Miracle Grow add

Silsbee, TX(Zone 9a)

Well then, c'mon up! Be glad to have ya! The shorter hair works better for not gettin tangled in the tree branches.

The hair cut came out very well. I used to pay $20 for the same exact cut, also done w/ a razor, a few years ago. I'll never do that again. I'm so glad I cut it all off. It's windy today and there'd be no way to hold it all back, even if I tied it in knots. I don't miss it one bit. So, who's next??

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Quote-Becky, if you've got a variety of Persian Sheild that...hiccup...can't be killed you better patent it!!

Is this it??

Thumbnail by Bec_No_Va
Silsbee, TX(Zone 9a)

Sure looks like it to me! That reminds me...I never did get those links for you Linda. Sorry! Hopefully I'll have a chance to tonight.

(Zone 6a)

This message was edited May 24, 2006 8:35 PM

(Zone 6a)

I already have short hair, which just got cut today, by me....so sorry Heather...not here :D
And like GymGirl I'll take the strong wine over the blackberry juice.

Nice persian sheid Becky!


ps- I was hoping you would do another experiment. darn

Silsbee, TX(Zone 9a)

Ok, ok. The next experiment will be cutting my hair while drinking strong wine.

SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)

I rescued a leggy Persian Shield (my first) from a local Nursery for half price. It's in a quart? sized pot. Please tell me the optimum growing conditions you've discovered for this beautiful plant.

I have it indoors for now, and want to cut it back severely to root the cuttings, since it is so leggy. Please guide me in this process so I don't destroy the plant. How often do you water it? I've been pouring just a little water on it each morning before I leave for work. Just enough to help keep the soil moist.

What do I need to do to root it? Any info would be appreciated!

P.S. I told my DH that this scrawny plant was going to be the STAR of his summer garden. Help me make this come true!

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

LOL, I have no suggestions for you.....I plopped the cuting in water, grew some roots, then plopped it in some soil and now it's in a planter outside.....like I said, I had no idea what it even was, I guess neglect works...:) Sorry!

Silsbee, TX(Zone 9a)

Linda, I hope these sites will help you out. If not let me know and I'll find something else...


(Zone 6a)

I'm of no help either.......I never grown one before.
Oh, and sorry for the weird double post thing.


SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)

Thanks Heathrjoy, et al, on the Persian Sheild sites.

Silsbee, TX(Zone 9a)

If they don't help let me know and I'll dig up something else.

SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)

I actually took pictures of EVERYTHING last night, but can't post today from my office. I tried to link the camera directly to my computer, but my systems won't install the camera program. SOOOOOOOOOO (mor than one way to mash a snail), I'll have to upload the pics to my laptop then save them to my datastick and post over the LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLIDAY WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEND.

I envy those of you who can stay home...

Although, I'd probably end up doing fulltime VOLUNTEER work at some school or nursing home, reading to kids and elders....or TEACHING at the Bible College I graduated from.

DH thinks we're going out on the boat. Ya'll wanna tell him it ain't happening?

Silsbee, TX(Zone 9a)

Why no boating? Not that I blame you, just wondering.

Can't wait to see pics. I want a laptop soooo bad. My DB just got one...borrowed the money from someone very close to me who keeps bugging me to call him and ask for the first payment (dh). Yikes. LOL!

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

heathr... just got a new laptop and love it. First one was so limited it only had B&W, not even gray scale... back in the stone age, LOL.

(Zone 6a)

My BIL has a laptop and I love using it when I get a chance.

BTW, I just got my first persian sheild yesterday and also some organic water retaining gel. Here's a pic of some of my containers, the one on the back left has the persian sheid in it.


Thumbnail by SW_gardener
SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)

Read those previous posts about the FIRST boating fiasco....Somebody tell her how it was...too painful to explain all over again...

Re: LAPTOPS. Dell laptops are great, and you can get them as little as $600. The end cost depends on how you plan to use your computer. If you're NOT into video games and Star Wars, then you'll come out waaaaaaaaaay ahead. Determine what you want to use your laptop for. Then go to the Dell.com website. You can actually build your laptop cafeteria style (picking and choosing what you want the company to install on your computer). You'll see every step of the way how much each feature, peripheral costs. So, you control the cost of your computer.

My laptop was a bit pricey, but I've got a 15" monitor, which allows me to watch DVD movies comfortably. Also, I was student at the time, and needed those presentation programs, video hookups etc. I can read, write, and burn CDs and DVDs from my computer, too. I also got a comprehensive replacement package that would replace my laptop for 4 years whether or not I caused the damage (like dropping it, etc.) But you may not need all this stuff. Just check it out.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Yeah, mine was pricey, too. But it's a 17" monitor and all the bells and whistles.

(Zone 6a)

Your laptop sounds really good GymGirl. I've seen the Dell comercials on tv before.
I guess the 600$ wouldn't work for me though, cause I LOVE Star War's! Hence the SW in my name :D


SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)

I'm a TREKKY! Jean Luc Picard, et al!

Silsbee, TX(Zone 9a)

We picked my DB's for him, it's a Dell. It's his first computer ever. It was $600. My ideal laptop would be the one w/ the anti-drop system. Ever seen it? I can't remember who makes it, but it actually has sensors in it that makes it levitate when dropped. It'll float about an inch or two above the ground. I'm serious.

Oh, someday I'll be able to sit out by the pool, sip my icy daiquiri and talk to y'all wirelessly. That's when I get my pool too.

The last pc we bought was a Dell. We always end up picking out pcs for everyone for some reason...maybe just cuz we volunteer. I don't know.

The laptop I'd want/need would prolly be $1,400 at least...so, I'll be waiting a while. That's ok. Patience is good for us. There's nothing wrong w/ the pc I have. I just want, want, WANT.

I do remember the boat day. You're right. Don't go. =^)

(Zone 6a)

GymGirl - Uh-Oh....It's the age old war of StarWars nut's vs. Trekkies! Go Han Solo!

SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)

I am NOT boldly going where ya'll have been before!

(Zone 6a)

Ya, LOL! Good one! :D :D :D

This message was edited May 30, 2006 2:11 PM

Lincoln Park, MI(Zone 5a)

I was out of town for 5 days and all my pots and window boxes did great with the diapers... held the moisture and kept my plants HAPPY... :o)))

Silsbee, TX(Zone 9a)

The diapers won't fit in my wire planters....so I soaked the diapers and cut them apart and took out the water absorbing crystals they have inside. To me they look just like the ones sold for plants, only smaller...and they seem to have a paper pulp mixed in with them (according to my dh who works at a paper mill). I would assume the pulp is to turn the kid's mess into a mass. Yeah, well, we are talking about diapers here. So, my planters are lined w/ sphag moss, a plastic grocery bag, the insides of a diaper then soil.

I did try a feminie product in one basket, but I don't remember which one it was now. LOL! I'll probably figure it out when I plant them & then I can mark it and see if it performs and differently.

I still have lots of wire baskets to line w/ sphag moss, so we'll see if any of the diapers fit in those. I think this is a great idea.

SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)

"I did try a feminine product in one basket."

I really hope that no one comes in on just the tail end of this conversation!

Silsbee, TX(Zone 9a)

Oh well if they do. Too late now!! LOL!

I'm just glad none of my neighbors showed up while I was filling the baskets! I was hiding my "fillers" while dh stood watch. LOL, I'm not kidding. I don't care if someone sees me working w/ diapers out there, but don't care to have them see me working w/ other things. I can just hear them as they are peeking out the window at me...."Did she just put a *** in that basket???? OMgosh! I knew there was something not right about that girl. Kids stay away from that house!" LOL!

I wonder what folks with no gardening knowledge would really think if they saw me/us/gardeners in general doing this type of thing. We prolly would kind of scare them a bit.

Lincoln Park, MI(Zone 5a)

Well I had the UPS guy show up..But I tried to explain to him and he just laughed...I had about 20 of them opened at the time...Surely he would'nt think one person could use all of them...

Silsbee, TX(Zone 9a)

ROTFLOLOLOL!!! I bet he was wondering what he was delivering to you!!

It's been so stinking hot here the last few days I can't seem to get anything done. We've hit 95*. We went from cold and wet to full force summer...just sitting outside you break a sweat. My stuff out there is going to have to wait a bit.

SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)

Come over to the other thread and meet the newbie, Sticks and Stones.

(Zone 6a)

wheres the other thread?

Silsbee, TX(Zone 9a)

GG, I think you're messing with us. No one can find your other thread!! I've checked both threads on the Coleus forum and there's no stick&stones there. I'm lost???

When you're in the thread copy the address up above then come here and paste it in then we'll have a clickable link we can use. Then we can find you!

I'd love to meet your new friend...if they really exist. he he he

Silsbee, TX(Zone 9a)

Steve, would you like to start a new thread and link it to this one?

Are you getting ready to start the tests? How many test plants are you going to pot up?

I never did write down a list of soils to test. Oops. Why is anyone surprised? I better get that done.

Ok, just to recap...we are using Impatiens and 6" pots, correct? One plant per pot, right-o?

Where are you purchasing your Impatiens? I was thinking Wal-Mart. I thought that would be a great test, since their plants really aren't that great...but with really good care they can do pretty well. I can't decide between the $0.50 plants and the $0.98 plants tho. I think I may go with the cheaper ones so that I'm able to test more.

I do have more questions for you, but I'll wait till you start a new thread. Don't forget to link it here or we'll lose our following...and you know that's what truly make famous people famous is their following. he he he (I think we've lost most of the following tho...that is my point)

(Zone 6a)

Here's a link to the Chapter 2 of this thread - http://davesgarden.com/forums/t/612439/

Valdosta, GA(Zone 8b)

Had no idea miracle grow had all those chemicals. Try not to think me too large an idiot, but I thought it was made from worm poo. I have another bottle called Terracycle and it's got the same green and yello looking label with some flowers in front...really does look like the MG label to me...tomato and all. Well, it's made from worm poo and since I thought it was MG, well, you get the picture.

I've heard that seaweed is a great fertilizer but can't find it in any of our local stores. Anyone know of a good online store with reasonable prices and shipping?

(Zone 6a)

Hi, Kimcheebaby! Welcome to DG and please come join us on the linked thread!

Steve :D

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