Show your 'Herb garden photos

Southern, CA(Zone 8b)

Let`s see your 'Herb garden pictures

This isn't a close up, but maybe you can get an idea from this picture. I have them all over my deck and deck rail. :)

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Here's a close up of my Italian parsley.

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Southern, CA(Zone 8b)

Great pics! Everything is nice and green. Thank you for sharing
Here is my herb bed, I`m new at gardening.

Thumbnail by sowmo
Auburn, AL(Zone 8a)

aww I wanted to see a picture of a squirrel...nice pictures.

west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Here's what I lovingly refer to as my "pot ghetto". Garlic, 3 basils, dill, 2 thymes, 2 parsleys, rosemary, and the big pot has a perennial "Panama Rose" froze back this winter but is coming along now (just can't see it over the rim). To the right are other kinda plants in the "ghetto" rooting or waiting for new owners.

Thumbnail by dmj1218

Great pics y'all. I'm growing a big variety also. I've got several types of basil, a couple types of oregano, regular and lemon thyme, rosemary, marjarum, spearmint, choco mint, lemon balm, my lamb's ear and a few I can't remember. Here's a picture of my scented geranium. I call her Rosie. :) It's an adder of Rose.

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Southern, CA(Zone 8b)

Notice, I found some use for my grandchildrens old potty chair, it`s holding up my chives. 'Lol

(Zone 7a)

"Pot ghetto"??? heehee And here I was thinking what an elegant staging for bonsai your arrangements would make. That's one thing I love about herbs - their character is strong enough to make the smallest space seem so other-worldly (maybe I read too much sci-fi when I was younger?). Enjoyed your pics.

We don't have a digital camera, and our herb garden is still a pile of dirt and figment of my imagination. DH got tired of fooling with wire and rocks every night to protect a pond from raccoons, so the pond liner now has a new home, the hole has been filled by yours truly, DH has made a little stone wall down hill, and wahla: pile of dirt!

Anyhoo, the day will come when DH is satisfied with his wall, the dirt settles a little more, the last spring frost date passes - and until, then, I will moon over your pictures - thank you.

Nauvoo, AL(Zone 7a)

got a late start on doing an herb garden. will use my 1/2 barrels for planters. Goin Herb shopping this evening.
Wants Dill, Sage, Rosemary, just what ever I can find.
I already have onions and garlic in the 1/2 barrels.

Do you have to water those window boxes alot?
Do they get blown off the rail often?
We have alot of wind here. Wanted to put window boxes down my rails but was afraid to.

Some one mentioned a squirrel. Here ya go.
Squirrelie playing on son.

Thumbnail by CricketsGarden
Nauvoo, AL(Zone 7a)

1/2 barrel garden---early pics

Thumbnail by CricketsGarden

I don't have any problems with the wind blowing the containers off the deck rails unless we have *very* severe storms. When I know the weather is going to be bad I set them down, but I've never had but just a couple to fall off in the 3 or 4 years I've been doing this. Good luck with your herbs! :) The squirrels have been a *real* problem in south GA this year. :-(

west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

adorable shot Cricket! You should enter that in a phot contest--a sure winner!

IO1--how does that marjorum do for you? That's one of a few herbs I haven't tried...we are in the same zone!

Southern, CA(Zone 8b)

Wow' a real live squirrel? Bet ya can`t wait to see green in them barrels.

My sweet marjoram is growing better than my other herbs, it was growing a little bushier, but I`m trying to train it to grow straight up, by leaning things against it.

Nauvoo, AL(Zone 7a)

Ok well, Walmart was a real disappointment on herbs. Now I know why i had customers asking if i was goin to have herbs for sale in the future.
All I found worth having at walmart was Rosemary and Bee Balm. I really wanted the Bee Balm and Rosemary. I guess I will have to start everything from seed. With a huge late start.
Bought these seeds;
Sage, Lavender, Basil,
Went ahead and got some Lettuce seeds too. I have a spot that gets evening Shade.
I have a book called: The Complete Medicinal Herbal, the guide to healing properties of herbs with more than 250 remedies and common ailments.($29.95)
I need to learn which herbs will counter act these nachos I am eating. lol

west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Here's another shot from a wider viewpoint.

editted to add: my dills, parsley, and fennels are in the shade now to prolong their life in this heat! Just got 4 new mints at the DG Tx roundup (thank you AMPY of Austin!) and can't wait to pot them up: mountain mint, grapefruit mint, apple mint, and another (too dark to go read tag).

This message was edited Apr 30, 2006 8:31 PM

Thumbnail by dmj1218

My marjarum is growing like wild fire!! If you can't find any, let me know and I'll divide mine. :)

Nauvoo, AL(Zone 7a)

garlic and onions

Thumbnail by CricketsGarden
Silex, MO(Zone 5b)

Here's mine :)

Thumbnail by beccalynns
west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Does marjoram grow well from seed? Bee balm is monarda, right? That's another "challenging" plant in my yard--I've got one growing in a pot winter-sowed easy.

Cricket--start a thread somewhere about how you start onions (or here)...seeds? cloves like garlic? If you do seeds when? I need to start doing onions....been doing garlic a long time but never onions.

Beccalyns--love the wood work there...looks nice and you can draw it easily in a journal! much easier than pots when change places sometimes!

Silex, MO(Zone 5b)

Thanks dmj- I saw something similar in one of my herb books except there was a birdbath in the center. Stupid me didn't lay it out so that there was a center block LOL. I leave some of the spaces open for annual herbs like basil and nasturtium. :)

west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

No that I reread that last statement I made I'm surprised anyone can understand me--I really have got to start slowing down for keyboarding!

Nauvoo, AL(Zone 7a)

I started my onions with onion sets that i bought at walmart back in March. Seeds will do just like garlic seeds. Or just like green onion seeds. Just put some seed on the soil and lightly cover and keep moist.
I am sowing green onions, Leek , and chives sometime this week.

Yes BeeBalm is Monarda. It is a perennial. They come back from the roots too.

Sammamish, WA(Zone 7b)

I was hoping I had a close-up of my herb garden, but I can't find one. This pic is of my entire veg garden from last spring with my herbs in the center circular bed.

The ferny stuff in the center is bronze fennel. Around that, I've got chives and sage. The shortest stuff is near the edges - thyme, marjoram, lime thyme, savory...


Thumbnail by portiaw
Silex, MO(Zone 5b)

That is so cool Portia!!

west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Nice Garden!

west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

A lttle closer...

Thumbnail by dmj1218
Sammamish, WA(Zone 7b)

Thanks! That veg area took a lot of work about 3 years ago. This year, I've been pulling up the stepping stones and replacing them with wood chips (we have a chipper so this is a cheap option). The stepping stones allow weeds to grow between them and get muddy in our rainy spring weather.

I love your pot collection. I'm working on one with my mints as they're too invasive to put in the ground. I need to find a nice place to stage them, though, like you've done next to your fence. I don't have an abundance of full sun, though, so I need to get creative with my options. :)


west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I just had to buy 3 bee balms, another mint, and another Sage today...couldn't help myself...and I still have a perilla magilla, 4 mints, 3 onions, a mountain spinich, and a variegated sage to plant up from the Tx DG RU last Saturday........I think I'm addicted. LOL

Good Growing all this weekend!

Nauvoo, AL(Zone 7a)

I like Bee Balm just for the looks.
There are alot of herbs that I just do not care for. So i only will only grow what I know I will use.
I sowed the seeds for chives, green onions, and leeks today. I planted my Rose mary and my BeeBalm.
I plant my stuff all mixed up within my veggies. I do not have just an Herb Garden.

Anyway---I have now-- thirteen 1/2 barrel Planters on my deck. Mixture of herbs, veggies and flowers.

Thumbnail by CricketsGarden
Southern, CA(Zone 8b)

Great pics all!
I had to transplant my rosemary, it just seemed to crowded im my herb bed, the nasturtiums are really spreading and hovering over everything, they look nice though, with lots of new flowers. Seems like my rosemary didn`t mind being moved to a more open area, now it can stretch out 'Lol. It`s the kind of rosemary that looks like a christmas tree.

Southern, CA(Zone 8b)

Things sure change, I was looking at my herb pic, I ended up moving all my herbs to the back of the shed, now I am planting mostly plants that are not invasive, on this raised bed, gardening sure is fun, here is how it looks now ....

Thumbnail by sowmo
Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

sowmo, your nasturtiums in the earlier pic are awesome.

Crickets -- peppermint will cure nachos!

My 20' circle will be an herb bed at some point -- I'm taking pictures as I work on it so when I do post it, there will be progress.

Auburn, AL(Zone 8a)

Do either of ya'll start from seed? I don't have any luck with herb seedlings and I really want to start Cilantro since it's finally cooling off, just can't figure out what I'm doing wrong.

Sowmo your bed looks no way would I take a picture of my yard...*Yikes* looks terrible!


Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

araness, I've had a lot of trouble trying to start things from seed, but I keep plugging away at it. It's best to plant the seeds where the herbs will actually grow, rather than starting them somewhere and transplanting them.

Auburn, AL(Zone 8a)

Tomato and veggie seeds I don't have a problem with but my herb seeds killed over and died a fast and painful death. I guess I'll just sow some outside in a planter and see how they do...that is if it will stay this nice for a few days, keep your fingers crossed no more rain like we had a few nights ago.


Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

Wasn't that something? Not like the same time last year, but I've got full rain barrels!

Auburn, AL(Zone 8a)

ROFL nope least this year I got to keep my roof! We don't keep rainwater but I was thinking about starting to so I could water my plants, the water here in Orange is terrible...butttt it's sooo easy to just drag the hose over. What can I say I'm lazy.

Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

I get very suspicious of the water in Orange. There are times it doesn't smell entirely nice. Sometimes it's fine, though. With all the chemical plants down there...

Southern, CA(Zone 8b)

Ah, memories' Cilantro was the very first thing that I planted with seed, I recall it was about this time of year. It grew very nicely during the cool weather.
Good luck, with it.

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