can you help me i.d. this please???

Roopville, GA(Zone 7b)

i found this foilage plant at wal-mart yesterday. i had to save it as it was sitting on the bottom shelf all alone and wilted because no one was watering it! i love the pink edging. can you help me i.d. it so i can read up on it? thanks for any help.


Thumbnail by lovesdaylilies
Roopville, GA(Zone 7b)

another picture

Thumbnail by lovesdaylilies
Kennebunk, ME(Zone 5a)

I think your plant is a:


You can see a nice picture of it here (scroll to where it say Jellie)

Hope this helps,

Roopville, GA(Zone 7b)

kim you are right! looks just the same. thanks so much! it bothers me for some reason when i don't know what my plants are. i wish they would label these! all it said is 4" foilage plant.


Lilesville, NC(Zone 7b)


I have one just like it and got it at Walmarts to the end of last summer, I just love it, I will take a pic of mine and show you.

well after looking at mine, it does look abit different....


Thumbnail by red_princess_71
Roopville, GA(Zone 7b)

looks a lot alike! don't you just love the colors and for 1.94 how could i say no. do you know how to propagate it? does it grow fast? thanks!!!!!


Lilesville, NC(Zone 7b)


I looked in my plant book and the only peperomia i found was princess astrid and it says:
Propagate by dividing the root ball or by removing offsets that form at the outside of the plants. Most peperomias can also be propagated fairly easily from stem tip cuttings.
it also says they are fairly tolerant of drought but perform better is watered as soon as the surface of the soil begins to dry, Overwatering can cause rotting especially if the plants are grown in cool climates, Feed three times in summer only and repot as need when the roots fill the pot, occasional showers will keep the leaves pristine.

Hope this helps.


Roopville, GA(Zone 7b)

lol i was looking at mine as well. there is a watermelon peperomia in there as well. i think we are looking at the same book. didn't you get the miracle encyclopedia of plant care?


Roopville, GA(Zone 7b)

the leaves on yours are so pretty and shiny! mine suffered neglect at wal-mart but looks better today. i gave it some vf-11 and hopefully it will be fine.


Oshkosh, WI(Zone 4b)

I love your new Peperomia! I saw some like that at the WM store here, but sadly, I think they were beyond saving. The leaves were limp from overwatering, and some were even brown, rotting and dying off. I hope that I can find more of them though, I love the pink edges on those leaves! I've rescued other plants from WM before and they are doing very well now, but those poor Peperomias just were not looking good at all today.

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