What's wrong with my plant??

Tulsa, OK(Zone 6b)

It was full of leaves to the bottom. Then a couple months ago they just started dying and falling off. I'm gonna be left with 2 sticks in a pot! I've had this plant at least 6 years. It's never done this before.


Thumbnail by baja220
Cramlington, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

I think it's normal for Dracaenas to gradually lose their bottom leaves. Has your plant had a shock at all recently? Moving to a new location, repotting?

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

cat using it as a litter box? That's what happened to mine years ago

Livermore, KY(Zone 6a)

I have one a little bigger than this one and mine always loses the leaves at the bottom as it grows taller.

Lilesville, NC(Zone 7b)

I am sorry to hear about you losing your leaves, I have a wee little one and when i forget to water her she has a fit, as i guess we all would.

I love that plant you have in the background, me and my mom have one, we call our "moose ears" i love them, mine was so big last summer then over the winter it died however i still had faith and come the end of winter i seen new little babies popping there heads up and was so happy.

Well i hope that your plant gets better soon.


Tulsa, OK(Zone 6b)

It was repotted last year and been in the same place ever sinse then. It's always dropped a few bottom leaves and I know this is normal, but it has now last way over half.

Char, I was haveing problem with that P. Selloum and I need to post some updated pics. It's doing much better now.
BTW, did you get your baby 'Midwest Magic'?

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Any chance you're overwatering it? Probably not since you've had it for a while, but if you repotted it and it's a more moisture-retentive soil than you had it in before then maybe that could be it? I lost one that way, it lasted a while but eventually lost all its leaves as some of the stems rotted.

Lilesville, NC(Zone 7b)


Yes i did get it, thanks so much, i forgot to look and see how much shipping was....Please let me know and i will send it to ya.

I have just been overwhelmed with hostas, DG'ners have been sooo sooo generous with them. I now can participate in a hosta trade probably next summer :o) I want to give these ones i got a chance to get situated, and grow a bit.

I will take some pics of my P. Selloum tomorrow and let you see mine. I just love it...and it does so well out on my front porch in the summer then in the winter it just dies and comes back the next summer....really heartbreaking cause i want it to get big like a couple that i have seen. But now that i have my own plant room and it is gets humid in there i think it may do just fine this winter...all my other plants are thriving in there...well i am running off at the mouth so i will shut up now. hehehehe

Have a good night all,


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