red ivy

Davenport, IA

I just bought a red ivy plant at Walmart. Does anyone know anything about them? Thanks

Roopville, GA(Zone 7b)

I don't know anything about them but do u have a picture? I have never seen red ivy and would love to see a picture!


Davenport, IA

Here is the red ivy plant. I hope the picture turns out.

Thumbnail by tammynn
Lilesville, NC(Zone 7b)


That is just georgous...LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT.....I will keep checking to see if my WM gets them in.....It almost looks like a creeping charlie but red....Did it have a tag in it that said what it was...


Nottingham, MD(Zone 7a)

Google Hemigraphis Alternata or Hemigraphis Colorata. My plant book(Ortho's Complete Guide to Houseplants) says that this is a creeping plant that loves high humidity and medium to bright light. Let dry slightly b/t waterings and keep away from cold drafts. Prune regularly for a full look. Tiny white flowers appear in Spring/Summer.

Roopville, GA(Zone 7b)

Miracle-Gro Encyclopedia of Plant Care
says the things Growhappy stated as well. also give plant a shower once a month, repot annually because plant has a vigorous root system, Low light will cause plant to decline, Keep away from drying winds, Feed only 3 times in summer with foilage plant food and will root from stem cuttings in water or soil.


Davenport, IA

I did get a tag in this plant. It had the name and a little about care. Thanks so much. I'm new and this is so much fun.

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