings of coleus getting ready for the winter....then i have already started seeds and they are actually growing in my flower beds....still don't have cuttings from things like lantana, autumn rose sage, etc.....cant get that down...they never grow roots and people say they are easy...and i can't do it....have tried 2 times with polka dot plants....again, rooting in water isn't i don't know what i am doing wrong....

i am doing my first 5 roses and they are growing!!! and my geranium cuttings that i have been doing since december are doing great also!!! anyway, so much fun....nice talking to you;)

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

is your green house a hoop house??

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

we are about 2 hours from palo duro lubbock....unfortunately we have flat flat flat land...; i love the wooden plant hangers you have in your green house

Crosbyton, TX(Zone 7a)

did you love ariz?? i lived there for 3 yrs ....i also lived in utah for 2 yrs....don't remember alot about it ...but i loved ariz

Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

Maybe the lantana and sage should be grown in a soil-less medium instead of trying to root them in water. I've never tried either.

Excellent that you've accomplished as much as you have. Kudos on the roses!! Heh're already in 'trouble'.....heh heh....

I have a Juliana GH. The GH has a steel base on an aluminum frame and it's set up with polycarb walls. It goes year round, so I have water, a heater, misting system, and cooling system for summer. It's filled w/ orchids, and I start annuals, propagate previously grown annuals (petunias, coleus, geranium, etc). Vege seedlings are also started. I've grown mini tomatoes, too, and it was a novelty to eat home grown 'maters in February. What a kick that was!

Send me a dmail w/ your name and address for seeds....and some more goodies.

Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

Okay, yes....Lubbock....Flat is right!! (Tornado zone, too!!!)

The wooden boxes are built for hanging types of orchids, so they can be purchased at some of the orchid nurseries.

In AZ, we went to the Painted Desert (which I loved, loved, loved!!!). We were heading over to Oak Creek Canyon to do some hiking (near Sedona), but the park was anti-dogs, and we had our Golden Retrievers with us. So....we left (but saw all of the cattle-crossing warning signs at the park gates and scratched our heads). We promptly travelled into and out of Sedona. The next destination was the North Rim of the Grand Canyon where we stayed a few days.

I was completely in love with Utah. As soon as we left Fredonia, AZ and were inside UT a mile or two, we saw green vegetation and then started seeing water -- streams and small creeks were abundant. And then there was red.....Southern Utah is a photographer's dream-come-true! In UT, we went to Zion, Bryce Canyon, the Escalante, Capital Reef, and Canyonlandsand up into Moab.

How awesome is THIS?! (It's in Bryce, and you can see part of the GC and the Painted Desert from this vantage point. Did you get to Bryce?)

Thumbnail by LynnCanGrowIt

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