What weed do you hate the most?

Denver, CO(Zone 6a)

Bindweeeeeeeedddddd! I'll never get rid of it!!!!

Houston, United States(Zone 9b)

Hehe, thanks Debbie....not sure if that's good or bad. =)

west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

That's good Alamo! Love good writer's..it's a lost art form. You always leave me with such vivid pictures in my mind and a smile on my face!

Back to weeds--bermuda grass here too. Found some yesterday emerging from 28" of mulch, a good 30' from the property line and any known pieces of the plant. The tenacity of that weed down here in Texas for survival is amazing.

Houston, United States(Zone 9b)


You are kind beyond description! Thanks Debbie! Writing is something I've dreamed of doing professionally and what I went to college for you are just so sweet to compliment me. I really appreciated it.

LOL on the Bermuda weed....Texans will hate me, I planted some of this to take over the very thirsty and hard augustine grass. But I've read you are to mix grasses in your yard so they aren't overcome by any one such pest. I have Bermuda, some augustine and some Fescue. In winter some annual rye. I admit it was easy to use the bermuda because I was the first one on this barron lot and was able to put in beds just where I want. It might be tougher for the next gardener who naturally will want to revamp things for their own taste, but I've got plenty of space set aside with no bermuda popping up....yet. HA.

Bloomingdale, NY(Zone 4a)

Bindweed. That is an evil plant. The roots can go more than 20 feet deep.


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