Some new stuff from GHW

Nottingham, MD(Zone 7a)

Some begonias and a colocasia....

Begonia 'Art Hodes'

This message was edited May 26, 2006 8:40 PM

Thumbnail by GrowHappy
Nottingham, MD(Zone 7a)

Begonia 'Erythrophylla'

Thumbnail by GrowHappy
Nottingham, MD(Zone 7a)

Begonia 'Silver Furls'

I clicked the send button way too fast! the pic is coming up next...

This message was edited May 26, 2006 8:42 PM

Nottingham, MD(Zone 7a)

Silver Furls

Thumbnail by GrowHappy
Nottingham, MD(Zone 7a)

Some NOIDs...

Thumbnail by GrowHappy
Nottingham, MD(Zone 7a)

NOID #2(new unnamed hybrid)

Thumbnail by GrowHappy
Nottingham, MD(Zone 7a)

Colocasia 'Excalibur'- this one is going to have green/blue leaves with a hint of pink.(can't wait for that!)

Thumbnail by GrowHappy
Oshkosh, WI(Zone 4b)

I love your plants, GH! Those colors are beautiful. What's so nice about the last three is it's like getting two leaves for the price of one, since both sides are different!


SW, WI(Zone 4b)

oooh....somebody's been plant shopping!!

I'm anxious to see 'Excalibur' in the future, too!

You know, as many times as I've looked at their website, I don't think I've ever ordered from GHW.....were you pleased with your purchase, GH?
(Not just the plants and their condition, but the service, packaging, time frame, etc...)?

Nottingham, MD(Zone 7a)

Nan- I ordered from them last year for the first time. It was a mixed bag- some plants were very nice and others were not. The ones that were not were unrooted hoya cuttings which died shortly thereafter. I thought that I was ordering rooted plants and NOT cuttings. But, the syngoniums and one other hoya that I ordered were large and well established and in good condition. I was not happy with the soil they use because it was too much like garden soils, complete with creepy crawlies.:) The wait was about 6 weeks last year.

Since my order was the mixed bag, so to speak, I decided to give them another shot this year. You know they have plants that you can't find anywhere else. So, this year, the wait was about 8 weeks. But, this year, I got a confirmation letter, with a note telling me what was the expected wait time. In the letter, he also told me that one of the plants I ordered(B. Cracklin Rosie) would not be ready by shipping time, so they adjusted it off my order(charge card). It turned out to be longer than that, but, at least they told me. They were honest when I called to inquire about the order and told me that they were extremely busy this year and that they were behind in sending out orders because of demand and unexpected weather conditions. I dealt with the owner, Tom(at least he's a co-owner), last year and this year. He was always very pleasant and very helpful. So, as it turns out, one of the other plants I ordered(B. Little Miss Mummey) did not come. He wrote me a note saying that the root system was not established enough to send. To make up for it, he sent two "rarer alternatives", both cane begonias as pictured above. The colocasia was a bonus plant. Overall, I am pleased with the experience and will order from them again.

Oh, by the way, I also ordered B. Plum Gorgeous. The leaves had black spots on them. I called him the next day to advise and inquire about the condition of the plant. He said that it was because they had 3 week straight of no sun and then one day, a lot of sun. Those conditions combined with wet leaves caused the spots. He believes the new growth will not be this way and assured me the plant is virus free. He said to give it a month and if those spots appear on the new growth as well, to give him a call and he would replace the plant for me. He added that he would do so because I called right away to advise him of the problem.

I know they have mixed reviews on GWD. Some people have had horrible experiences, yet still, others have had great experiences. Me? I'd rate them positive.

Hope that gives you some insight..

Nottingham, MD(Zone 7a)

That was a long post, wasn't it?;)

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

But a good, informative review!

I thought I'd posted a follow-up....guess not?!

It sounds as though you had an above-average experience with customer service...that's good to hear! Thanks for the info.

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