My winter sowing babies

Corinth, NY(Zone 4b)

Hello everyone,
I have been reading all winter, and with everyone's knowledge, and help here are some of my wintersown babies. I have about 50% growth so far, and more every day. Thanks so much for all your help. It sure made my winter go by fast.

Corinth, NY(Zone 4b)

Opps, pictures did not show up.

Thumbnail by Candy
Corinth, NY(Zone 4b)


Thumbnail by Candy
Corinth, NY(Zone 4b)

last one!

Thumbnail by Candy
Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Hi Candy and welcome to the Wintersowing Forum!

Which WS sprouts are you showing us? Yes, I agree. Wintersowing cures the Winter Time Blues!!

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Welcome, Candy! Pretty babies


Corinth, NY(Zone 4b)

I will have to go outside and check to see what I took pictures of. I have them all labeled, but did not remember when I took them.

(Zone 6a)

Very nice pics. I'm going to have to try winter sowing this year.


St. Peter's, PE(Zone 6a)

Welcome to wintersowing! Looks like you are off to a great start! When I first found out about Trudi's method I thought this is the answer to the long winters in Canada. The first year I did about 75 different containers and I could not believe how they sprouted come spring and how easy this method really is to do. I don't have the space to set up a lavish lights method and right now a greenhouse is not in the budget so wintersowing was the answer.

This is my 3rd winter and I love it! I cannot believe all the money I have saved. Now when I visit the nurseries I look at plants and think I grew those in milk jugs. Lots of things bloom the first year as well.
This year I am doing alot of different annuals and I cannot wait til I can transplant to the gardens.

Well enough rambling! Good luck with your planting out!

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Very well stated, Michelle!

St. Peter's, PE(Zone 6a)

Thanks Shirley I just love wintersowing so much I tend to ramble a bit about it. I cannot believe everyone doesn't start their seeds this way. Right now I have about 1/2 of my containers which have germinated and in another month I should be at 100% and transplanting. I have already made a list of the seeds I want to try this winter. It is a great to be able to garden the winter blues away!


Long Island, NY(Zone 6b)

well done! Isn't it great?

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Michelle: I agree with you 100%!!! I'm already planning on which seeds to ws for next year!! How addicting is that??? Winter Blues....what's that??? Doesn't exist with wsing!!! :~)

Long Island, NY(Zone 6b)

OMG!!! I thought I was the only nutty one!!! In my mind I'm making notes on which ones sprouted real well and which ones I'll have to sow a bit heavier and which ones I should question. Then I rethink and say to myself - wait to see the blooms and then decide. This whole debate goes on in my mind and then I can't fall asleep!! Talk about insomnia!!! Instead of sheep - I'm counting sprouts!!

St. Peter's, PE(Zone 6a)

You are definitely not the only nut! You sound just like me. I have notes written on each container I have sowed. I also have made lists of other people's list that they are wintersowing.(Maybe that is a little nutty!)

I never thought I would ever say that I get excited about winter but thanks to Trudi and wintersowing I do!


Long Island, NY(Zone 6b)

Thanks Michelle - sometimes I feel I should be standing up and saying, "Hi, my name is Anita and I'm a wintersower."

St. Peter's, PE(Zone 6a)

LOL! I am a total enabler so I won't be helping with a cure!


Long Island, NY(Zone 6b)


Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Well then, I'll also have to chime in and say, "Hi, my name is Shirley and I'm addicting to Wintersowing too"!

Anita: I love that you're counting sprouts instead of sheep!!

Every day when I get home from work, I go outside to see which containers have new sprouts. It's my daily "sprout finding mission"!

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Hi, Candy-- so happy you stopped lurking and started posting!

Lots of fun on this forum and always something new to try out or learn about.

I have some seedlings coming on and I'm so excited. Before WSing, I was a total klutz at seed sowing. A whole new world for me (and you, too, I hope!) t.

Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

Allright Anita, Michelle & Shirley,
You are starting to scare me! (Actually, I've known Anita a while and she started scaring me a long time ago.)
Now repeat after me: "I control my wintersowing, my wintersowing does not control me!" Repeat this affirmation 10 times in the morning, at midday and at night.
If your symptoms don't decrease, we'll have to try drugs.

St. Peter's, PE(Zone 6a)

Actually I repeat several times during the day I am not an addict I am not an addict! They say denial is the first sign!


Long Island, NY(Zone 6b)

Dave - that's why you have the kids!

Corinth, NY(Zone 4b)

LOL, you guys are so funny. I also go out on a sprout finding mission, several times a day. I always find something that is starting. What fun this is. I have a raised bed at work that I am playing with. I planted out 2 sets of seedlings, and then got nervous because cold rainy weather is coming, so I made tents for them.
I have done Morning Glories for a friend of mine, and I am a bit dissapointed in the germination of them. But, I will give them a bit more time, there may be stragglers there.
I just love this wintersowing, and as much as I hate winter, I am thinking of next year already! LOL
Thanks everyone!

(Zone 6a)

Hello again everyone! I sowed my seeds in my cold frame at the beginning of this does that count as winter sowing? I check it alot every day to see whats coming up!


St. Peter's, PE(Zone 6a)

Ah Steve, we will let you into the club with the cold frame! Isn't it insane how often those containers get checked. It is one of the first things I do when I get up in the morning. Make a cup of tea, throw on my coat and sneakers and out the door to check to see what might have happened overnight. My dh wonders if someday he will find me cuddled up next to them at nite just so I don't miss when they sprout!lol!


Long Island, NY(Zone 6b)

how about if you sowed it in winter, you can join the club??? I put some more sprouts out this weekend and again last night. I found that some critter has eaten my morning glories in one of my pots!! Had a good little snack too!! Wait till I find out who it is...

(Zone 6a)

Ok, I going to sow for sure this winter, then I can get into the club :)
I'm already think about what I want to grow....Maybe some perennials, Iceland poppies....not sure if I've grown them before, but they always look so nice. And I've got tons of annual seed left from this year I can use too.
Now I can't wait for the winter....... :^)


St. Peter's, PE(Zone 6a)

It sounds like you will fit right in!


(Zone 6a)

Now I'll have to start saving containers. People will think I'm just being spring time and me already talking about what to sow this winter!
I think maybe I'll try white coneflowers too........


Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

Hi, Candy! Love your sprouts ...

Steve, the white coneflowers really look good mixed willy-nilly with the yellow and purple, and they all WS sooo easily ....

PV (who got home late tonight and just came in from checking for sprouts ... with a flashlight)

(Zone 6a)

PV - I've got lots of the pink cone flowers, but thanks for reminding me about the yellow ones!!! I can see them already......all growing together.....

When does everyone buy their WS(see, I'm already using the lingo(hehe :) seeds? Should I just pick them up this time of year and save them for the winter?


St. Peter's, PE(Zone 6a)

You can certainly purchase seed or you could trade with other gardeners. Collect your own seed from your gardens for trading in the fall and winter. I have lots of plants in my gardens now from other gardeners across Canada and the US. But beware seed saving and trading can also be very addictive.


(Zone 6a)

Ok, thanks Michelle! I've never done much seed saving before, but I think I will be this fall!!! I've got these great little tins from lee valley tools which are great for storing seed in.......I'll see if I can find a link....

(Zone 6a)

Here is the link,43326
I have the one labled 'F'


Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

Those tins are great! Would be a great way not only to store, but to organize your seeds.

Of course, there are those of us who store seeds in whatever comes to hand - tissues, envelopes big and small, washed out Reese's Mini Bits tubes, plastic bags - whatever. If I ever get them all organized ....

WSers tend to buy/trade/swipe seeds all year - and please, don't let the seed catalogs start coming in! The cyber squeals will deafen you!


St. Peter's, PE(Zone 6a)

Thanks for the great link! Think I will stock up on some.

You are so right! I always try to have coin envelopes on me whenever I am in the garden but have been known to collect the seeds in kleenex or my hand and then be seen running quickly back to the house. Quite the site!

I have spent many a cold nite pouring over seed catalogues!


(Zone 6a)

I have spent way too much time looking at seed catalogues! I never seem to order anything from them though......This year we discovered this great seed place called William Dam Seeds thats not too far away and they have a great selection. They do have a website and there's information on ordering.....

Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

Steve, Now you can tell people where you got your Dam Seeds and where they can get their Dam seeds.
PS I'm trying to arrange that membership in the WS club come with a prescription. Word has it that on a beautiful day in April there are people who can't get their minds off Winter! ;^)

Long Island, NY(Zone 6b)

Hey Dave - were you also on the Dam tour with the Dam tour guide?

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