Columbines of all Sorts: Chapter two

(Zone 6a)

Here's a couple self sown barlows.

This is the second bloom year for this one. Notice the dark red stems and buds. The flowers are solid deep burgundy.

Thumbnail by SW_gardener
(Zone 6a)

This is going to be the first bloom year for this one. The buds are small round and upfacing. Not yet showing any tint of colour. I'm hoping for green :D

Thumbnail by SW_gardener
Newcastle, ON(Zone 5a)

It is too bad most columbines hang can't really see their beauty.
This Beirdemeir White faces up..

Thumbnail by Starzz
Newcastle, ON(Zone 5a)

I would love to see the burgundy in bloom.

(Zone 6a)

Starzz - I will be sure to get a pic of it once it opens. It seems to be taking it's sweet time though.........or maybe it's just me being impatient...


These are all wonderful blossoms. I want them all in my garden. I have a purple open now, but it's been too windy to get a good pic. Maybe after this thunderstowm rolls through if they're still standing.

comebychance, NL(Zone 5b)

Yes lovely pics guys,starzz i have a blue columbine that the flowers are facing up like that white one,mine is call bluebird.
echoes i find that most columbine are very wind tuff,except the pink towers thay brake off from the base of the plant realy easy i have to stake mine anyone els find the same with the pinktowers.
steve my columbine are starting to budd out to now lookes like it going to be a good year for mine.

digd, the wind is not blowing the plants over (at least not yet), but the pictures come out blurry on my digital if it's real windy. I have enough trouble just holding it steady. I never stake columbines. It helps if you can support them with other plants near by. I am so lazy for staking.

comebychance, NL(Zone 5b)

Me to echoes ,and when thay blow over my first though is i did it again why didn't i do something i have pks and pks of bambo stakes.everyyear when thay are putout in your doller store i buy them,my wife allway goes off in a huff saying you have enough to build a fence why do i want more ,and i sayed to her to build a longer fence my dear ha,ha .
Anyway i hope it cleares you weather wize for you and you can get some more pics love seeing them,im thinking about going this weekend a buying a digatial camera for myself bumming one is for the birds.

St. John's, NL(Zone 5b)

The 'Cameo' at the BG are now starting...I grew these last year from seeds.

Thumbnail by Todd_Boland
(Zone 6a)

Those are one year plants Todd????? Wooo, I wish mine looked like that after one year. Maybe all your plants look so good cause of your clime?


St. John's, NL(Zone 5b)

I sowed them last May 1, then potted them in a large clay pot for our alpine house in August. There are three plants in that pot on display now for the public. I'm very pleased with their performance to say the least!

Grand Forks, BC(Zone 5b)

And so you should be. "Cameo" is stunning!


Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

Gorgeous plants everyone!!! (I often lurk, read the comments, and drool in these threads). Wendy yours with the colored leaves are very unique.

Todd I just saw your lovely Cameo available at an online nursery. Where do you purchase your seeds?

This message was edited May 25, 2006 8:50 AM

St. John's, NL(Zone 5b)

I got my seeds from the Ontario Rock Garden Society seed exchange. The North American RGS seed exchange is also a good source for a wide variety of columbine seeds. Of course, you have to be a member to take advantage of it. And you don't always get what you think. Last year I got seeds of Aquilegia discolor from NARGS and they all ended up being A. flabellata! Our BG is now rolling in flabellatas. I sold a bunch last night at our local rock garden society plant sale. The Cameos disappeared very quickly!

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

There are some lovely columbine photos over on the perennials forum right now. I'm especially impressed by the blues shown by bootandall in New Zealand. Here's the link:

comebychance, NL(Zone 5b)

i had 13 different columbine from bootandall this spring and what great colors mostly different blues daaaaaaaaaa.And i think every seed has started to grow i may have to make another bed anyway if anyone is thinking about trading with i think its a her go for it .

Here's my first one to open, a couple of days ago.

Thumbnail by echoes

closer look

Thumbnail by echoes

And my second kind to open

Thumbnail by echoes
(Zone 6a)

none of my columbines are open much all I can do is look at the pictures :)

comebychance, NL(Zone 5b)

me to sw,all i do is look at those pics and get greener,and greener i give up run outside and look at mine for the tenth time that day ,and now change l si maybe tommorrow oh will.
echoes that dare i will call it blue is something like my bluebird but the flowers are hanging more on yours whats its name.
Oh i wish mine would show some blooms.And i readly do like seeing how yours are doing keep the pic's comming.

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Rereading these postings I realize I forgot to answer your question, Steve. My cottage is on the Big Rideau Lake, part of the chain between Ottawa and Kingston, about halfway. The aquilegia seems to prefer dappled light from the pines. I've never transplanted or babied any of these; they just grow wherever they spring up. Hundreds of them around the place, out in the woods, along the stone ridges and outcroppings.

(Zone 6a)

Andy, that sounds soooo nice. Do you have a shot of the whole area? I would love to see it if you have one. Thanks for answering the question :)


comebychance, NL(Zone 5b)

good greaf, i have to slow down my typing to the speed i'm thinking.
Come to think about it i talk as fast to.
Andy do those columbine have seed in the fall,you could try them that way.
Thay are a beautyful color and a pic of a whole area of them would be so nice to see.

Orangeville, ON(Zone 4b)

Ok, my turn (finally!)
The first pic is wild columbine which I found at the front of my home when I first moved in last year. I had no idea at the time which one it would turn out to be so I moved it to what I thought would be a better spot for it. It's cute and has quite a few blooms on it, but it doesn't give me a thrill if you get my drift.

Thumbnail by Erynne
Orangeville, ON(Zone 4b)

Second one: I don't know this one's name!
I really like the tiny maroon blooms. I think I'll have to re-think it's location due to it's size; it can get "lost" in a busy spot in the garden.

This message was edited May 31, 2006 11:34 AM

Thumbnail by Erynne
Orangeville, ON(Zone 4b)

Third up, is an unknown currently. My neighbor had it in her garden last year and said it never put on a show for her in the 2 years it was there. So I took it home with me last September. Looks like she should've given it a bit longer,lol. This one is fairly tall and the blooms are 3" from petal to petal with very long spurs. If you know who it is, just pipe up. In the mean time, I'll be trying to find out too.

Thumbnail by Erynne
Orangeville, ON(Zone 4b)

second shot of my unknown:

Thumbnail by Erynne

Oh that is a nice one Erynne. I like the first one too, and you're right. They don't all thrill our socks off at first glance, but they are nice little surprises all the same and have a place somewhere in the garden. That semi deserves a nice little quiet spot of its own.

I have a few more blooming now too, so will have to take some pics to post later today.

Orangeville, ON(Zone 4b)

I took these before I had my coffee this morning at 6:15am and what a duh moment. Brenda, the second one is not my semi and now I will have to take a pic of the right plant which I think is still not open. The maroon one is probably the common Aquilegia vulgaris but will have to check my notes and that one too is just starting to open.
Yeah, I'm confused and I will blame it on the heat & humidity, lol.

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 2b)

Has anybody selfed columbines? I have ONE ONLY huge yellow and I want seed. Have cut off buds aand blooms of all others in the garden and put this bloom in a baggie. Anybody know about this?

PS. Still trying to find out how to bring up picasa when I hit browse on the bottom of an email to DG
G inanda

comebychance, NL(Zone 5b)

inanda it seam like a crime to cut off all the other flowers, all you had to do was get a knee high nylon and hall it down over the plant befor the flowers opened and then lift it up to furtlize with a q-tip and replace the nylon .the bees cant get true the nylon so your flower would be safe.

inanda, species columbines are self fertile, but I suppose you won't know on this one till you try. I'm guessing it could be.

Orangeville, ON(Zone 4b)

Here's my semiaquilegia. Please forgive the rotten photo but this is what happens when you try to take a pic with shaky hands due to severe thunder and lightening overhead. I'm going to try this again on a day when there isn't tornado watches, lol.

Thumbnail by Erynne
comebychance, NL(Zone 5b)

gees erynne thats a nice one,wish mine would open not getting meny sunny days and it seam its making them slow to open.
But got my camera ready for the blessed moment and im in busness.

Fredericton, NB(Zone 5a)

This is my I don't know what it is columbine, held up to see bottom view. It appear to be a double, not sure what this is called in columbine lingo.


Thumbnail by Ironwood
Fredericton, NB(Zone 5a)

This is the side view. So far this year the little green worms have been minimal.


Thumbnail by Ironwood

Ken that is a real pretty one, so dainty and blue, not purple, but blue. I have purple ones all over the place. Took time to resize a few so I'll add them and try to get back out to the weeds.

Thumbnail by echoes

Not sure where this one came from. It's the only one like it in it's bunch.

Thumbnail by echoes

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