HELP! What's killing my plants???

Oviedo, FL(Zone 9b)

I'm posting in every forum I can hoping someone can help me. Don't know if this has anything to do with the problem, but we had new sod put down in our backyard last Monday. Tuesday our lawn pest control company came out for their regular spraying and I told the guy we just had new sod put down. Not sure what exactly he sprayed or if this is even part of the problem. We've been running the sprinklers heavily in the a.m. to help the sod. Now everything that's in the line of runoff is having major issues. I have several rose bushes planted along the back wall and Sunday I noticed a few plants had brown, almost burned looking leaves. Leaves turn brown, then wilt totally. A few of the plants look almost totally wilted. Some have yellowing leaves near the bottom (overwatered perhaps?). Sunday I noticed the meyers lemon tree (15' tall) is discolored. Only half of the tree now has yellow, curled leaves and looks very droopy. Other half of the tree looks healthy. I just planted (on Sunday) two rose climbers that now have the same leaf problems. They are in the back of a perennial bed. Perennials don't seem affected, but there is a trench around the bed that ends just to the right of the first climber, so it's possible water from the lawn is running into the trench and towards the back where it seeps into the soil near the climbers.

Does this look like a chemical problem? Haven't seen any insects to note. If it is from the lawn chemicals, is there anything I can do to save these plants?????

Here's a picture of the affected rose leaves before they wilt.

Thumbnail by garden4moi
Oviedo, FL(Zone 9b)

Picture of the Meyers Lemon. Note only half the tree seems affected.

Thumbnail by garden4moi
Oviedo, FL(Zone 9b)

Close up of the lemon leaves. Seems like the fruit is turning yellow too (which it usually doesn't until the lemons get huge).

Thumbnail by garden4moi
Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Did he spray on a breezy day? It looks like it might have drifted.

Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

They look poisoned to me. Dilution might help. Do you know what chemicals were used? If not, do find out: I think that's a very good thing to know before allowing them into your yard. I've heard about folks' gardens getting poisoned just by runoff from neighbors' spraying.

Sorry about those plants; I hope they make it.

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