Dr Seuss dracaena

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

OK, this dracaena has been in my husband's office for years. Any suggestions? How to propagate? I've never attempted air layering. Would hard wood cuttings work? Root in water or potting mix? I thought it might look better if some was chopped off at the top and new cuttings started at the bottom? Or just shoot it, and put it out of it's misery?


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Modesto, CA(Zone 8b)

Air layer. This plant roots quickly with this method, and it's easy. If I were you I would supply rods or some other support for the stems as they root. Air layer each stem in slightly different lengths (from the top) so when they are planted back in a pot it makes a lovely speciman.

Here's a helpful link.



SW, WI(Zone 4b)

If you're not 'up to' air layering.....these usually root fairly easily in water, too.

When you cut, keep in mind that some of the stem where you cut will die back, and the plant will then send out one or more offshoots from the side under the cut.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)


When you say they will root in water, do you mean from hard wood cuttings? Does it have to be at or below a node?



SW, WI(Zone 4b)

Yes...that's what I meant.

Their 'nodes' are pretty close together, so I think you'll come close to one wherever you cut.

My kids broke one off in a pillow fight years ago, and I put it in water....it roooted in just a few weeks, and two new growths started from where it broke on the 'mother' plant. That new growth took a while to develop, though.

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