blooming St. Anthony's rickrack

Bolivar, TN(Zone 7a)

Does anyone have a St. Anthony's rickrack and has it every bloomed for you? I have one about 14 yrs. old and 2 summers ago it put out a bloom. Surprised the heck out of me. It was a glistening pink on underside of petals and glistening white on inside. Looked like a jungle cacti blossom. Opened at night and closed by morning. Lasted 3 days. Has never bloomed again. Anyone with any info on how to make it bloom again. I have it under basically same conditions as before when it bloomed.

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

That one *is* a jungle cacti.

I have one too, but it's just a few years old and has yet to bloom for me.

There's a forum relating to these here at many times as I've visited it, do you think I can recall it's exact name, though (lol!) ....umm....I think it's called Orchid Cactus Forum.....(I need some more coffee, I think!)

Seems that the main secrets are good light, tight fit in their pots, and feed, feed, feed!

Do you have a photo? Would love to see it!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

The enabler is back...LOL
Forum is:

Bolivar, TN(Zone 7a)

Nan: Thanks for the info. Will ck. it out. I need another glass of tea. Don't have anyway to get a picture. Wish I did. Have a jungle cacti blooming now that I have no idea what it is. It is entirely pink and looks like the bloom from a ric rac plant, but entirely different "leaves". If you want, will send you a piece of it when it puts out new growth. My e-mail is CRIMBOL@AOL.COM.


Bolivar, TN(Zone 7a)

Chantell: Thanks for the info. Will go there in a few moments. You and the others are really helpful.


SW, WI(Zone 4b)

Hey, Chantell.....whatyoutalkin' bout?!? (lol!)

Oh,'ve got to get yourself a digital camera!
We need to see photos!!

Mine isn't great (the macro lens doesn't work and I've sent it in for repairs *twice*!)....but I got it for less than $100.00 a few years ago (it was a display model) and bought it with what was left of our income tax return.
I'm really happy I bought it...don't know what I'd do without one now!

I wonder if your 'other plant' might be Rhipsalidopsis....sometimes known as Easter Cactus.

Do you use Dave's Gardens D-mail?....anyways...I'll email you.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

It sounds like Liz is saying that the growth is pink as well...does the Easter Cactus do that? I think Clare had a pic once where the stems/leaves (what the heck is the right term here anyway) were colored from being in the sun. I thought it looked really pretty that way.
Oh yeah...if everyone gets a new digital I won't be the only enabler...LOL...too late to change my name I suppose! Ha!
Chantell aka "The Enabler" (is that even how it's spelled?) This will be my wrestling name....NOT!!!

SW, WI(Zone 4b) I assumed she was referring to the bloom....guess we'll have to wait for her to ' pop in' and clarify!

I agree, they're even more interesting with that pink/red coloring.
I received a lovely Schlumbergera in a trade from Shirley last fall (one for me and one for my mom) and my mom's plant has a bit of that pink/red coloring (she has it near a south window).....I love it that way!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Scroll almost all the way down on this thread:
Clare posted a pic of her's...wonderful color!!!

Bolivar, TN(Zone 7a)

Nan and Chantel:

Just checked in. The blooms are arranged along the "leaves". They are a glistening pink, look like cactus blooms and bloom in the early spring. I am sending Chantell a piece of it in the next day or two. If you want a piece of it, let me know and I will be happy to share with you.

Like I told Chantell, my health and eyesight are failing. I have plants which I have had for years and I want them to go on and on, so I am sharing them with people in hopes they will. I hate to think that I would just have to let my plants go ahead and die. I just can't hardly stand the thought of that.


Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Just sweetly request that your son take care of them when it becomes too much for you. Not all at once but maybe a couple here and there. I'm sure he'd do that for you or at least find good homes for them. Didn't you tell me you had a Botanical Garden in Memphis?
As I told you in our dmails...I will be praying for you. Please look into all the options avail with your doctors.

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

Liz....hope everythings going well for you.

Wondering if this might be your plant?

I'd really love to have a cutting, but is there anything you'd like in return?
Just say 'the word'!!

Chantell....I'm going to bring the brugs up sometime this week (in between working my 2 jobs!!!)
So if you get a moment, Dmail me your address and I can send you that cutting I promised you.

Liz....would you like a Brugmansia cutting?

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

You're such a sweetie...I'd forgotten about that. Please let me know what to do with it once it arrives. Think I told you...I've never had one of those I'm clueless on care!!

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