peace lilly not happy

Coeur D Alene, ID(Zone 5a)

I have a large peace lilly that doesn't look healthy and I don't know why. It's new leaves are small and pale, the older leaves are "drying out" on the edges, but turning a blackish color and curling up. It's about 8 feet from a west facing window. I've been watering it when it starts slightly wilting. Am I giving too much water? not enough? not enough fertilizer? not enough light? Any ideas are much appreciated!

Chesapeake, VA(Zone 7b)

I am having the SAME problem! Your conditions are almost the same as mine. I don't know what to do with mine either. It seems no mater what I try to do nothing helps. Even when it bloomed it was very small. Pitiful really. My plant always looks dull, on the verge of wilting and the top third of the older leaves are completely brown like a paper bag!
I too have mine in a room that has a huge window which is facing west. The plant is on the side of the window. It's actually the shadiest spot in the room because of the heavy curtains. It does not get any direct light at all but the room in general is a bright room all day long.
I hope someone can give us some advice. Of all my plants this one has turned into the ugliest one I have!

Harrisburg, PA(Zone 6a)

How about pulling the plant and checking its roots; could need repotting, more light, less water. Just a suggestion.

Jeffersonville, PA(Zone 6b)

Hi Moscc,

Your peace lily probably needs more water! After having personally tortured a small peace lily for about two years (it never bloomed and always had brown leaves), I recently discovered something very important; peace lilies need tons of water. In fact, they like growing IN water. Spathyphyllums are the plant most frequently used for betta vases (a glass vase full of water, with a plant growing with its roots in the water and a betta fish swimming in vase among the roots). After realizing this, I bought a medium sized peace lily that had no blooms on it. I set the plant, still in its original plastic container, in a larger container that had no holes in the bottom. I then filled the larger container with water so that the water lever was almost up to the dirt level. I then place it in a sunny window. Within two weeks, the plant sent up 6 blooms and it grew like crazy. It has been growing that way for 3 months. None of the leaves get brown and it looks happier than any peace lily I have ever seen. In fact, it was growing so fast, I just divided it and started five plants from it.

Try growing you peace lily sitting in water and see how it does.


Broaddus, TX(Zone 8b)

zone 8b, Southeast, TX
Each morning after my first cup of coffee at 6:30 am, I give my sail plant (Spath.) a good misting.

Air Conditioning dries plant our quickly through those big leaves. Soil should remain moist to touch.

Mine is 4' tall and wide and blooming regularily.

Healthy, Happy Gardening

Jeffersonville, PA(Zone 6b)

Hi Sudie,

I agree, air conditioning can dry out plants. But up north here, if you have central air, heating in the winter is even worse. Humidity levels in your house can drop to 15 to 20%. It is horrible for most plants.

I am glad to see you are taking care of your spath. the 'correct' way (keeping it moist and misting it). However, I am terribly negligent when it comes to taking care of plants. When I get busy and/or travel a lot for business, I frequently forget to water (It is a good thing I don't have kids. What do you mean you want something to eat? I fed you last week, didn't I?) I am hoping that by keeping my peace lily's feet wet, it will keep it happy during my periods of neglect!

Happy gardening!

Coeur D Alene, ID(Zone 5a)

That could be it - it's been a dry, dry winter here,and I tend to water my plants sparingly (it's easier to start watering more if a plant looks bad than if you've drowned it). Thanks for the advice. I'll see what happens!

Chesapeake, VA(Zone 7b)

Thanks for the tip JAG3. I'm gonna check the roots first then I'm gonna try sitting it in water. I might even move it so that it gets a little more light. I did not know that they needed so much water. And I didn't know they were used in the betta vases hmmm.
Thanks again. Gives me hope.

Fruitport, MI(Zone 5a)

Mine too wilted often before I watered it. They seem to like lots of water. Since I put it in a self watering pot and it looks great. Since I don't have it by a window, I don't get many blooms though. Too many plants and not enough windows. LOL

Thumbnail by kathyvm

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