So what is blooming/setting fruit in your garden?

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

DH does the veggie garden, mostly, I do the tomatos, but we have broccoli, that is heading, cabbage also, peas are in bloom, and I have several heirloom tomatos blooming.

So what do you have?

west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

tomatoes, squash, peppers are ripening...and both pole and bush beans coming in about a week. Getting hot down here.

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

Figs. Huge crop.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Zone envy here. Have peas and some heirloom tomatos blooming, but that is it. Having an insect problem with broccoli/cabbage, so the gauntet have been thrown!!

High Desert, NV(Zone 5a)

Extreme zone envy here! I still have daffodils blooming... I did notice one flower on our peas, and my tomatillo starts keep blooming. Poor things they are in these little tiny peat pots, i pick the blooms off. They still have two weeks till they get planted out.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

I have already planted out some Kentucky Heirloom tomatos, I bought, and some are beginning to bloom. So since I am gonna save seed, gotta get those blossoms bagged.

Houston, United States(Zone 9b)

Been getting lots of yellow squash, some green beans, some cucumbers (my fave!) and LOTS of tomatoes but they are all still green.......fried tomatoes anyone?

west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Tomatoes (picked 5 or 6 today) and green beans last night.

Thumbnail by dmj1218
Houston, United States(Zone 9b)

Gosh Debbie,

You got WAY more green beans than we did. What variety are you growing and what size bed did you plant them in?


Los Angeles, CA(Zone 10a)

Sugar snap peas, blue lake bush beans, cucumbers and tons of

Thumbnail by kanita
Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Wow, everything looks great. Wish I were further south, so I could be harvesting like you!

Walpole, NH(Zone 5a)

Last of daffodils in full bloom, early tulips finished their bloom 2 weeks ago. Some tulips in bloom now. Primrose have been in bloom for about a week & 1/2. Apple trees starting to bloom and some blossoms on peach tree. Won't be setting out tomatoes until the end of the month.

Houston, United States(Zone 9b)


I love the blue lake beans!

Salem, OR(Zone 8a)

All I have with blooms not yet opened, is a healthy early girl tomato. Can you believe I got that one at Walmart?

As far as flowers go, I got my first rose bloom, on my cecile brunner. There are TONS of buds on them. My delphiniums are blooming so nicely, they are just lovely. My lavender began to bloom last month. I was very surprised about that since it's still early. Impatiens are looking good. Bleeding hearts are growing like weeds, same with blue salvia.

This message was edited May 8, 2006 6:33 PM

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

Central MO, here. Iris are in full bloom as are the wild sweet rocket, Hansa and a couple of red root stock roses that are pretty enough to keep, bleeding hearts, columbines, spiderworts, old fashion orange poppies, one clematis that thinks it should sit on the ground in a hump instead of climbing, and a couple blooms on one bright pink peony. Hollyhocks have buds on many of them.

The spinach is just coming up as are the beets. No sign of the carrots yet. One bloom on a just purchased tomato which is way to small for bearing so I picked it off.

west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

DCat--You will be harvesting while we are 'cowering' in the A/C at 5 am for fear of melting...

Alamo--see"Let's Talk Green Beans" thread (sorry too lazy to give you a link--LOL--bad day at work--it was hard to tell who was worse--the students or the adults!) Festina bush beans...the poles will be ready soon and another variety of bush called Xera.

Kanita--never thought of them in hanging pots...might do well in the "high shade" many plants did you allow to mature per pot? Do you fertilize them in pots? I don't in the ground but maybe you need to in a pot?


Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Oh, I forgot about my peonies. They are really pretty. Have red, pink and white.

Houston, United States(Zone 9b)


My gift to you for such a hard day!

See you there. =)


surfside beach, SC(Zone 8b)

My Persian Cucs in EB's and buckets are loaded with blooms.Come on pollinators do your thing!

Fairmont, WV(Zone 6a)

Oh, poo. No veggies even close to blooming yet for heirloom tomato seedlings aren't growing very fast...don't know why (time to head over to the tomato forum, I think)... dogwoods are just past bloom, late azaleas are out, and the dandelions have all gone Poof!

I sort of have Zone Envy, but more for my plants than for me (they'd love the heat, but I don't! :) ).


Los Angeles, CA(Zone 10a)

Debbie - I always grow bush beans in hanging baskets, this year will be the first time I try them in the ground. The container pictured is 12" diameter, and I have 6 blue lakes around the perimeter, and 3 weeks later, i put 3 royal burgundy seeds in the center. Yesterday, I put in 6 more contender bush bean seeds, that will begin to grow by the time I have to pull out the blue lakes in about 3 weeks.

Do you fertilize them in pots? I don't in the ground but maybe you need to in a pot?

YES, I definitely fertilize in pots. I put in some blood meal and bone meal when I first planted them, and the minute I saw blooms, I added a few tablespoons of fish bone meal and a week later I had beans.

The changes I made this year are: I switched to the plastic hanging baskets, as I used to use the ones that are coco-lined, as they dry out so much faster than the plastic ones, and this year I switched to using the organic fertilizers, as I used to use Osmocote at planting time. Also, this is my first time growing the blue lakes, usually I grow only royal burgundy, and yellow wax. Here is last October's yellow wax basket.

Thumbnail by kanita
west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Ah Gee Alamo--I thought it might be a link to Brad.....

Thanks for the info Kanita--that idea might work for the shade under the eaves here in the summer...I never woulda thunk that up! LOL

This message was edited May 9, 2006 6:15 PM

Los Angeles, CA(Zone 10a)

Now you see why I needed real garden space.

Los Angeles, CA(Zone 10a)

I went to the garden last night and I have a couple of sugar crunch cucumbers ready to pick. I will leave them on til Saturday though, but they are both 5" long, which the description from Burpee says they are best picked when 4-5" long.


Lawrenceville, GA(Zone 7b)


That's a great idea with the hanging baskets. I'm always looking for ways to maximize my space. I am going to try that. How's your yield?


Los Angeles, CA(Zone 10a)

I get a pretty good yield I think. I literally have to pick from it every couple of days and sometimes every day, and that lasts for a few weeks for each planting. I picked beans off on Monday, and now I really need to pick more today as they are getting too big.

At this point, I also water a lot more of course. The way I timed the planting of the basket is: in 3 weeks when the plant currently producing are ready for me to remove, I cut them at the soil level because the seeds I planted 3 weeks after the first set of seeds came up, I planted in between the existing seedlings. Therefore in 3 weeks, I have a whole new crop from the second planting in the same container.

I do that with two different pots. Pot up 1 hanging basket with about 9 seeds, when the seeds germinate, I hang it on the balcony and 3 weeks later, I plant up the 2nd basket and hang it on the balcony once germinated. On the same day I hang up the 2nd basket, I add more seeds to the 1st basket in between the seedlings, and I do the same thing 2 weeks later with the 2nd basket. Last year I got about 15lbs of beans this way.

Considering the seeds cost me only $0.05, I definitely am happy with the yields. At my neighboorhood Ralphs Grocery Store, Yellow wax beans are currently $8.99lb! Whole Foods aka Whole Paycheck, is $12.99lb!

Brockton, MA(Zone 6a)

I have nothing to eat yet but the Pak Choi should be ready in a couple of weeks.
I had intended to plant my tomatoes in the ground this weekend but we are under a flood watch. They can wait in the cold frame.
The Strawberries are setting fruit like mad.
Andy P

Thumbnail by Sarahskeeper
Audubon, PA(Zone 6b)

We are enjoying Joi Choi & Choi Sum Chinese cabbages which were started indoors & transplanted at the same time I planted seeds of same outside. We are also eating leaf lettuce and looks like the Romaine lettuce, also started indoors, will be ready to start picking in about one week. Volunteer wild Lambsquarters are half-grown & will be added to stir-frys or other greens. Mustard greens a little slow this year..not ready yet.


Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

I picked my first strawberries yesterday. I only have about 100 plants, and last year they yielded plenty for eating, and I froze about 5 gallon. So I will be occupied with them for the next couple of weeks. Yum, they are really good and sweet.

Brockton, MA(Zone 6a)

Defoecat, Yes, I freeze 10 quarts every season. The rest are eaten fresh or given away. I still have some in the freezer. I have another 3 - 4 weeks to wait.
Andy P

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Still early. Poke salet, and English peas are bout finished. Broccoli in full harvest, Cauliflower just beginning to head.

Thumbnail by Farmerdill
Brockton, MA(Zone 6a)


Ronkonkoma, NY(Zone 6b)

Tomatoes starting to form fruits, brocolli head beginning to form, and a hint of some green peppers. I'm starting to think that the spinach and carrots were bad seeds!?! Nothin doing there. Maybe all my ants carried them away (a good visual for you all). Got almost the entire garden mulched. Gotta remember to take a pic for you all. Haven't shown you yet. Will try to get DW to take some pics tomorrow. Need to get some more seeds sown.

I M JEALOUS , our weahter is brutal here right now, my beans look like they should be in an ICU . :( peas are ok but critters are eating them, tomatos are having some leaf problem , posted in tomato forum my problem. Lettuce is good, pick a few leaves to nibble on while looking at my tomatos and wondering if beans are going to make it.
Rain , high strong winds, damp, cold and just plain UUUUUUUGGGLLLLLLLYYYYYY
i can't get anyhting in the ground?? wind ripps it all in half or a cold front came in and froze them , some are healling well and survived, soo off in the garage they go until we get some decent weahter. some in window sill with sun in every room of my house too.
Even the ones that were hardend off are pretty sick looking , gave a boost of B12 to some of them to see if it works, have had luck in the past with it.

Los Angeles, CA(Zone 10a)

Sorry to hear that Sue. It will get better. I'm wishing some good weather your way.


west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Surprising production from a bell here I never expected to be worth a hoot or holler.
Goliath from Totally Tomatoes.

Thumbnail by dmj1218
Brockton, MA(Zone 6a)

My Pac Choi is getting close.
It's a little muddy after all the rain.
Andy P

Thumbnail by Sarahskeeper
west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

looking good there Andy!

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

I picked 2 gallon of strawberries today, plus about a gallon and 1/2 of peas. Will have more of both later this week.

west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Xera bush Beans...the closer they get to the stove, the more likely I will cook them. lol

Thumbnail by dmj1218

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