yellow sticky trap cards

Grand Junction, CO(Zone 6a)

Where can I find yellow sticky trap cards for controlling fungus gnats?

Turlock, CA(Zone 9a)

I've seen them for sale at most nursery centers, but it's real easy to make your own. All you have to do is go to a craft/art supply store and buy some coated bright yellow poster paper. Cut into squares, coat with vasaline, then place or hang wherever you see fungus gnats.
You might also try to let youe plants go dry a bit more, I've had great results in putting a half inch layer of sand on the top of the soil too.
Hope any of this helps! Kim

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Was told by someone who ran/owned a nursery for years that the fungus knats don't go deeper then the first 2" of if you water from the bottom it wont' give them breeding ground. Also using the mosiquito (Sp?) dunks that that have out this time of year in the water was suggested to me and seems to be working.

The manufacturer of the brand that I used --Olympic Horticulture- has recently stopped making them. Competing brands are more expensive. I am not coping well with this news.

Powder Springs, GA(Zone 7b)

You can make your own sticky traps as well. A yellow surface coated with Vaseline will trap those pesky gnats. A bowl of water will lure many to their demise as well. You can add a dab of vinegar to the water but not sure if that attracts more or not.

Dallas, TX(Zone 8a)

You can order them from Bluebird Greenhouse. That is where I got mine. They come 10 cards to a pack and have a sticky back to stick them to your shelf or whatever you want to stick them to. I cut mine into smaller pieces (they have lines on the back so that you can cut them straight) and stick them on the poles on the sides of my shelves, on the underside of each shelf, and also right on the shelves themselves. They are waterproof. Their site is: They are located about half way down the page. Here is what the look like.


Thumbnail by Plantcrazii

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