New England-Maine Lilies

Lisbon, IA(Zone 5a)

Very nice. :) Mainiac, how long have you been collecting lilies?


Poland, ME

I've been collecting lilies for about five or six years. But I am now downsizing them a bit. Too many!

Lisbon, IA(Zone 5a)

So are you just getting rid of multiple duplicates, or just ones that displease you in general? Are you getting specific in what you collect?

I have a real hard time getting rid of stuff that doesn't perform. I tend to want to baby everything. I'm trying to get over that. :)


Poland, ME

Eliminating duplicates and varieties I don't care for. For example I have too many White Lace. A couple extra Dancing Eyes. Many Nepal and some others that have multiplied like Iowa Rose. Money is tight this year. I may sell them on an auction.

Poland, ME

Sweet Home

Thumbnail by Mainiac
Poland, ME


Thumbnail by Mainiac
Poland, ME

Dew Drop

Thumbnail by Mainiac
Poland, ME


Thumbnail by Mainiac
Poland, ME

A garden favorite. Connecticut King

Thumbnail by Mainiac
Poland, ME

Merrymaker. Not a particularly good pic. Nice red

Thumbnail by Mainiac
Poland, ME

Dr. Yu

Thumbnail by Mainiac
Poland, ME


Thumbnail by Mainiac
Poland, ME


Thumbnail by Mainiac
Poland, ME

Tiger Babies

Thumbnail by Mainiac
South China, ME(Zone 5a)

Gorgeous lilies Mainiac! You must have numbers somewhere in the hundreds!!!

Poland, ME

Yes, hundreds. Gotta cull some of them out. Make room for more daylilies! Growing lilies in Maine is tough. Between the rain and fog and red lily beetle, I find daylilies easier to grow. I have a lot of LOST TAGS, if you know what I mean. I have been trying to ID a lot this week while I am on vacation.

Poland, ME

Suncrest blooming this AM after three plus inches of rain

Thumbnail by Mainiac
Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Hi maniac--I just found this picture thread and am thoroughly enjoying your lily show. You have quite a collection!

Poland, ME

Hope to get back to posting some this weekend. Just plain busy taking pictures!

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

Black Beauty ~ Front

Thumbnail by pixie62560
South China, ME(Zone 5a)

Back view: I love how they curl!

Thumbnail by pixie62560
South China, ME(Zone 5a)


Thumbnail by pixie62560
Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

ll your beautiful lilies with us. i'm enjoying the show. i too had around 250 lilies and in the winter of 2004-2005 voles came to my gardens. i had no idea what they were but come spring and i couldn't find my lilies and other plants either disappeared or just a bit of root was left, i got on dg and found out i had voles. so i'm down to about 75 lilies now and i've planted a few new ones with a couple of different types of vole deterrants and so far so good.
i can relate to the work of spraying for the beetles and the borytis etc.... i have to spray twice for the beetles because they show up when the lilies are about 1/2 grown, then some more show up when they are just forming there buds. if i wasn't so in love with them, i wouldn't have any in my gardens but.................the lilium bug his before the lily beetle did. :-) so i'm hooked.
thanks for sharing ...........more....more thank you for sharing a......:-)
debi z and franklin

Southern, WI(Zone 5a)

Mainiac your lilies are lovely. Thank you for sharing them. One of my favorites is Tinos. The color combo is just beautiful. Very unique.

This message was edited Jul 29, 2006 10:11 PM

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