Philodendron soil mix question...

I have several newly acquired philodendrons - Pink Princess, Black Cardinal, and Silver Queen (so the lady called it), as well as a Silver Philo (or Pothos, or whatever it's being called today) and various other philos, and they desperately need repotting. I've seen the pictures of some of y'alls philos, so I KNOW you're doing everything right. Anyone want to share the magic recipe with me? Any other special tips would be most appreciated, as well.
Here are a couple pictures of the Pink Princess. I got her while on vacation, and haven't had time to clean her up or shine her leaves, but will get her all prettied up when I repot. :o) I don't have pictures of the others, but I'll take some and post them soon.
Thanks so much!

Thumbnail by RainGazer

Look at the solid pink baby leaves! So pretty!
We found a fabulous nursery while on vacation. I got this one for $4!! Can you imagine?? I can't find these anywhere at all near home. I was thrilled!

Thumbnail by RainGazer
Harrisburg, PA(Zone 6a)


Excellent price for the Pink Princess and a beautiful plant!
This is what I do, as far as, planting and potting. Am a big fan of unglazed clay pots. I prefer them because they are porous and you do not have to worry about overwatering if you use clay AND a fast draining mix. Now, the mix, is just a commercial cactus/succulent mix with extra perlite and maybe some commercial potting soil. I just throw it together!LOL Hope this helps.


I know have a commercial African Violet mix, but I don't like it for my AVs, and I believe I have some C/S mix, too. I'll have to look. How much perlite to you add to the C/S mix?
What about fertilizing? Just thought of that. I got a Pink Princess last fall, and it is absolutely pitiful (don't ask for a picture! LOL). I want to get it back up to health, and keep the one above healthy.
Thanks for your help!

Harrisburg, PA(Zone 6a)


Just a suggestion, since you don't like the AV mix; mixed that with you C/S mix, added some perlite...mix well; run it through your fingers, the mix should just run freely. Sounds like some witch brew. LOLLL. Another 'senior moment' here!8>} Now, fertilizing, well, I don't do a lot of that.


Nottingham, MD(Zone 7a)

I use Pro-Mix, with added perlite, in unglazed clay pots. Actually, my pink princess is in C and S mix right now, believe it or not! I'll be changing that this weekend- to Pro-Mix with added perlite. It's done well in this mix. I don't like AV soil for anything other than AVs. I sometimes add perlite to that too!

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