Gardenia with Spider Mites

Plymouth, MI(Zone 5b)

I posted this on the container gardening forum, but thought I should post here as well, since my gardenias are house plants for half of the year :-) I have had two little gardenias in pots since last fall. Since coming in for the winter, both of them got spider mites. After several sprayings with a commercial spray designed to get rid of such pests, one of my gardenias is doing fine. He still has many mottled and discoloured leaves, but he is growing happily and I think I will do very well once he goes outside for the summer.

My other gardenia, however, is another story. No matter how much spraying or cleansing I do, I cannot get rid of the spider mites. I have tried three different sprays (1 multi-purpose indoor pesticide spray, 1 spray designed for mites and spiders, and 1 type of paraffin spray designed to coat leaves and smother bugs) and this gardenia looks awful. He has new growth on the tips of his branches, but slowly the new growth turns black. And the spider mites just keep on coming........

Has anyone found a solution for such a nasty infestation? Any suggestions for the best way to treat this poor gardenia?

This is a picture of the unhealthy gardenia:

Plymouth, MI(Zone 5b)

Oops, my image got cut off ... We'll try that again:

Thumbnail by calypsa
Plymouth, MI(Zone 5b)

Here's the healthier gardenia:

Thumbnail by calypsa
Nottingham, MD(Zone 7a)

Try 100% Neem Oil(mixed according to package directions) in 7-10 day intervals. It's very effective against sucking pests, such as mites, mealies and scale. I have used it with 100% effectiveness. It is important though, that you follow the package directions to a T. Do not set your plant(s) in sun after using Neem because they will burn. Ideally, you'd use it very early in the morning or late evening.

Good Luck,


Plymouth, MI(Zone 5b)

GH, thank you very much for your suggestion. When spraying the Neem Oil, is there any special method that you use? I always wondered if I was having poor success with the other sprays because I wasn't covering the plant properly. Today I will try to find a local place that sells Neem Oil. I just can't bear the thought of losing this little gardenia.


Nottingham, MD(Zone 7a)

As you're spraying, you just have to keep shaking the spray bottle so that the mixture remains consistent. Because Neem is an oil, it can settle on top of the water and soap. The soap is what helps Neem remain on the plant even after it dries. It acts as a surfectant by increasing the Neem oil's sticking and absorption powers into the plant. If this did not occur, the Neem would evaporate and the bugs would get off easy.:) It lasts for only 7-10 days, so that's why you need repeat applications. This way, you catch the next cycle of mealies or mites or whatevers. Just be persistent because it can take a month or more to kill off all the generations of pests.

If your local search doesn't turn up any 100% Pure Neem Oil, go to the manufacturer's website at:

It really works, and it also doubles as a preventative for certain bacterial infections. Oh, and did I mention that it's a natural leaf polish? :) I love the stuff. But, be warned- it stinks. It smells like rotten onions. LOL If weather permits, spray your gardenia outside(in the shade!), so the smell doesn't bother you so much.

There is a poster named "Tapla"(Al) who can tell you in detail HOW Neem works against sucking pests. Perhaps he will pass through here and see this thread.

Good Luck and keep us posted on your progress.


Nottingham, MD(Zone 7a)

Oh, be sure to spray the plant thoroughly, especially the backsides of the leaves! This is often where the evilmongers hang out.

Garberville, CA(Zone 9a)

You can also buy Neem seed meal, which is a fertilizer made of ground neem seeds. It also smells unpleasant, but the smell goes away in a couple of days. The NPK ratio is low, but it is very good for keeping bugs away from healthy plants, and killing the ones that are living in the soil itself.


Plymouth, MI(Zone 5b)

Phew, this month caught me off guard! Too much work, not nearly enough time.

Thank you GH and Ladyrowan for your advice. I did find some Neem oil and I sprayed down the poor pitiful gardenia. He truly looks terrible now, kind of like the ends of the growth have all been charred since they're black. But the woody stems are still green, so I have a bit of hope! To top it all off, it's starting to warm up here in Michigan, so I can leave him outside most days and nights. He's in the shade, and has been repotted (roots were rinsed off to remove all of the old dirt) in all new dirt in a new pot. With Neem seed meal to try and prevent a spider mite recurrence. Truly, these little nasty bugs have been a terrible experience! Ugh... my poor gardenia. I keep telling him how sorry I am and that I hope he feels well soon.


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