Post-Op Bariatric Proceedure II

Denver Metro Area, CO(Zone 5a)

TPlant, I just found this thread. I was wondering how the lapband procedure worked for people and was excited to see that you have been losing steadily. I'd read that, in Europe (or was it Australia?), they feel it has the same longterm wt. loss record as the roux-en-y (probably misspelled that word).

When they did the surgery, did they tell you that you could not do any lifting? If so, how long were you limited--and are you allowed to lift at this point?

Please keep sharing!

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

I'm happy to hear you say that Patti ! I was starting to wonder how many people are watching this thread and if I'm doing any good to help others? I sure would like to hear from anyone watching and reading this thread and of course their questions or comments. It seems that only four or five people seem interested? If you are reading this please log in and let me know so I may know how many are interested? Maybe this entire thread should be moved to "General Discussion?" Can someone move this for me?

This message was edited May 19, 2006 12:52 PM

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Hi Diane
I didn't do any lifting for about thirty days. After that time I was back to normal. As far as lap-band versus by-pass, Lap-Band is a lot safer and reversible if medically necessary while By-Pass is not plus approxiametly 10% of by-pass patients over the age of 65 DO NOT SURVIVE THE FIRST YEAR! One does lose weight faster with the by-pass but I'm in no hurry.

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)


I don't know if it's American nosey-ness or that so many people are struggling with overweight themselves or that so many people here care about you after hearing all about everything from day 1 to day whatever this is, but please, keep posting. (How many days has it been?)

Do you have a statistic on how many by-passes are successful for permanently losing weight? I once dated a guy who had had THREE by-passes and he was still enormous. [Dating him was a big mistake anyway, and shortly afterwards I met my DH.] How much do emotional factors play into obesity and how much is physical? I guess that's an un-answerable question. And congratulations on your latest two pound lost! Just do that every week :-) easy for me to say....


Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

It's been 79 days since my surgery. Pertaining to your former friend, I've never heard of anyone having more than one surgery as that is all that is REQUIRED? He must have had a proceedure that is no longer available and who would want it anyway? Mine lasts a lifetime. If I stop losing weight or if my appetite increases it is a simple proceedure that the doctor performs in his office to adjust the band.
Not everyone loses the weight they expect to lose but it is their own fault as they may have physological problems. As far as stastics are concerned I don't have them but I used to have a huge appetite. One meal in the past would now do me for the week.

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

I think he had what we used to call STAPLES: he had huge scars all over his abdonen:

Please keep on posting. You *never* know how many quiet participants you have reading. Some people are afraid of posting their innermost thoughts. You never know how many lives you touch by your courage and compassion. :) Oh, and by the way ... many many congratulations! :)

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Now I understand! Stapling does not decrease appetite but it reduces the size of the stomach so that it does not hold as much but overeating will cause the stomach to expand and eventually get back to it's original size and there lies the reason for three staplings.
I have very tiny scars as they did not use stitches but used a glue and there is no need for further surgery. Eventually the scars will disappear.

N.C. Mts., NC(Zone 6b)

I was just telling my sister about you this morning. Her Grand daughter is going to have the by-pass. The Grand D. is heavey and in her 30's Thought she might want to look into the lap band like you had.
Yes, we want to hear all about how you are doing. Keep us informed.

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

lizh --- Good for her! She is young enough to use either proceedure. A discussion with her surgeon will make the determination of which is best for her. In my case I was to old for the by-pass as it did have considerable risk for me. A friend of mine, much younger than me, lost 140lbs and I did not recognize her. This was my motivation to have the surgery plus my cardiologist recommended it. He has not seen me since February of this year and my appointment with him is 7/11/06. Wait till he sees the difference?

Moon Twp, PA(Zone 6a)

TPlant - I agree. Many people will read and not reply. Keep posting, please! We are on your side and want to be able to enjoy your successes!

I knew one acquaintance that had the by-pass several yrs before I met him. He gradually started eating more and more, until he was back up to at least 300 pounds, when he was telling me his story. He was back up to eating 4-5 full meals a day then. Haven't seen that guy in several years...

A dr once told my now-ex and myself to never eat anything with sugar, salt or fat in the 1st 3 ingred. Dr also stressed taking vit too. Ex was overweight, according to Army standards and about to get thrown out of the military. He managed to drop enough to be allowed to stay in and retire, but only after Suzi did all the paperwork!! Unfortunately, ex is up to at least 325-350 now and has no urge to drop.

I have dropped weight several times, but managed to get them back, plus some of their buddies! Unless it is a lifestyle change, it is difficult to keep it off. I need to make the decision to make a permanent, lifestyle change. When I get inspired to, I will. I only have about 30-50 pounds that I want to permanently exile. You are such an inspiration to me, so don't stop posting! Even though I am not ready yet, I love to hear about your successes! Keep up the good work!! And, yes, it is work!

My best wishes for your continued successes!!
~ Suzi :)

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

"Thank You Suzi and All of You That Read My Postings." I shall continue as you are more of a help to me than you will ever know? I am very happy to know that many are interested and am hoping to give you the courage to take the first step towards "Healthy and Happy Living" for I know what it "is" or should I say "was" to be morbidly obese.
My eating habits have changed drasticly as I no longer consume any food that contains more than 8 grams of sugar per serving. You would be totally amazed as I was when I started reading the labels on the food products I were about to purchase? Sugar is your worst enemy as it increases your appetite and fills you with worthless calories. Check it out the next time you go shopping. I eat a lot of chicken, turkey, seafood though not a fish eater, vegetables, fruit such as melons, apples, plums, grapes etc. I no longer have desires for ice cream, soda whether it be regular or diet. By the way carbonated beverages expand the stomach and allow for more unnecessary food thus making one even heavier. Replace the liquid with water or flavored water being certain it is not CARBONATED OR CONTAIN SUGAR and DO NOT DRINK WITH YOUR MEALS and then only drink after 30 minutes after eating. Amazing fact that you will notice is that YOU WILL NOT BE THIRSTY AFTER THIRTY MINUTES but drink water anyway! It is good for you.
I drink at least 64 oz. of fluid, mainly water, per day and always have a bottle either in my hand or by my chair. At one time I never drank water but drank soda or iced tea or some other sugar drink thinking I was doing well. Since I have been drinking large amounts of water my skin has cleared, my elimination process has become regular and I no longer have internal ulcer problems. I used to to be on prescription Prilosec 1xday. No more and no more Zocor for cholesterol, nor celebrex for arthritis, darvoset for pain and four other daily meds. I never knew being fat caused so many health problems as dizziness and shortness of breath. I've rambled long enough to boar most but I hope that I have helped one to make a decision...

While I'm not considered to be overweight, I keep up and read your posts with *much* interest ... gaining more moral support than you know. I have many bad diet habits which I'm trying to break, and it helps to know there are others who are fighting addictions, also. I need to learn to drink water for one. :) Thanks for posting these tips. It's things we've all read but put into perspective when posted by someone we know. :)

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Drinking water was most difficult for me. Even more difficult than giving up ice cream and cake etc. But slowly but surely it came to be my only liquid besides coffee in the AM. It will be easier for most now that summer is just around the corner. Who wants a drink of cold water in the winter? Brrrrr

Coffee is my drink of choice. It doesn't matter how *hot* it is. I just *love* my coffee. I will try to do better, though. ;)

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Bad habits are hard to break but not impossible! It can be done if you really want to? Just like being an alcoholic. One will not stop drinking no matter how others may try to help. One will only stop when he or she has hit their bottom, whatever that may be. Smoking is a little easier but food we must have so there is no "cold turkey" here. It does take a great deal of will power, even with the aid of surgery, to avoid the no-no foods. However, for me, it took only a week or so because I really hit my bottom and did not want to die. After one massive heart attack and then gaining 30 more pounds, I figured I was crazy and really needed help. My cardiologist was the one that suggested surgery...

Lincoln City, OR(Zone 9a)

T, my DH took to drinking hot water for his winter drink and now orders it in restaurants too. He wasn't allowed caffine after his open heart surgery so got in the water habit.

I love reading your messages. Thanks for continuing to post them.

I am glad you are doing so well. What a difference from this winter already! YAY!


Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Yes, my Chinese aunt (Hawaiian) at one point considered tea and coffee unnecessary luxuries (not like diapers and food for the kids) and took to drinking just hot water in the a.m. Me, I take SO MANY meds that caffeinated tea is among them now. I'm at this point (where I come every spring) where I can foresee a point where tea will be too hot and brewing iced tea seems like too hard and I don't much like powdered. I always figure something out.

Keep it up, T-plant, you're our American idol!

I saw (couldn't say where or why!) an illustration of the two proceedures, lap-band and the other one. Now I understand more of what's going on.

xxxxxxxxx, Carrie

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

You still *brew* iced tea? I place two family-sized decaf teabags (Luzianne is my favorite brand) in a pitcher of water and set the pitcher in the fridge. An hour later, it's ready. Never fails. Tea is good for us - flavenoids - and I drink lots of it. Even in the evening and have no sleep disturbance.

(Actually, I use two pitchers, so that I don't run out.)

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

This morning I had my protein, Carnation Instant Breakfast 0grms osugar, and fruit. Can't eat more than one piece of fruit except for watermelon which is 92% water. I can eat a quarter of a 20lb melon. Must say I really enjoy it! I must have the cleanest internal organs what with all the liquids I eat and drink. I gotta buy stock in the CHARMIN COMPANY if you know what I mean? Constipation is not a problem..

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)


Well, I guess everything IS bigger in Texas; I don't think they sell 'family size' tea bags back here. And I never heard of Luziane. But 1 hour's pretty good; I think I'll try it.

(Sorry T-, this next part is rather off-topic.) My DGA (Dear dear dear great-aunt, now deceased) used to make a very strong fairly perfect iced tea from 1/2 lb. tea (loose), 2 c. sugar, 3 lemons (cut up) and 4 sprigs of mint (bruised). I'm not sure of the proportions, unfortunately! It might have been 1/2 cup sugar and 2 lb. tea, or 2 lemons and 3 sprigs of mint and 4 quarts boiling water, or 1/2 c. sugar, 2 quarts boiling water, Oh well. It was in that 1/2, 2, 3, 4, proportion so it would be impossible to forget, LOL. Basically, the sugar got dissolved, the lemony flavor got all the way in, as did the minty flavor, and it steeped for a while, and then was strained and refrigerated, and then served over a whole lot of ice. She had a phenomenal garden, too.


Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

I substitute Equal for sugar and really enjoy it. Today I shall slice some fresh strawberries and let them sit with equal for a couple of hours and than I'll put some over a piece of sugar-free pound cake. Would you believe that I still lose 2lbs per week ?

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

It's not weigh-in day today but I feel remarkably slim. I won't weigh myself until Friday but when I stand my belly does not block the view of my toes? My pants are loose and my belt came in another notch! All this overnite? I was concerned about the loose flab but it seems to be tightening up. Of course I don't expect to have the build of my twenties and thirties but I'd be happy with whatever as long as I am healthy....

Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

Wonderful Tplant!!!I have been a yo-yo dieter for years and have found that the inches off are even more important that the pounds off, clothes wise.

Having had four children I know that wonderful feeling of looking down and being shocked by the strange looking things on the floor.'s my feet! Welcome strangers, LOL

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

YAAAAAY T-plant. No offense, but it reminds me of being pregnant and then NOT pregnant. Helll-llllo toes!

xxxxxxx, Carrie

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Hi Everyone,
Got a real late start today as I slept till 11:30am because of a real late night. Nothing serious. My grandson (3yr) woke up at 5am and decided to stay up and play. Need I say more? Anyway the scale says 283 1/2 lbs down a pound and a half from last Friday. Was hoping for two or more because I feel so trim and my pants (size 50) are loose and I have a pair of size 48s just waiting. Hope to slip into them this week, if not, definetly next week.
I happened to drop in on "Healthy Living" forum and admire the many that have joined togeather to work with each other in an attempt to lose weight. It takes great courage to admit your wrongful eating habits. I know as I was once there. I tried so many times and so many ways and so many d--- diets and every time I would lose any weight only to gain back at least double of what I lost. Still I continued with dieticians, weight loss fads, professional groups, you name it? I'm certain many of you have been there-done that! Bless our medical people for discovering bariatric surgery as I have been losing a steady average of two pounds per week with no hunger and absolutely no desire for ice cream or junk foods although I can have them but why should I? I know from my own "pint-a-day" orgie the harm it can do to me. Blood pressure, diabetis, arthritis, heart failure, clogged arteries only to go on medications that have significant negative side affects and cause new ailments. For me it was a hopeless battle and I just yielded to junk food. Notice I said "junk food" and not food. It seems that healthy foods chicken, seafood, lean meats were avoided. It was to easy to eat hot dogs, hamburgers, sandwiches, cake, pasta and such.
The story goes on and on and on until my cardioligist, did I tell you that I had a heart attack in "98" and gained another 35lbs afterwards, suggested bariatric surgery. At that time September of 2005 I weighed 328lbs and was morbidly obese and just waiting for the final heart attack. Thanks to him I am now off the "glutton wagon" and am off all medication except for two out of the seven, learning to enjoy the life that was meant to enjoy. However, I will not take this for granted! It is still one day at a time for me...

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Perhaps people are afraid of this proceedure because they heard about people that gained weight after the surgery? This could be if it was the old stapling surgery whereas the stomach was stapled. However, the stomach will stretch and constant overeating will force the stomach to expand rendering the stapling useless. Some have had three staplings before giving up. I don't know if this ancient proceedure is still practiced but gastric-by-pass and lap banding are very different and make it very, very difficult to overeat if not impossible. Staples are not used in lap band as an adjustable collar is placed at the entrance to the stomach and is closed slightly if you still have a strong appetite. This is a painless adjustment made by your doctor. Most times I have to remember to eat. This proceedure is reversable if medically necessary.
The gastric-by-pass is a lot more complex however. Weight loss is more rapid as part of the large intestine is by passed and the food is passed through the body more quickly making less chance for fat to accumalate. This process is for people under the age of 60 or 65.
The vast majority do lose weight and keep it off but a small percentage do not as they have much deeper problems than an appetite. For them there is a special group that helps them to understand their challenges and overcome them. Out of thirty of my group, two are facing and adjusting to their individual habits.

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)


Never forget how inspiring you are to all of us! Whether or not we are considering surgery, which may seem like a final resort for most, your story is so exciting and motivating.

xxx, Carrie

Have a great holiday week-end. :)
Hugs&blessings ... elaine

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Ate some no-no food over the hoiday week-end. Macaroni salad and bread are not allowed. Had to try it to see and as a result only dropped one pound this week. Down to 282 1/2. Heavy carbs are definetly not advised with this new way of eating and would you believe I felt terribly guilty and as a result I really did not enjoy it. I don't think I'll do that again as it wasn't worth the bloated feeling plus I became complacent for a couple of days. Seems the starches drained my energy? Anyway feeling wonderful today and plan to tend to my melon plants which are doing very well in their EBs. Must go and buy a new microwave oven today as mine died yesterday and I can not do without one!

Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

Naughty, naughty TPlant! But if you learned something it was a good thing. One pound in a week is not to be sneezed at, good for you!

Of course I understand about the starches. If I ate a sandwich and Macaroni salad for lunch (one of my favorites) I would spend the afternoon dozing and dragging. Sometimes I think the carb habit is harder to beat than having a sweet tooth.

Well, the holiday weekend is over so now you can get on with your miracle makeover!

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

I'm kind of ashamed of myself. I knew it was not the thing to do but I did it anyway? A lesson learned the hard way.

Don't beat yourself up too severely. I have been on a carb rampage lately. I *know* better ... but once you get off that wagon, it's so hard to get back on. You are to be commended for your stead fastness. :) You always help me stay on track. Of course you're right about the carbs. I vow to start doing better. :) Congrats on your continued weight loss!

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)


My D,D,DH is, as I've mentioned, 60 lbs heavier than when I met him 9 years ago. His standard routine is no breakfast, a salad or a sandwich for lunch if he has time, Fast Burger (insert chain name here) for supper at 10 pm. He sleeps from when he gets home (10:30 - 11:30) until I wake him up at 10 am next am, or gets up to drive kids somewherre and then goes back to sleep. He IS in pain most of the time. We got the book The South Beach Diet and first I had to read it and tell him how to eat. It seems like he could get through 2 weeks of anything!!! Except sugar, or carbs, or fat.... Then he was gonna start on Monday, then June 1, but every am I say ok, time for your eggs w/out toast and V8 juice and he says I know but I feel sick right now, like I might throw up. I couldn't possibly eat anything.

I'm not saying this to complain about my beloved DH, but to congratuate you again. Somehow you managed NOT to be in that cycle anymore. Good job!!! So you slipped a little, as long as you get right back on the horse, it's no biggie. YOU'RE DOING IT (and soon we'll all be able to say YOU DID IT!)!!!

xxxxxx, Carrie

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Carrie --- To get back on track I will resume the "liquid diet" that the doctor put me on prior and after my surgery. This will get my energy back up where it should be and I know I will get that comfortable feeling again. Hard to believe what excess carbs can do to one's well being? I lost all energy and just felt BLAH! Oh yes! Also I will drink my 64oz of water daily as it is very important for weight loss. One can lose weight just by drinking water on a daily basis and I slowed up. The weather was rainy and for some reason I just couldn't drink enough water but this time I bought Aquafina flavored water(non-carbonated) and I find it very easy to drink even when I'm not in the mood. Try some for your husband?

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

His work schedule is changing, from 1:30pm - 10pm to 6am - 2 pm. Then it'll be okay if breakfast is at noon and lunch at 3 and supper at 7 with the family. At least that's where I'm pinning my hopes.

x, C

Auburn, AL(Zone 8a)

Tplant they also have the Crystal Lite packs that are for single bottles of water for when you go out or are on the go. Small enough to fit in a pocket and never notice them.

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Got those too.. Can have drinks that are not carbonated and contain sugar. I love the crystal Lite pink grapefruit drink. Planned on working in the garden today as my watermelon vines are running all over but it is way to hot and muggy. I'll try again this evening when it cools down.

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Went to my MD appointment today and his scale showed me fully clothed and wearing my brace at 285. Down five pounds since my last visit approxiametly one month ago. That's not bad! I'm doing OK even though my goal is two pounds per week. He made another adjustment to my band today making the passage way a little smaller. This will decrease my appetite even less and that is fine by me. Must say I am feeling great and sleeping very well and my legs and my back don't hurt like they used too."Darn, I feel real good."
On the fifteenth of this month I am going to a special meeting where companies will display their foods for bariatric post-op patients. Of course their will be samplings and I will be looking forward to it....

Auburn, AL(Zone 8a)

Tplant for those in your group that can have dairy and still crave sweets (which you are curbing with fruit) here is something for ya'll

whip cream (sugar free kind)
pistachio jell-o (sugar free)
pinapple (crushed, in it's own juice)
chopped pecans

mix it all together and let set in the fridge for an hour or two before serving. Mom always use to put marshmellows in it but since I can't have those and don't like the sugar free marshmellows I leave them out and don't miss them at all.

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