What's sprouting; what's not?

Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

Here in 6b I have the following sprouts:

Outhouse hollyhock
other hollyhocks
Poppy (Breadseed Przemko)
Stock (Beauty of Nice)
Night-scented Stock
Stock (Giant Imperial)
Virginia Stock (malcomia)
Sweet Fennel
Thyme (thymus vulgaris)
Giant Moonflower
Iceland Poppy
Malva (zebrina)
Thai basil (holy basil)
Sweet Genovese basil
German chamomile
Bronze fennel

No sign yet of:
Italian parsley
celery (okay, it's my wild card)
dukat dill
french sorrel

(edited to move Bronze fennel to "sprouting" list. :)

This message was edited Mar 13, 2006 2:59 PM

Silsbee, TX(Zone 9a)

Everyone knows I don't have anything up yet, but this list really helps. I'll be referring to it when my stuff does start popping. Thanks!

Norfolk, VA

Just started sprouting:
Lady lavender
viola johnny jump up
mother of thyme

No luck yet:
Asclepias incarnata
creeping thyme
rocky mountain penstimons

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

With all this rain I haven't gotten to check much lately. But I do have 3 or 4 kinds of poppy, achillea, hollyhock and delph just starting, batchelor buttons, larkspur. It's finally supposed to stop raining on Tuesday; I'll do a better check then. Now everything is so wet, and so much condensation, I can't see into half the containers. I'll post again when I can see better.

It has been raining most of the week here. More storms coming tonight with "possible strong winds, large hail". I guess our tornado alley monsoon season has arrived.. I just saw another tornado warning fro Kansas City on the weather channel. I guess that's the front that's heading here tonight and tomorrow. Yesterday my husband moved many of my containers to our covered front porch to get them out of all that rain. This afternoon we draped net over them, held down with bricks, to keep them from blowing away tonight. Most of the pop and milk jugs are on my uncovered patio in the back, contained in the top half of a dog crate with plastic sheeting over top to keep some of this rain off. Sure makes our property look attractive.


Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Fantastic news!!! I've got lots of sprouts too!!

Today I planted out in my garden:

Agrostemma gracilis, "Mila's Queen"
Papver somniferum

The following sprouts are alive & doing great:

Aster chinensis
Catananche asteraceae
Musella lasiocarpa
Pelagonium arciculatum

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

Lots of sprouts!

All I have are poppies (about a month now, just working on their first set of true leaves), pansies, bachelor buttons and some teeny-tiny bunny tails.

Getting impatient .....


Long Island, NY(Zone 6b)

Here's my list http://www.lakehousecreations.com/Seed_Sown.htm [you might have to refresh the page when it loads] I'll be checking again either today when I get home or tomorrow.

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

PV: I just planted out my 1st container of Poppies too. They looked bigger in the container than they did once I started planting them out! They did have their 1st set of true leaves, but still looked kind of puney! Hard to believe that they will grow to about 4ft tall this Summer! Ditto for the Violas too, except they won't be that tall! LOL!! Only my Agrostemma, "Mila's Queen" looked big & robust!

Anita: I've become as obsessed about up dating my spreadsheets as I have about wsing all those seeds! My list goes on page after page....

Long Island, NY(Zone 6b)

tell me about it!! I still make revisions to the way it looks and how I use it!

Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

To update the first post, I now have celery sprouting (woo hoo), as well as dukat dill, rhubarb, nicotania, sorrel, and celosia. A lot happens overnight.

Long Island, NY(Zone 6b)

when did you sow your dill, Zeppy?

Beachwood, OH

If you look at where the sprouters live - there seems to be a common thread. I must be about 3 weeks behind you up here in 5b - no signs of green yet!

Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

About two weeks ago. That warm spell was sort of strange; so much sprouted. I wonder if the little guys are regretting sticking their heads up now. That's some database you've got there, Anitabryk2: I'm all admiration!

Long Island, NY(Zone 6b)

Thanks - it took some time putting it together - but well worth the effort.

Silsbee, TX(Zone 9a)

Still nothing here. Sigh. Everytime I go to the store I keep bringing stuff home with me that is green and sometimes blooming. Maybe if my ws stuff would sprout I would quit buying more....then again, maybe not. What am I going to do with everything this year??

I did just pick up a Gardenia that is in bloom...oh, the heavenly scent! Hey, if you can make me jealous by talking about your sprouts, I'm allowed to mention by gorgeous Gardenia topiary!! ;~p he he he It's my new favorite...for this week!


Long Island, NY(Zone 6b)

I love those. My grandmother used to have a huge one on her front porch in a pot...I wonder what ever happened to it?

Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

Mmmm, gardenia. Okay, we're even.

Silsbee, TX(Zone 9a)

Well, since it is a topiary, I will have to cut growth off every now and then...if anyone would like cuttings let me know! Once it warms up here I'd be more than happy to send them to you for postage. :~) I'll be trying to root any cuttings I take in the meantime. I'm pretty sure this variety (Veitchii) doesn't make seed, but I've been wrong before!

Abbottstown, PA(Zone 6a)

I just checked today and this is whats comming up for me.

Blue Flax
Tomato- purple cherokee
Tomato- Climbing
Tomato- Cherry
Tomato - Red Brandywine
Castor Bean
Blue Bonnets
Cinnamon Basil
Lemon Basil
Straw flower
Mrs. Moon
Four O clocks
Dwarf Poinciana
Jobs Tears
Yellow Trumpet Vine
Orange Trumpet vine
Fever few
Jacobs Ladder - Yellow

Long Island, NY(Zone 6b)

I checked too - this is what I've got new

Orlaya grandiflora White - Lace Flower
Lagenaria siceraria - Bird House Gourd
Hesperis matronalis Violet - Sweet Rocket
Nemophila Blue - Baby Blue Eyes
Morning Glory Dwarf Blue Ensign

Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

The temps last night were in the low 20s with wind. Maybe lower. Today isn't getting above 45. All sprouts froze and their soil was icy this morning; they are fine, green, and I can't begin to figure out why. But I'm happy! At this point I have about 92% germination on everything except the things I put out a few days ago.

Beachwood, OH

Anitabryk2 - a friendly word on that Hesperis when it goes to seed - it likes to tuck itself up against other plants or along rocks or structures and will seed prolificly. I've got it coming up along edging, against irises and the woody crown of astilbe and other things that are sort of hard. In pulling it out I find a nice big tap root especially if there was a good water supply and its taken other plants along with it when it came out. It can be hard to remove when it lodges in tough places, like right up against the trunk of lilacs and spirea - I can't pull it out unless its really small and it has regrown if there is any crown left in there. I never knew what it was - thought it was a type of phlox so I happily let it re-seed - now its everywhere. The good news is that it also will bloom in dry woodland edges so I let it go there. You may know all this so sorry if 'm intruding. But it blooms at a nice time when other things aren't quite out yet so it has its place too.

Long Island, NY(Zone 6b)

Andrea - no, I didn't know that. Thank you for sharing the info. I'll keep my eye on it


Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Yes, I started hesperis, too, then found out it's on about every no-no 'invasive plant' list published. So pretty, but intrusive, it sounds like. Well, mine's not sprouting so maybe I won't have to worry about it!

Good long sprouting lists for everyone in Zones 6a and south and even north of there in some cases. I am especially surprised at all the good results mentioned on the forum in New York state. I always think of NY as very cold, but I guess not...

Not much to report here. I will move my containers to more sun, and maybe next week have a happy report...

Long Island, NY(Zone 6b)

I must admit - I haven't updated my database yet, but I've got pretty much everything germinated!

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Last count was 75 containers with germinated seeds!

Seaford, NY(Zone 7a)

started on Jan 19
Monarda didyma
Aster lanceolatus
Lobelia cardinalis
Elymus virginicus

Sprouted today!!

Mar 8
Solidago sempervirens

April 2

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Happy to report I've had some good germination today. Still some no-shows, but I'm gaining confidence.

Will put out a few more seed containers tomorrow. Forgot to do my zinnias and few other tender types...still can't control my WS compulsion!

Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

Tabasco, I think NY goes from zone 4 (Buffallo) to zone 7 (our friends on Long Island---or as many of them say: Lawn Goyland) ;)

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

I tend to forget that Long Island can be so temperate. My cousins had a nursery operation there for many years and they could grow quite a range of plant material in their fields (a long time ago). My sister lives in Cooperstown and that's my most recent experience with NY weather. Very nippy there. And a very short summer. But still some beautiful gardens.

Planting more WS seeds this weekend. Also have a little more evidence of germination in a few containers. I wish my poppies would 'bust' out with seedlings, but looks like I have to wait a while. I pray for patience... (-;

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

tabasco: Congratulations on the new babies! Did you move your containers to a sunnier area? If so you'll have to be more diligent with watering. The warm weather this week will hopefully help and we'll see a lot more germinate this week and the already sprouted seedlings taking off in growth.

It's cold now- 32 degrees. I covered most everything last night . Today I'm going to remove lids (top part of container, not screw-on cap) and just put some aside. (Planning to re-use the containers for a few more annuals) . I hope not to use the tops on most current stuff anymore this year. The weather is supposed to warm up considerably and not get cold for the next week or so.

Yesterday I potted up a few sunflowers to large styro cups. The plants are only supposed to get to 16" but I couldn't believe the size of the roots. I transplanted 5 of them. They were in a 2 L pop bottle with 4" of soil and the roots were spiriling around the bottom of the jug. Today I hope to plant out a few sweet peas in my new bed if it's not too wet. My entire yard was like a swamp yesterday from recent storms.


Long Island, NY(Zone 6b)

It looks like blue skies right now. I am hoping to plant out a few of my seedlings too. I'll try to remember to take a few pics also. I remembered to update the database too - http://lakehousecreations.com/winter_sowing.htm - if you go to the seed list, you might need to refresh it. I've also added a success page. I'm not sure it I will add pics at any point, but it's a consideration

Seaford, NY(Zone 7a)

Update from LI

April 9
Elymus virginicus has sprouted!!

Rockford, IL(Zone 4b)

I have lupines and campanula sprouting, but that's all so far. I don't think that my peeking twice a day is speeding them up, but I do it anyway :)

St. Peter's, PE(Zone 6a)

More sprouts this morning:

Nemophila Five Spot
Nierembergia White Robe
Lavatera Silver Cup
Aster Liliputt Moon
Aster Pavlova Dark Blue
Aster Crego

The weather is to be sunny and warm for the next couple of days so I hope to see more sprouts!

west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Here's probably the last gasp of the snaps and stocks planted in my big pots in Oct.

Thumbnail by dmj1218
Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

If that's a last gasp, well, I hope my own is half as pretty. :)

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

DMJ; that is beautiful!


Long Island, NY(Zone 6b)

lovely..thanks for sharing! Can't wait to see this years pics!

Seaford, NY(Zone 7a)

Monarda didyma
sown on Jan 19 has sprouted today!!

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