Heucheras in the garden

Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

Here's the second pic.

Thumbnail by Murmur
Central, WI(Zone 4a)

Wonder how long it will take for mine to turn black?????? Yours is lovely

Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

Thanks, GG - and I'm sure you can see that it is not actually a true black, but very very dark. How big is yours and what color does it seem to be now?

Central, WI(Zone 4a)

I just got mine from a site, can't even remember which one. But it's very small. Maybe the size of an orange. It's kinda dark olive green. May have to do some investigating to see where I got it from and e-mail them.

Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

Probably a good idea - I'm pretty sure this one is correctly labeled as I've seen it at more than one place. I know what you mean about not remembering which site you got something from - I do that all the time!!!

Delhi, IA

Carole, What is the variagated taller plant in with your Black Beauty? You certainly have a nack for putting things together!!!

Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

Jam, thanks for such a nice compliment! The plant is a Rainbow Gaura and I'm hoping that as the black Heuchera grows, the pink blossoms and variegated foliage of the Gaura will be a perfect complement. Next to the Heuchera is an Artemesia (Nana Silver Mound) and in back on the lattice, tiny and not showing yet, is Clematis (Silver Moon). It will be fun to watch.

Central, WI(Zone 4a)

Here's my Black Beauty as of this morning. I e-mailed the co. and will wait to hear from them. Maybe I got Black Bird instead?

Thumbnail by GardenGeek_WI
Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

It looks like a wonderful plant, but I just went outside to see what any new foliage looks like on mine, and it's very dark like the mature leaves. So I suspect you have something else - looks just great, though! I'd be interested in knowing what it is. I've not heard of Black Bird.

GG, do you make your own labels? I like what you have there in your photo.

Central, WI(Zone 4a)


I got three plants from Eminence Meadow's http://www.eminencemeadows.com/ Really like the plants I got. This is the only one I am questioning.

Yes I do make my own labels. I just got these markers http://www.eonindustries.com/eseries.html from a co-op that was done here on DG. I previously ordered my markers from a guy on eBay. I like the Eon markers better, they have rounded edges so I don't scratch myself or perforate any body parts,,lol. I bought a DYMO Label Maker from Wal Mart for around $30.00 or so. On the back of the marker I write the name of the plant, the place I purchased it from and the year purchased. I either use a fine Sharpie or a pencil.


Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

Kelly, I haven't heard of Eminence meadows - will check them out.

And thanks for the info on the labels - I do have a DYMO Label Maker (if I can remember how to use it, that is . . . lost the instructions, thanks dh!) so will look into Eon as well. Great idea to keep the purchasing info, too. How I wish I had done that so many times!

I haven't done any dg coop buying yet - sure sounds like a good idea!!

Central, WI(Zone 4a)


Co-ops are a Great way to get plants at really low prices. There are a few co-ops going on now if you check the co-op forum. JodyC is doing one from Terra Nova of .99 plugs. Can't beat it. Plugs have to be potted and babied for a few weeks, but I can do that just as easily as greenhouses do.

I keep a Spreadsheet fo All the info so far for my hostas. Price, place, year, sun, size, width, height, leaf size, vein pairs, leaf color, margin color, flower color and shape, fragrance, scape heigt, and some info I can't remember at the moment,,,haven't had enough coffee. Can you say ANAL,,,,LOL Will be doing the same for my Heuchera, Heucherella and Tiarella. Hope to get All of my Perennials in at some far off point in the future.

Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

Kelly, I also am more than just a little bit anal, however, I apparently also suffer from add . . . put those together and it makes for one crazy lady! Wanting to do so much, but jumping from one project to another without every completing anything!!! Don't know how I ever made it through school, or how I ever managed to be an executive secretary with reasonable success!!! LOL.

I have started spreadsheets such as yours, but the add does get in the way (not my age, just the add!).

I will definitely check out the coops, though - thanks for the info. We had a roundup here in the PNW last weekend and I know those folks have been involved in coops, too. Sounds like I need to pay attention!


Central, WI(Zone 4a)


Know what you mean about jumping from one thing to another. Bill put 2 new beds in for me,,,talk about add,,,have never been diagnosed,,,I have always admited to being slightly neurotic,,,lol. I start a project, go to put something in a certain area, see something else that needs to be done, start that, see something else, start that,,,before I know it, I've got 5 things I'm in the middle of and need to Really focus to get them done one at a time,,LOL Makes me nuts.

Northern California, United States(Zone 9a)

DYMO Label Maker and Sharpies fade so make sure you use a good back up. Paint pens are better and Brother PTouch labels for the Eon markers.

Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

Whew! Glad I'm not the only one. I've never been diagnosed either, but the way I flit (not just in the gardens, but inside as well), I just think I must be!

The occasional time I do actually finish something is bittersweet, as immediately it needs revamping anyway - either from my lack of planning or just plain Mother Nature having her way.

You should have seen me when we first bought this place not quite four years ago. There were no flowerbeds except for the traditional one along the house - about three feet deep with a lovely bunch of Callas - and Rhubarb right next to it. DH gave me a rototiller for my birthday right after we moved in and I was like a lunatic out there digging up more area than I could possibly finish. That was in September, so in the Spring I had to re-rototill quite a bit of it. Then did more. Then let some get away from me. Then did more. Still trying to take care of the out of controls, but still always starting something new.

Good grief. Do you get the picture - a nutty woman with wild eyes, running from spot to spot? Big weird grin on her face? LOL

Central, WI(Zone 4a)

That is what I have been hearing. I wish I would have heard it Before I bought the Dymo, I would have bought the Brother PTouch instead. I'm using the Sharpie or pencil on the back so the sun doesn't get to it as much. The first I see a label bleaching out, I will Definitely replace it. I'm also going to take a picture of each bed and each area and add the names so I have a visual record, just in case. I have also burried a marker with each plant, so, if need be, I can dig that baby up to see what it is.

Yep, I look at the same woman in the mirror everyday,,LOL When I was potting up my Annuals in planters, I had 3 going at one time. Sheesh, guess it's time to get out and move some more hostas around,,,LOL

Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

Sue, most recently I used a laundry marking pen (which I had on hand from marking my mother's clothes when she spent some time in a nursing home after she broke her hip) and that does seem to hold up well (at least better than a regular sharpie). And I wrote on plastic knives and spoons - amusing looking, but inexpensive when bought from Costco. A friend and I had a plant sale earlier this month and that was my method of marking - people got a big kick out of it, too. We'll have to see how long they actually do last, though.

Kelly, have fun out there - I need to finish up whatever I'm going to accomplish outside today, too, as our temps are expected to be high (too high for me to be outside anyway).


Honeoye Falls, NY

Garden Geek, I'm heading your way this holiday weekend (to Medford and north) and sure as heck hope that weather you described (snow and rain) hasn't occurred recently. :--) I'm trying to figure out the "Black" of the Blackbird or Black Beauty you show in your photo. Will it get dark, or is that the color it will stay?

Central, WI(Zone 4a)


I e-mailed the company and they are sending a new one. They said it should be black, but the order they got in from Terra Nova wasn't that great and they had a lot of problems with it. Some of the Black Beauty's were mutants like mine and they also lost a lot of the plants. So, now I can say I have a mutant,,lol

Wow, Medford is only 25 miles from me. How far North and where will you be going?


Bartlesville, OK(Zone 6a)

hummm, should I also email them??? I ordered one too, doesn't look black.

You know Kelly, it's always 'me too, me too', LOL


Central, WI(Zone 4a)

LOL,,,from Eminence? I would. I will send you the e-mail I sent.

Central, WI(Zone 4a)

You have e-mail

Northern California, United States(Zone 9a)

Gypsy Dancer

Thumbnail by Calif_Sue
Northern California, United States(Zone 9a)

need to get it in the ground! Love the leaves.

Thumbnail by Calif_Sue
Central, WI(Zone 4a)

Very Nice!

Midway, TX(Zone 8b)

Eww the Gypsy Dancer is beautiful!!

Tulsa, OK(Zone 6b)

Kelly, this spread sheet you keep up with your hostas on. Is it a computer program? Where can I find it? I need some way to keep up with my Hostas and Clematis.

Cal Sue, love the Gypsy Danser!!!! Now on my list!!LOL

Carol, I love what you've done with that container planting. You'll be happy with the C. 'Silver Moon' when it gets going!!


Central, WI(Zone 4a)


For now I am just doing it on a Spreadsheet in Excel. If you d-mail me your e-mail, I'll send you a copy so you can see what I'm doing. Don't know how anal you want to get with it. I get Very anal with the info,,LOL.

I'm also Slowly working on a Data Base in Access,,,the operative word being Slowly,,LOL

There is also a thread, let me see if I can find it quickly. Yep, here it is. http://davesgarden.com/forums/t/562784/


Tulsa, OK(Zone 6b)

LOL Kelly, I just read that thread and I know for a fact that I can't do anything as complicated as those on that thread!!! LOL Your spreadsheet sounds doable tho. Sending DM!!


Northern California, United States(Zone 9a)

I seem to like these silvery ones!

Thumbnail by Calif_Sue
Central, WI(Zone 4a)

Another Lovely one. I'm going to go take a pic of one of mine. I can never remember which it is until I go and actually read the tag.

Don't feel bad, I can't either. Bought 2 beginner books for Access they are each 2" thick.

Delhi, IA

Your Silver Scrolls is a jewel. And Gypsy Dancer with just a hint of pink in the new growth is marvelous. Have you had them long? I'm impressed!!!!

Northern California, United States(Zone 9a)

Silver Scrolls is new, I got Gypsy Dancer as a plug from last years co-op.

Lake Forest, IL

I've enjoyed seeing your heucheras. Do any of you know "Pewter Veil"? I bought some for my garden at my old house, but didn't find more -- around here, Ruby Veil edged it out, probably because Pewter was slow to establish. But once it got traction, I loved it. I've moved and have been looking for it again.

Also, does anyone know how to find old, original huecheras -- I always drew hummingbirds with my old, coralbells, now can't find them for love nor money.

Thornton, IL

I was in Homewood earlier this summer, & saw the biggest planting of the old green coralbells, the kind with the red blooms. I am so tempted to stop and ask her where she got them. What is the etiquette on admiring a total stranger's garden? LOL~(small town) PG

Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

Gardenglutton, I just bought a Pewter Veil last Fall, finally got it planted this Spring - a lot of my Heucheras are getting too much sun. I can't remember if that is one of them, but I'll take a pic of it tomorrow. I think I got it at a Fred Meyer Garden Center in Seattle (nowhere fancy).

Prairie Girl, When I have someone come to my door admiring my garden, I'm thrilled!!! It happened to me on occasion when we lived in Seattle, not so much here as we are quite rural and live on a dead end street to boot - not too many passers by. Go for it.

Central, WI(Zone 4a)

I have sanguinia (sp) and Just Love it. The foliage isn't that interesting although it is a nice color of green. The flowers are the most spectacular color. I'll try to remember get a pic of it today and post it.

Finger Lakes, NY(Zone 6a)

PrairieGirlZ5-- I too love when people stop with questions and compliments for my gardens and I'm in a small town; in fact this year and group of woman who walk by my house regularly and peek into my yard, asked that my house be on our local garden tour. I was called by the director of the tour, she shyly asked me (usually you have to volunteer your garden) to participate. I was honored. I never thought to volunteer because I did not know if my gardens were "nice" enough. It made my day to be asked/complimented.

Oh and the garden show was wonderful, about 250 people coming through with more compliments and questions. I learned a lot from some people too.

You should definitely go to this house; if she/he's a gardener, she/he will love the compliment! I am much more comfortable stopping, giving compliments and asking questions of others gardeners now.

This message was edited Jul 3, 2006 7:57 AM

Central, WI(Zone 4a)

Ah, I remembered. Here is the pic of the sanguinia (sp?) flowers. They are much more vibrant than a pic shows, they almost glow.

Thumbnail by GardenGeek_WI

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