Columbines of all Sorts: Chapter two

A very pale double

Thumbnail by echoes

kinda pretty, nice shade of pink

Thumbnail by echoes

another purple, but fluffy

Thumbnail by echoes
(Zone 6a)

Echoes - I love those columbines! That last purple one is gorgeous!

Yesterday I was at the GC and I picked up a 'Biedermeier' and Semiaquilegia ecalcarata, which the PlantFiles says is actualy an Aquilegia. So it can cross with the other ones right?

And I have a special Barlow self set thats burgundy and I would love to have more of it. So what would be the best way to propagate it? It can't be divided and there's Noras all around it, so the seed might not come true, right?

Thanks :)

I have read info to the effect that columbine species are self fertile. Hopefully Todd may come along and tell us what he knows about it all, but I would try and do the matchmaking on it, you have nothing to lose. Even if you crossed it with another Barlow, some of them would be burgundy.

(Zone 6a)

Thanks Echoes. If they're self fertile, sholud I just put a baggy over a flower so it stays true?
Todd, where are you? I need help!


That would be one way. But you have to put some pollen in the right place first.

Edited to add, select an unopen bud, and keep it isolated so when it opens, the bees don't get there first.

This message was edited Jun 2, 2006 2:34 PM

comebychance, NL(Zone 5b)

steve i wouldnt use a baggy,use a ladies knee high nylon i think thats what thay are call the air can get to the flower and it woun't rot it might in a plastic baggy.
And with most columbine that are realy easy to cross and if there is a way it will ,but like echoes said you will get some that are burgundy.
But Todd is the best one to ask he knowes his stuff.

St. John's, NL(Zone 5b)

Hi guys...I just got back from a trip to Troro and Kentville in Nova Scotia. Saw some spectacular gardens there. Here's a mass of 'Semiaquilegia'.

Steve, while Aquilegias are very promiscuous not all can cross with each other. I don't think flabellata will cross with vulgaris (at least I have both sideby-side and it has never happened). Most of the North American native columbines will cross with each other. I've never read that semiaquilegia will cross with the regular columbines.

Thumbnail by Todd_Boland
(Zone 6a)

Thanks again Todd! I'm not up on my columbines as much as I should be.....Is vulgaris native to North America? I think I might still put the semi near my others just incase it might cross. Don't want to miss out on anything :D One more question - Would it be possible for an alpina to cross with a native columbine or vulgaris?


comebychance, NL(Zone 5b)

wow Todd vvvvvvvery nice thay look so lacy,i like the color as will.i never heard of semiaquilegis befor thay kind of put me in the mine of love-in the-mist the way thay flow.
Oh have to tell you all my first columbine has flowered its the Aquilegia flabellata var.pumlia 'Alba'
And todd it doze look like the Verna 'Alba you had showen it is such a pretty one nice cream color flower i can belive how short it is . It's growing along side a Aguilegia clematiflora,and what a difference im going to get a pic in a day or two.Todd i have one called aquilegis Alpina' is that a dwarf as will tried looking it up put cant find it anywere.

This message was edited Jun 3, 2006 4:31 PM

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

Man this thread is I've got some more to add to my wish list. ;)

comebychance, NL(Zone 5b)

yes lilypon me to.alot more is this fun

comebychance, NL(Zone 5b)

oh gees im never going to live lone enough to plant all my columbine,it seams thats all i have been doing these last fue weeks.
mmmmmm im going to have to make some friends ,my hostas are ready to go in now gota go

comebychance, NL(Zone 5b)

steve have a question for you .your columbine canadian lanterns what shape is the leaves on that one. are thay like most columbine or are thay shaped like a maple leaf

(Zone 6a)

Sorry for taking ages to reply, but it has normal columbine leaves.

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