dog poo

Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Good for you Susan!
I tried to report a neighbor to the "cruelty to animals" people once - these people had a beautiful black and white Great Dane - a huge dog named Scotch - and left him chained up in the backyard with wet, dirty food and no dry place to lie down. He had sores on his feet from the wet yard and stepping in his own feces. He was so skinny! They said I needed 5 neighbors to sign...(!!!) Nobody would sign as this guy was a famous basketball player and people were nervous about signing. Scotch would get loose periodically and come down to my house and I would take him back.

The wife actually refused to come to the door one time to take him and I threatened to chain him up to her Jaguar bumper. That got her out. She claimed it was not her dog. It was her "husband's dog". He was always very nice when he happened to be home but refused any advice on caring for the dog. I already had a Great Dane - Violet - and could not offer to take Scotch.

I just do not understand people...

Evans, GA(Zone 7b)

Spider07, I have been reading through the thread and I really feel for you. Nothing worse than having an abusive neighbor. Unfortunately, you are the outsider and he has the advantage of knowing the area and people better. I would advise trying to find other sympathetic neighbors - plus getting the Neighborhood Assoc. on your side. Good luck and keep us updated.

Decatur, GA(Zone 7a)

Hey, the dog of the basketball player is food for the local paper. If you can't get an actual reporter, at least you can print something in the paper youself. (What is that section called - the Vent!) How embarrassing! Espeically what the wife said! lol

Lilburn, GA

that is a great idea!

Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

Oh gosh yes.. I'd be taking pictures and blogging all about it! :) Is he still there and have the dog Sterling?

Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

This was several years ago and they moved so it is too late now. What a good idea! I wish I had thought of it then!

I just remembered it with this thread. I was so upset that I could do nothing for that poor animal. But I'll tell you this - that wife's expression when I told her I was going to chain Scotch to her Jaguar bumper was priceless. The garage doors were up, she would not come to the door and I did have him on a chain and I would really have had no other choice. He was a sweet dog, poor thing.

Great idea - I will remember it!

Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

I'm proud of you Sterling! I've played the image in my mind and I love it!!

I LOVE strong women!!!!!!


Jonesboro, GA(Zone 7b)

I have a friend in NJ that told me of a man that used to let his dog do his business everyday in her front yard - he even had it on a leash. She got tired of it and made a cardboard "Gravestone". On it she painted - RIP = Here Lies the last Dog That Pooped in my yard! It stopped immediately - She heard him say - Not in that yard, and just pulled his dog on to another yard!

Lilburn, GA


Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

OMG!! I LOVE IT!! I might have to steal it!!



Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

Here is a recipe from Jerry Baker for getting dogd to leave your yard alone...2 cloves of garlic 2 small onions 1 jalapeno pepper 1 tsp of cayene pepper 1 tsp ot tabasco sauce 1 tsp of chili powder 1 quart of warm water. Chop the garlic onions and pepper finely and combine all of the ingredients. Let it sit for 24 hours, then sprinkle it on the areas where dogs are a problem.
I am sorry you have an idiot for a neighbor. Perhaps praying for his enlightenment would help. Some people are just so lonely and mad at the world that they take it out on everyone around would be terrible to be them! Take care!
I hope things get better and maybe this recipe will discourage the dog as well.

Smyrna, GA

Posted Jul 27, 2006 10:28 PM
Hi all, I have the same problem only perhaps worse nobody is home to witness or stop my neighbor. I live in a townhome community with no fensing and have a decent patch of garden I work on regularly. I have tried everything I can but cannot stop a nuisance of a neighbour from allowing his dog to poo in my yard. The more I complain against then the worse they get. Nobody is home during the day and by now he allows his dog to use my yard several times a day! More so to annoy me I suspect.

JanetS posted a recipe in an earlier post. Is this is for real I am willing to try it out.


Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

Yes, the recipe is found in Jerry Baker's Garden Secrets, a book I purchased several years ago. You may want to give it a wouldn't hurt and may work!

Thomson, GA

Not sure that recipe would work on my dog... sounds like a lot of what I cook and she's always begging at the table!! (Only DH dares to feed her from the table, not me, oh no.) LOL.

Lilburn, GA

thank you Janet!

Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

no problem, maybe it willhelp deter the dog if not the mean man..

Smyrna, GA

The dried hot pepper or black pepper and JanetS's recipe seem to be worth a shot. I just thought of this... since I live in a townhouse, my garden patch is mall and mostly consists of a few flower beds. I water it regularly, every other day now, because of the watering restriction. How will this effect my plan to sprinkle pepper or the garlic rich recipe over the flower bed? I would think the ground would either be damp or about to get a soaking.

Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

I would think it would be in the soil so it would still be good...also another page suggested dusting cayenne powder in and around where you want to keep them away...I know you get the very large cayene pepper spice at the dollar stores here, so maybe after you water you could dust a little where you want it and it would stick to the foilage better...anyway, good luck!

Smyrna, GA


Lakeland, FL(Zone 9b)

I had that happen to me a few times so i took a shovel scooped it up and rang there door bell when they opened the door i tossed it in side and said your dog left this behind in my yard and i walked off they never let there dog in my yard again Paul

Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

Go fitting!

Marietta, GA

This thread is very interesting! I am having similar problem, but with a dog walking alone. We moved into GA a month ago, and I already know most of my neighbours. (Wow! What a contrast with South Florida!) So, I know that the dog is not from our street. It came several times around, mostly at night. Yesterday I saw it walking away from my garage!

The problem is, I am afraid of dogs. I am terrified! I get paralyzed from fear when a dog comes to sniff me, or worse, tries to play with me. Dog owners usually don't understand that there is a problem. "Oh, he doesn't bite!" , or "Oh, he is such a sweet harmless thing!" When the dogs are on a leash, I can just keep away from them. But having one come to my back door is just too much! Shold I call Animal control if I don't know where the dog comes from?

Lilburn, GA

Does he wear a collar with a tag? If so, animal control can catch him and call his owner. They should get fined for letting his dog go out on his own.

I could give them a call and explain the situation.

Thomson, GA

zdravets, I feel your pain. All my life I have never been afraid of dogs, no matter what kind or temperment. Then last year my neighbor's dog, a 150# Rottweiler, bit me during an attack on my dog, who was on a leash. The scary part is, this dog likes me! Now, I find myself afraid of any strange dog that shows even territorial tendancies. It is not a fun feeling. I live out in the country and there are no leash laws out of the city limits, so we don't have any way to control strays. I am SURE there are leash laws in Marietta. Who knows, the dog may be lost and turning him in may help him return to his family. But you should not have to live in fear in your own home.

Marietta, GA

I don't think he wears a collar. I have not seen him in the last two days. I will call the animal control next time it comes.

Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

I have a friend in Gwinnett county who has a stray dog in his neighborhood. It hangs around his house because the neighbors on either side sometimes feed it. Animal control told him to come get this huge cage, trap the dog and they would come get it "when they could". Oh, yeah...

There was a really big, blonde, shaggy dog that belonged to a neighbor - the dog would run towards you all bristled up with teeth showing and they would say "Oh she won't hurt you - she's a darling". I hate it when people say that about a dog who is snarling with it's ruff up.

I always carried a broom handle to get my mail. Lots of "What a pretty dog! Aren't you a sweetie!" to her. She gradually stopped running at me but I carried the broom handle for a long time. People from 3 blocks away complained and nothing was done. Our county (DeKalb) HAS a leash law but these people insisted she liked to run, and the county did nothing, The owners finally moved and everyone was happier. You have my sympathy!

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

RE: There was a really big, blonde, shaggy dog that belonged to a neighbor - the dog would run towards you all bristled up with teeth showing and they would say "Oh she won't hurt you - she's a darling". I hate it when people say that about a dog who is snarling with it's ruff up.


I'm an English Bulldog breeder and I've taken in strays and rescues for 40 years which included 5 pits at the same time, so I've totally "gone to the dogs", but ... if I was on my property and a dog did that to me, I'd shoot it, come what may. Might I suggest you use a video camera to record this behavior and turn it over to the police.

Husband and I once went to take pictures of 3 dogs a man wanted to give away. The person led me to believe he had raised these dogs; otherwise I would not have been so trusting. The two females got into a snit over my husbands attention and started to fight. The male thought the humans were hurting the females and went to their defense. Cutting to the chase... the male dog mauled my leg because it is skinny and fit in his mouth, before the owner was able to beat him off with a golf club. Multiple bites and compressed tissue required an ER visit. After 6 months I was able to walk, but it was a year before I was able to walk without pain.

I'm of the opinion that if a dog shows aggression toward a human in a non- threatening situation, it should be "put down".

If you were on their property and the dog was being protective of his owners that is a totally different situation. Here I go again... if one of my dogs showed aggression after I told it "NO" then I would have to really give thought to the situation, ask my vet to evaluate the dog, etc. and would probably "put it down" if we could not discover a reason for it being aggressive. Human life is very dear.


Lawrenceville, GA

I have a neighbor who lives around the cul-de-sac from me who walks her dear little min pin a couple times a day. After cleaning dookie a couple times, staking plants up that he'd knocked over and digging up things he'd whizzed on and killed, I stood in my garage and waited for her to come down the road. I watched as she led him to my flower bed at the end of my driveway and waited for him to do his biz. As his leg went up, so did my garage door. I told her "lady, I don't let my dogs in your yard, I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't let yours in mine."
She now leads him away from my flower bed when they go on their stroll.

Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

What's new with your original situation? Just curious!

Atmore, AL(Zone 8b)

I just started reading this thread this morning. It sounds like the real issue here is not the dog poop, but rather a neighbor who finds excuses not to like other people. His excuse this time is the fact that you are from England. He knew from the beginning that his dog shouldn't be pooping in your yard but allowed it to happen to prove his point. Unfortunately it sounds like you have an old fashioned bully for a neighbor. He probably dislikes many different types of people. I wouldn't back down to him. Once he knows that you are not intimidated, he will move on. It is close minded people like him that give southerners a bad name.

I know this little old lady that kept having a certain dog poop in her yard and she bagged it up and put it on the owners front steps. They thought she wouldn't do anything because she's a "little old lady", but she proved them wrong and the poop in her yard came to a stop.

Lilburn, GA


Escambia, i sent him a polite letter and he came here shouting abuse and obsenities.l If i sent his dog's poop back he would shoot me!

Janet, he still comes with his dog ( now on a leash) but he still lets him do his business at the edge of my lawn.

Atmore, AL(Zone 8b)

Oh' no, I don't recommend doing that. I just thought I would share that funny story.

Have you considered a picket fence?

Lilburn, GA


I am not allowed to put fences here. :o(

I talked to animal control and they said that they would send him a letter.

But.... i would love to see his face opening a bag full of his dog's poop!!!

Spider, I still think it would be even better if you could get a whole gang of neighbors to go with you, you carrying a lovely bag (make sure it's a pretty gift bag) of the dog poop. He opens his door, and you just all hand him the bag and stare him down.


Lilburn, GA


I don't know the neighbours, just say hello to two of them. He knows everyone as he has been living here for 25 years. :o(

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