Gnats or Flies or What?

Spokane, WA(Zone 5b)

Almost all of my houseplants are infested with something and I'm not sure what they are - I've never had this happen to me before. I recently adopted two plants from a friend while she is away on a trip and wonder if they brought them here.

They are small and have little wings. They seem to live in the soil - if I flick my finger against the top of a pot, they suddenly start moving around. They are really sicking me out. Anyone have ideas or pictures I can compare with? And once we establish what they are, a way to get rid of these nasty things?


SW, WI(Zone 4b)

I'd bet you've got fungus gnats.

Here's a thread where they were discussed....a few 'remedies' in this thread, too!

Good luck!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

You beat me to it!!! I love it!! Even took the time to re-read it...I'm such a goober I laughed all over again!!!
I'm using the dunks now...but only started last I'll have to see what's happening in a few weeks. The peroxcide does work but not completely - plus if you put too much in I think it burns the leaves a bit. Little by little I'm moving plants OUTdoors. But I'll still have the Begonias that the nasties are drawn to. Someone was kind enough to offer one of "those" (read: duh, why didn't I think of that) types of suggestions. Water the plants from the bottom - thus eliminating "moist" soil at the top. Apparently the creatures from hell only use the top 2" of the soil to do their terrible deeds. Yeah, I knew that already (not)!!

Spokane, WA(Zone 5b)

Well, before I posted this thread, and out of desperation since these nasty things were getting worse and in my house, I took Malathion to the soil - sprayed quite a bit. That was over the past few days, off and on. I'm seeing an occasional one here and there, check them constantly and spray them again when I see one. I think more and more hatch everyday so it will be a battle for awhile. There has been no harm to the plants thus far. I hate using chemicals but this was so very gross (I don't do well with bugs). I did read that thread just prior to posting this, as well, but didn't see any links with pics of these nasty things so although I assumed I had fungus gnats, I wasn't sure. Forgive me for using the malathion! I was desperate!

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

Sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do!!

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