April Daily Weather, Showers for flowers......please.

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Lovely day here for yard sale and planting.
Observed At: Historic Springfield, Jacksonville, Florida
Elevation: 37 ft / 11 m
81.9 °F / 27 °C
Scattered Clouds
Humidity: 33%
Dew Point: 50.0 °F / 10 °C
Wind: 4.0 mph / 6 km/h from the West
Here's a sunny corner of my front bed.

Thumbnail by sugarweed
Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

It looks lovely Sidney! Ü

62.6 °F/17 °C
Cloudy with sunny breaks
P.O.P. 30%

A glorious day here. By the end of today the snow will be gone and I will be doing yard cleaning tomorrow. :)

Brockton, MA(Zone 6a)

Sidney, Nothing that green around here, but things are popping up.
We had showers this morning, very nice now though.
Temps in the 60s partly cloudy, breezy.

Today is the 9th anniversary of this Blizzard. 27 inches of snow and ice.
(Slight correction on the photo caption, the tree was only about 15 feet tall at the time.) It survived.
Andy P

Thumbnail by Sarahskeeper
Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

It's a gorgeous, gorgeous day here. We're about to head outside to play. There is a 20% chance of rain today and tomorrow, but so far it doesn't look likely to fall here.

Current conditions:

Partly Cloudy 81°F (27°C)
Humidity: 62 %
Wind Speed: S 16 G 22 MPH
Barometer: 30.03" (1017.5 mb)
Dewpoint: 67°F (19°C)
Heat Index: 83°F (28°C)

Millersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

Another beautiful day in Pa. Promised thunderstorms never materialized. The birds are taking dust baths in the soil I prepared on Wednesday for a new flower bed.

Perhaps April will bring some showers.

L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

We got some rain overnight but it was done by the time I got up. It was a nice day to go to the Los Angeles Arboretum.

Thumbnail by Kelli
Brockton, MA(Zone 6a)

It's a beauty up here also.
High temp around 60 F,low was 42. Bright and sunny.
A bit too windy to snap pics of flowers, they are dancing around wildly.
Here is a single Chinodoxa I snapped yesterday. It's the size of a nickle.
I have a lot of these but this lonely little guy caught my eye.
Andy P

Thumbnail by Sarahskeeper
Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Andy, what a nice flower. I bet they are real pretty in a drift. Very nice outside. The AC is on, got to 87º today.
Just loving the spring flowers.

Atascadero, CA(Zone 8a)

MORE April showers today. . . .the last week of March brought just shy of 5 inches within 7 days here and the storm door is open. We can sure use the rain LOL, but spread out over a longer period of time would be nice. I'm really enjoying the pics of spring flowers Andy, since it's difficult to get out and see any in all this rain. I think they'll be really gorgeous when the sun finally comes out. Lord knows they've gotten their share of nitrogen this Spring.

Going to try to see what I can do in the garden today, which will probably consist of bringing in the garden girl and redressing her for the spring season, as it's dark and drizzly out there AGAIN! Found some good spring gardening clothes at the thrift store yesterday, but still have to find a straw hat for her. 8-) Janet

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Janet we'll need a picture of her.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Not everyone had a beautiful weekend. :(

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Hey Sugarweed, that photo looks good to me. Love the garden art.
Andy, I can't believe the snow!
Darius, tornados are terrible! We had a green sky Sunday, some nasty looking clouds and a little hail. It passed and we just had rain. I heard the wind howling sometime in the night, and it hasn't stopped yet.

Brockton, MA(Zone 6a)

This mornings low was 33 F High 61 currently 45. Light winds.
It started out sunny but clouded up by mid-afternoon.
Lots of rain is expected tonight and tomorrow. (Your storm, Billy)

Snapped this Daff today.
Andy P

Thumbnail by Sarahskeeper
Gamleby, Sweden(Zone 7a)

Its spring here and I just cant stop crying. The clean water came to late for our 3 1/2 year old dog Stacy.
She has been hiding that she was ill, but this weekend all her internal organs failed and yesterday we had to put her to sleep. I just hope and pray that Taysons will stay okey.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Good morning, everyone! There is a 10% chance of rain this afternoon, with a high of 84°. If we don't get the rain I'm going to need to water the garden tomorrow.

Current conditions:
Partly Cloudy 68°F (20°C)
Humidity: 93 %
Wind Speed: Calm
Barometer: 30.09" (1019.4 mb)
Dewpoint: 66°F (19°C)
Visibility: 7.00 mi.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Ohh... ((((((((((((((((((Janett))))))))))))))))))))))) I'm so sorry. :-(

Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

Janett, I'm so sorry for the loss of your friend.

Millersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

Janett - to lose a beloved pet is so tragic. We have been watching our 12 year old poodle becoming senile. She was always so bright and active. now she is a little old lady.

Rain last night - finally. Gusty winds today and much colder. Only in the forties but everything is wet! Scheduled for rain and snow tonight.

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Janett, I am just in tears over the loss of Taysons.

Claire, Is that called an "Indian Winter"?

Here it's just lovely. AC has been on for 3 days.
65.7 °F / 18.7 °C
Scattered Clouds
Humidity: 49%
Dew Point: 46.0 °F / 7 °C
Wind: 5.8 mph / 9 km/h from the North
Suposed to go below 50 tonight.
Am getting my yard cleaned up today.

Atascadero, CA(Zone 8a)

Jannet. . .so very sorry about Stacy. . .how heartbreaking to lose one of your family. I think you're wise to keep an eye on Tayson, just to make sure it's not something contagious. Do you think it was the water problem that caused it? 3 1/2 is very young to have internal organs fail in an apparently otherwise healthy dog.

The rain keeps pouring down, all day yesterday and last night most of the night. More of the same today in the forecast. . .couldn't even get the garden girl yesterday. I ended up repotting 7 flats of annuals under the potting shed roof, the only dry place outside. Perhaps she'll get her new clothes today. . .will post pics later when she's done Sidney.

8-) Janet

Gamleby, Sweden(Zone 7a)

Thank you guys
It was absolutly the water. No doubt in my mind. She had no bacteria. bloodwork proved that and she had no fever.
The only thing that can make ALL and every organ to shut down like this is by poisoning of some kind.
Livercount was 20 times higher than the toplevel of bad and the kidney count was 15 times higher. her blood was so toxidic that she only had hours left to live when we took the decition on letting her pass..
I dont use poison of ANY kind in the garden nor in my house, not even for rats or slugs nor does my neighbour. Neighter of the dogs have been off the property or out of our site for one second this winter.
The 4 cats that have lived here this winter that belongs to the animal shelter is already sceduled for kidney and liver test and if they also are affected by the water they will put them down. they wont let anybody adopt them to have to go thru what we have with Tracy. The only thing i can do for Tayson at this moment is to continue to have him on a liver and kidney kind diet and PRAY. No medicin in the world can fix it and at the moment I just cant face to do any test and maybe get bad testresults on Tayson, I just cant

Atascadero, CA(Zone 8a)

We're all there with you Janett, just keep thinking positive.

Well I finally got out and rescued the poor wet garden girl. She's soaking wet and moldy from all this rain. But hopefully I can get her spiffed up a bit for spring now that she's in out of the rain. 8-) Janet

Thumbnail by jcangemi
Millersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

Sugar - we had beautiful cold and windy weather today - guess it might be "Indian Spring" LOL My daylily seedlings want to be planted. I have 2 flats of 72 cells of coleus that are growing like mad and tomato plants sprouting all over the house - go figure.

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Janette, that is so very sad. I'm not up on the reason you have poisoned water, but I'm so sorry it affected your pet. (((((love)))))

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

Sorry to hear about you dog Janette.

Janet I love your garden girl (and esp her hat :)

Joggers in shirt sleeves and shorts run along the ice clogged Moose Jaw River in the Wakamow Valley as temperatures reached 66.2°F or 19°C today.

We have spring break-up! Ü

Thumbnail by Lilypon
Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Wow what a neat picture Pam.
It's nice quiet weather wise. We too have a fire watch because we have had no rain in weeks.
53.4 °F / 11.9 °C
Humidity: 78%
Dew Point: 46.7 °F / 8 °C
Wind: 0.0 mph / 0 km/hWSW

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

Thanks Sidney.......beauty tends to be pretty subtle here but at times it takes your breath away.

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

Lilypon, those ice patterns are just begging for someone to take a bunch of pictures. the optimism of the folks in shorts is smile worthy.

We have 63F and 24 mph winds that are gusting above that. It's grey now but earlier the clouds were wayyy over on the mtns and the sun was above us and yet the wind was bringing the occasional raindrop to my windshield.

It [the wind] appears to be coming from Arizona and is carrying some pollen or other that I'm allergic to. oh great, now I can't breathe thru my dnose. ~Blooms

Brockton, MA(Zone 6a)

Janett, my sympathies. My last dog (Lucy) died at only 6, very sad.

Lilypon, I remember a few years ago at the park while walking my Lucy in Spring. I heard this strange tinkle sound, I had to stop and listen more closely. It was the 'rotten' ice pieces clattering against each other, unique sound. I wish I had my camera then.

We had an inch of snow today. Low was 29°, High 40° currently 35° F. Cloudy with light north wind.
Andy P

Millersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

We had an inch of snow also - high 42 degrees. It's gone. Very gusty winds all day. No gardening today - went greenhouse hopping. LOL

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Allergies, that's too bad Blooms

We had short sleeve weather finally. I worked out all afternoon. I'm waiting to see if I got a farmers tan!

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

But we got a shower, a whole point oh four hundredths [.04"] of an inch on the official tally local station. Hardly worth mentioning if ya live in the rainy parts, but it gets a nod of thanks from the desert. The only place the soil is damp is where it runs off the roof [that new roof].

We had gotten up to 72, dropped to 48 when the rain got here. Now the wind is outta the north west and chilly but the temps are back up to 56* for the evening.

Still can't breathe but the pills will work sooner or later. ~Blooms

L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

Sorry about your loss, Janett.

We got 1.8 inches of rain yesterday and last night. It has been very windy today and cold for this time of year. I doubt the temperature got out of the 50s.

Updated: 5:51 PM PDT on April 05, 2006
Observed At: Van Nuys, California
Elevation: 797 ft / 243 m
55 °F / 13 °C
Scattered Clouds
Humidity: 57%
Dew Point: 40 °F / 4 °C
Wind: 9 mph / 15 km/h from the west
Wind Gust: 20 mph / 32 km/h

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

We have thunder in the south, only about 2 miles out if you count the seconds. It's my favorite thunder, low and long rumbly!

west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Sugarweed--you MUST tell me when you start those delphiniums...I know you are overwintering them but when did you set the seedlings out?

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Debbie I do have some delphiniums, but they aren't in that picture. I purchased them getting ready to bloom. Very nice weather here. Playing outside is the best.
Here are some yellow impatients. The first I've ever seen.

Thumbnail by sugarweed
Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

What a lovely treat for the eyes Sidney......1 more month and the greenhouses will be opening here. Ü

Hope your breathing better now Blooms. Canadians celebrate the warmth so we can cool off.... ice cream is a hot selling item lately (we also tend to have very short memories ;).

Andy I've only had the pleasure once of being near it when it started fracturing.....you're right it's a noise you'll never forget. :)

66.2°F or 19°C again today.......the Canada Geese are appearing in greater numbers now (the only plants pics I'd have to post are a couple of barely showing Tulip shoots;)

This message was edited Apr 6, 2006 12:36 AM

Thumbnail by Lilypon
Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Pam how's your recovery coming?

Sinuses are the most irritating. Make your head feel terrible. Here in the south we have a lot and I use Nasalcrom. It keeps the allergens from getting to my sinuses.
I can really tell the difference.

Coolish out this AM. No AC on. Gonna get to 80 today.
Jacksonville, Florida
Elevation: 37 ft / 11 m
55.2 °F / 12 °C
Scattered Clouds
Humidity: 67%
Dew Point: 44.5 °F / 6 °C
Wind: 0.0 mph / 0 km/hWSW

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

Pretty good thanks Sidney.......we went down to Wakamow Valley today and I had my first post surgery hamburger today (without problems:)

Observed At: Moose Jaw, CA
Elevation: 1893 ft / 577 m

52 °F / 11 °C
Mostly Cloudy
Humidity: 41%
Dew Point: 28 °F / -2 °C
Wind: 21 mph / 33 km/h from the East
Wind Gust: 29 mph / 46 km/h

Thumbnail by Lilypon
So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

So Pam, who is the great looking kiddo in the photo above? (Great shot of enthusiasm!)

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