prayer plant

Kellyville, OK(Zone 7a)

I dont know the proper name but this plant I love. It is blooming and I didn't even know that it bloomed. John

Thumbnail by carrjohn
Lakemont, GA(Zone 8a)

This is it:

I have never saw one in bloom, so you must be doing something right John!

Mobile, AL(Zone 8b)

I didn't know that they bloomed either! How long have you had yours? I had one for several months, but it dried up while we were evacuated after Katrina. I have since purchased two more simply because I love the colors and am fascinated by the way the leaves fold up in "prayer'! Do you keep it in the window all the time?

Kellyville, OK(Zone 7a)

Hope, it is in a southwest window. I bought it at Wal-Mart last year. I potted it in mg potting soil and water it once a week from the bottom. Hope this helps . John

Homestead, PA

My prayer plant has done average over the past few years. It gets indirect sun on a basement windowsill. This is the first year that the leaves have started to get brown blotches. I cut off all affected leaves. New leaves were produced but the blotches have started to appear again. Any idea what is causing the blotching? What can be done to prevent it from occurring again?

(Zone 1)

I grow a lot of different plants and have never had luck with Maranta's. They require a lot of humidity and even though we have nothing but humidity here in Florida I still could not seem to conquer the brown crispy leaf edges. I have a few terrariums and don't know why I never tried one in a terrarium.

Here's some care info for the Prayer Plants:

North Augusta, ON

Lin, they grow beautifully in a terrarium!!

Here is mine:

Thumbnail by threegardeners
(Zone 1)

Wow, 3G .. that looks great! I might just have to get another one and put it in a terrarium!

Medford, NJ

They bloom when old enough and happy with the light.

No matter how well mine seem to be doing, I always lose them eventually to overwatering. I think. So in desperation, I have decided to try hydroponics. Here is my latest pot, it has been about 2 months and it seems pretty happy. No soil = no root rot (I hope!)

Thumbnail by Bhavana34

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