dog poo

Brisbane, Australia(Zone 10a)

Dear Spider07 - I am so sorry that you had to endure that type of abuse. That man is really beyond words. I think that you should also report the incident to the home owners association. Some type of poop scoop regulation would probably benefit the entire community.

Lilburn, GA

thank you lovely peeps.

The police woman lady that came asked him to keep away from us and the property.

The vice president of the homeowners association saw the incident as she lives near. she also advised us to call the police.

Thank you for the tips and encouragement everyone. you are a wonderful bunch!

Thomson, GA

Spider07 - What a poor excuse of a man. I am so sorry ( and embarrassed) that any GA male would behave in such a manner. He deserves whatever he gets. Pets are a blessing and a responsibility. He probably let his kids run around like heathens, as well! I feel so fortunate we live in a very rural area, and have an acre fenced for my neverending vacuum killing ball of fur, but I still find strange dog poop in my flower beds every morning. There is no leash law in the County (there is in the city limits) and some folks around here still think it's cruel to keep a dog fenced in. (These are the same folks that keep burying their dogs and getting new pups.)

Good luck, keep your chin up and keep us posted!

Decatur, GA(Zone 7a)

Oh, Anna, I'm so proud of you for calling the police to that creep! You are such a tiny little thing. I can't imagine why in the world that jerk would yell at you so much that it would make you cry. I'm sure he has no friends in the world, the old codger. Be sure and keep that police number handy if he decides to visit again today. Remember, he's been officially warned.


Warner Robins, GA(Zone 8a)

I have a question, who actually thinks dog poo is fertilizer? Whenever I found it on my lawn, it used to kill the grass around it!

Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

Yikes!! I just read through this thread and was wondering if you had done anything as I read through........ I'm so sorry that happened to you.. At least now the POLICE have told him to stay off your property.. You are much to proper and polite.. You need a good old dose of southern crazy woman in you!! :)

I now take Sterlings aproach.

I have 400 feet to one side of streetside woods and pine straw that I maintain since the absentee owner does not.. that's a whole nother story... and on the other side I have another absentee builder/invester empty lot property owner, but of course he has weeds and junipers and those doggies wont go on a juniper......And past that yard is a property where the landlord has already told the renter he was keeping the security deposit for the yard and property clean up he paid to have done last year and now it is just right back where it was........I have absolutely beautiful, cared for zoysia. Behind the first 13 feet of grass I have a ten foot wide bed divided by an 180 foot long picket fence and the entire front bed is planted. It looks like someone who cares lives there!!!!!!!! Cars slow to see it! My OWN dog is trained to go in the back yard and pine isle sides and not on the zoysia!! THIS DRIVES ME NUTS when dog walkers have so much wide open space to use and their dogs prefer the soft feel of my grass and they let them go there... Last year I called a neighbor and asked her to please stop letting her dog go in my yard as my kids were stepping in poo and I'd had about enough of cleaning it off their shoes... She was hugely insulted and insisted that she bagged it (NOT!!) and then I said well the pee burns my grass... Silence....., and she let me know that OTHER dog walkers were just as responsible, to which I told her I would address them, but could she please stop adding to the I personally know of no other local mother of a 3 & 5 year old that works her tail off as much trying to make a home paradise as beautiful.

Just recently, I had to come out and call to two women that ALWAYS let their leashed dogs on my grass and up to my beds... I had given them home grown watermelons the year before, so I remembered their names and knew where they lived. I politely yelled from the front door if they wouldn't mind taking their dogs to the woods to go since my kids step in it and it drives me nuts having to clean it off and she held up that famous bag and said, "oh we pick up".. to which I told her the urine burns my grass and she just looked at me and said "yea??" like whats the big deal and I said "YEA" Like I CARE!! Well, I haven't seen them walking on my street lately, but I did take a drive by their homes and it dawned on me........... everyone has different standards and levels of what is important to them and they are clueless about others cares and concerns!!!! Both of them live in million dollar + homes that have been built in the last 10 years and both of them have the worst peed on, dead spotty lawns and no gardens!!!!!!! it all made sense... They don't care about theirs, so they figure nobody else should either............... My home is 36 years old, but the garden says I care!!

Spider... I know you have already sent the note and I'm sorry he's crazy... I too had an old man neighbor come yell at me when I cleaned poison ivy and kudzu off MY fence that was coming off his property... He's got a hefty trash sack that's been stuck to his front door for the last 10 years and he got mad at me for as he put it "distroying the birds habitat" I'm convinced his using leg traps to catch cats and we had a possum die in our pool that had chewed it's own foot off and we have had many neighborhood cats go missing..

Spider, as I get older I realize it's not the most important thing in the world for everyone else to like you.... Those people are usually doormats. You need to be comfortable with yourself and you certainly had the backbone to speak your mind about your own property and I'm proud of you. :) My motto of late is if I'm going away mad, I'm sure as heck going to do my best to let you know about it and have you "feel me"!!

Also, for future reference, you can print out the "not here" signs and laminate them and put them up much more economically. I have mine laminated... Just not put out yet.. This screaming thing is still kinda fun for me... Like Sterling :) Not really!! I just haven't put them out yet..

Sorry for my long rants and testimonials too! I just had to get it off my mind after reading this!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thumbnail by soulgardenlove
Barnesville, GA(Zone 8a)

I just feel very sad that there are people in this world so uncaring and cruel. I could never live in a subdivision again, I can't see a neighbor within my 18 acres and I like it like that!

Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

Vi, good for you having that much land!! Where we are, the property taxes would eat someone alive with 18 acres. We have 1 acre which is not available in any newer construction and our property tax assesment just came and they priced it 54% higher! UGH!!


Lilburn, GA

Oh susan, I really feel for you. Do you still get peep and their dogs on your property?

Yesterday I noticed that my welcome sign has been taken out of the ground and thrown far away. I bet it was him.

I would love to be able to live in a rural area. I am starting to hate this place.

Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

Spider, I am always at the window when my dog lets me know we have a walker....... So I am on the look out for that kind of thing.. but really, I need to put the signs up to leave no question and then go after them if they can't read! :)

It is sad that you are starting to hate your home... I love mine with all the warts surrounding it.. I garden here so wholehartedly that I just couldn't bear to ever pick up and go.. I want to live to see everything mature as I grow old here..... and then when I can no longer pull a weed or scream at a dog pooper in my grass, I'll move..


Lilburn, GA

Susan, your garden sounds like paradise. i hope the warts dry up and fall off.

Spider, you need to go get that welcome sign and and put it right back with a little sign underneath : unless you are the psycho who lets his dog on my yard, lol.

You are right.
He is wrong.

Don't give up.
Don't hate your neighbourhood because he's a creepazoid.

The week we moved in, someone stole a new palm tree off our porch in the coolest, huge planter. I've never been able to replace the planter.
Two years ago some drunk guy came up on our porch and tried to steal the ugliest planter with an overwintered (and not so healthy) sweet potato vine in it.
We were egged constantly for 5 years, basically because at the time we were a minority in our community.

I've had plants and other things stolen right out of our yard from time to time (and this year, manure from my pile!!). However, I did find it was all in the attitude of how I interacted with people that problems got solved. At first I showed I meant business and not to disrespect me. I would point out clearly that I was not disrespecting them.
After it was very clear that my opinion held, I became more friendly to people. Just polite enough to be considered friendly, but obviously guarded enough to show I wasn't messing around when I had previously spoken to them. Now we are pretty good. Most people are fairly respectful. No more egging, rarely any stealing or any messing around as my neighbours watch the house for us at all times. If anyone comes through the gate, I get a full report (since the neighbours sit on the sidewalk to drink beer and make noise...I guess there is a trade off....).

Keep your ground. Keep your garden. Get a restraining order for Mr. Dog Poopy if you have to!


Dalton, GA(Zone 7a)

I'd like to know more abt the pepper method that mcorps suggested. It seems like it would just sink down in the mulch of my flower beds (which is where the local wild cats like to go) but I'm willing to try anything. The mothballs I put out at a friend's suggestion haven't fazed the cats. Furthermore, there's a new litter of 5 that have adopted my front porch and yard as their home away from home. (My neighbor has adopted them and is feeding them.)

Do you have to grind the pepper yourself or can I just get a can at the store?

I'm going to try the ammonia too buts the cats usually come thru my neighbors yard, not the sidewalk, so I don't know if it will help.

Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. The local cats have been a problem ever since I moved to this house 3 years ago.

Lilburn, GA

Can you get lion's poo in this country? In England you buy it by mailorder from a gardening company. You spread it around the borders and it keeps the cats away.

Franklin Springs, GA(Zone 7b)

Wow.. that would keep me away too! haha. sharon

Lilburn, GA


Decatur, GA(Zone 7a)

Spider, what's the latest with your neighbor? Has he been around lately?

Lilburn, GA welcome sign was thrown on the floor twice and now is broken. The thing is, we cannot prove it is him but the first time it happened it was just after we had the argument.

He still walks around here, staring at the house but I haven't seen his dog.

Thank you for asking!

How are you and your lovely garden?

Decatur, GA(Zone 7a)

I am in pain. My dh gave me belly dancing lessons for a Mother's Day present, along with lessons for my dd and 2 friends. I'm using muscles I never knew I had. And now we have to go out tonight. yuk!

We cut down 4 trees for dh's BD. Now we have to move the shade loving plants that grew under them. It never stops, does it? lol

I'm so glad the dog isn't giving you fits. I hope it lasts and lasts.

Lilburn, GA

Belly Dancing!!!!!!! LOL!!!!! That is great!!!

Are you going to continue doing it? It is something that I always wanted to do.

have a great time!


Decatur, GA(Zone 7a)

I do plan on continuing. I'm not a gym person, but put me in front of a mirror with all girls attending, and I'll move my body. It's fun! Want to join? I'd love for you to!

Lilburn, GA

where is it?

Decatur, GA(Zone 7a)

Little Five Points. You can always come here and ride with me.

Carmen, so glad to hear you are belly dancing! I used to belly dance some years ago, and I loved it!!


Lilburn, GA

Carmen, at the moment I am inundated with baby birds needing rehab. They all need feeding every hour so i am "stuck" at home for the time being.

Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

This thread is fairly long so forgive me if my suggestion on the subject of dog poo is a repeat. Walmart carries a dog deterrent that is sprinkled around plants, trees, shrubs, gardens, etc. Anywhere you don't want #1 and #2 left behind in your yard. I forget the name of it but it's on the same shelf as the Sevin dust in the garden center. Actually, I remember Walmart having two brands. When in the store today, I promised myself I'd remember the brand names; oops, only I broke my promise.


Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

I'm no dog psychologist but I've heard the reason dogs defacate and urinate on a neighbor's yard is to leave a calling card. It's the ol' fire hydrant syndrome, "I could wait and use my own toilet spot in my yard but I want you other dogs to know "I wuz here"". Most dogs could hold it until they got home but, to the dog, a neighbor's yard let's other dogs know they invaded another territory. Sprinkle the dog deterrent around. When the intrudgers get a whif they'll more than likely hold it to make their mark elsewhere.

This message was edited Jul 10, 2006 3:38 AM

Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

I tried a product called De-Fence and it did not work...

Lilburn, GA

I will try it. That man is again walking his dog around my garden again.

Franklin Springs, GA(Zone 7b)

Walking is OK. Pooping is not! sr

Lilburn, GA

He has been stopping by the borders and letting his dog walk and sniff it. I cannot see if he is peeing from here. The police told him to keep away but he is back.

Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

Spider, if you let him come by your property and don't address it immediately, you are letting another problem build up to the exploding point. Nip it before he gets comfortable on your "turf" again.

I have purchased the huge big restaurant sized container of black pepper from Costco and will put that out front by the road today. I've used it before, and am not sure how effective it is or how long it stays after it rains.... but I need to do something.. I still haven't put out the signs I made. I should.


Lilburn, GA

Susan, i have been trying to reach the police officer that came here but i am unable to find her.

I am so sorry to hear that you are having problems. I hope it gets sorted quickly.

I will keep you informed.

Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

No.. not exactly problems.. Just walkers that are absolutely clueless.. I'll be outside working all day and see a couple meandering by with dog in tow without a thought in the world about it.. I don't want to be the jerk and prewarn everyone that walks down the street, but if I put up signs first, at least they would be forewarned.


Lilburn, GA


I talked to the police officer and she told me just to ignore him. :o(

Tyrone, GA(Zone 7b)

I have been reading this thread with great interest. Sorry the police can't help at this point. Ignoring someone is easier said than done. I found this product on the interent. Price range not too bad. All I did was google and came up with this...
ScarecrowMotion Activated Sprinkler...Chases animals out of your garden.The Scarecrow is a clean alternative to smelly,poisonous, or visually disruptive repellents. It is widely endorsed and less expensive than physical barriers. If you've tried... Read more
ScarecrowMotion Activated Sprinkler...Chases animals out of your garden.The Scarecrow is a clean alternative to smelly,poisonous, or visually disruptive repellents. It is widely endorsed and less expensive than physical barriers. If you've tried other solutions that failed, you're ready for a Scarecrow. Entering its fourth year, it is now more economical, effective and widely available than ever. Tens of thousands of homeowners worldwide now use this award- winning solution to quickly, economically and safely repel animals. All it takes is a couple cups of water from the fast acting Scarecrow for cats, dogs, deer, rabbits, racoons and most other animals to high-tail it!How it works:Scarecrow senses animals the same way security lights detect people; movement and heat. When an animal is seen, a valve opens instantly releasing a three-second pulsating spray of water. The combination of the sudden noise, movement, and water frightens animals away. This startling, yet harmless action
Price Range: $69.00 - $78.00

Lilburn, GA

LOL! Thank you Gliz. i will do some research on that.

stafford, United Kingdom

hi spider07
i live in england and had a neighbour 2 doors up whose dogs where coming through the hedge. its fair enough once but this went on for a week crap everywhere. i complained response was no need to be funny about it. this ignorant woman let her dogs carry on for 3 weeks until she got her fence, beleive me i would love to get revenge on this woman, but i am not going to lower myself to her level.

i went to the enviromental health who told me the dog poo law does not apply to back gardens and that it was up to me to keep them out. how can i do that when the neighbour inbetween has a very old small fence and the house i am in is rented.
but i did put it in a bag then the woman put it on the other neighbours doorstep to make me look stupid. but my partner did apologise stupid him because i put it on the right step.

do dog owners i am only targeting the inconsiderate ones not know that it has allsorts of nasties in it. or are we the only ones who know the reson for dog laws. my god they make me want to hit them. istill do not know how the woman with the dogs can show her face in the street. anyway thats the end of my moaning.

Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

Well, I'm delighted to know that ignorance and stupity knows no particular nationality! :)

Do you have leash laws over there? Animal Control Officers? I had two roaming dogs from two different neighbors and I put that to rest a while ago.. The other neighbors always thank me afterwards but I always wonder why they don't do anything about it??


stafford, United Kingdom

we have leash laws but they only apply to public places, but they still have dangerous dogs off their leads. also we do have dog wardens who are also a waste of time.
i think your other neighbours are a bunch of chickens, who do not want any conflict. but it makes me mad when you get dog owners who do not give a about over peoples property, my neighbour is lucky that i am not one of those women who likes to throw punches.

anyway i had a swarm of little black flies in my kitchen yesterday , they where horrible fly spray killed them thank god.

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