Mexican Flame Vine

Jones Creek, TX(Zone 9a)

Senecio confusus or "Mexican Flame Vine"..... This is one of the vines I have been looking for and have had no luck. I have Japanese Morning Glory, Fairy vine and Dutchmans pipe seed to trade.
I found them here on Plants Data Base so if any of you have this I would be happy to trade.



Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

I'm starting cuttings for another DGer, can start more. It's in full bloom right now, but as long as I can find a stem that isn't blooming, I'll take a cutting.
What is fairy vine?

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Here ya go, Susie:

Jones Creek, TX(Zone 9a)

Your right on Kay. This was on a cyclone fence at a nursery in Kemah and I got some seed, the fence was loaded with blooms and it was sooo pretty.

Susie, I have a buncha seed and they are so easy to start, I have some started now but they are just coming up.. Would you like me to send you some seed of them? Is there anything you are looking for that I can send to you? I have a Lady Lavender Passie I just dug up if you would like her she all yours...
Let me know and I'll get it ready for you...

Thumbnail by WillowWasp
Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

Oh Dee, I would love a Lavender Lady. My dog Bleu just totally killed mine last week. I have to find a spot outside the fence where he can't get to it. He rarely digs in my flowers but he didn't like that vine for some reason.
If I get home before dark tonight, I'll take cuttings. There might even be some pieces growing along the ground that are already rooted. If it's dark when I get home, I'll take them in the morning.
Kay, the rockwool is doing good so far, the leaves are still pretty on almost everything I cut. I bought a big clear rubbermaid tub to put them in!

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Susie, that's how I have your cuttings, too. Your cuttings look like they are going to be a sweet success - new growth already! The secret is to have the rockwool only DAMP - never wet or soggy. Don't forget to vent every other day.

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

I have been lifting the lid to check on them, but only once a day. I hope I don't have the rockwool too wet, I let it drain for three or four days.
I took cuttings, I found some little side shoots that weren't budded. I also found a piece of vine that is rooted to the ground. I didn't try to dig it out, it was getting dark.

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

They should be fine - just watch for the dreaded mold.

Jones Creek, TX(Zone 9a)

Susie send my your addy and I will get the Lavender Lady packaged up for you.
I can get it sent in Mondays Mail.
Thanks so much for getting one started for me.


Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

Oops, thought I was still in my D-mail. I was putting my addy on the forum, lol.

This message was edited Feb 17, 2006 2:45 PM

Mc Call Creek, MS

Dee, I have senecio confusus seeds. Would you be willing to trade some of your fairy vine seeds for some of these?

Those are beautiful!

If you don't have enough, I understand.


Kay White (not Jones)

Jones Creek, TX(Zone 9a)

Thats a deal Kay, I have plenty and would love to trade.
Send me your addy by e-mail and I will send you mine....

Jones Creek, TX(Zone 9a)

Susie, I forgot today was a holiday and the PO was closed. Your Passie will go out tomorrow. Let me know when it arrives. If it dosen't make it let me know I have another one.


Thumbnail by WillowWasp
Jones Creek, TX(Zone 9a)

Kay did I send you some of the seed. If I did please excuse me I didn't write it down and now I don't remember. Let me know if I didn't and send my your addy. I have lots of seed of those.

Thumbnail by WillowWasp
Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

Dee, I didn't get the piece dug up that is under the vine. It was sooooooooooo cold this weekend, I barely went outside.

Mc Call Creek, MS

LOL Dee, are you talking to me or to Kay Jones? We sent each other our addies on D-Mail. I put your seed in a mailbox today, since the PO was closed.

Kay W.

By the way, Kay Jones....I'm still remembering your slogan from our trades a couple of years ago.....about the buzzards flying in groups and the eagles fly alone. I LOVE it! How are you?

Kay W.

Jones Creek, TX(Zone 9a)

OK you guys, I know I am losing it all by myself I dont' need any help.............LOL
I don't know who I was talking to......can yall tell me.....
Don't worry about it Calla, get to it when you can. The only reason yours is dug up is it was in a pot and I hope all goes well cause all the dirt fell off of it when I packaged it. It should be ok since it is so cool and usuall thing will transplant well this time of year.
I will send it out tomorrow. I also have some Black eye Susan Thumbergia if your intrested. It is coming up everywhere voluntary..........

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

Dee, I did it! I got home before dark and dug it up. It looks like it is rooted pretty good. I think you could probably make two plants out of it if you cut between the nodes that are rooted.
I would love a BES if you want to tuck one in.
Kay, there is another piece rooted to the ground, I'm leaving it there till your other stuff is ready.
I found a bit of mold on one cube of plants, I'm going to spray some fungicide in a little while to try and stop it.

Jones Creek, TX(Zone 9a)

Ok Cala, I will take another day and get some good one dug up tomorrow. I will send them out on Wednesday....

Jones Creek, TX(Zone 9a)

I have a yard full of these little things and they are blooming on the ground. I never could find a single seed to collect but I can sure say they are seeding very well..........LOL
I looked and looked for seed and couldn't find them so I am not sure exactly where they are. Do any of you know where the seed of these are and when do they produce seed?
Do they have to stay on like Morning Glory seed and you collect them dry??

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

Dee, they sent out runners all over the place, but rarely make fruit.
I hand pollinated and got a few seeds once. I think each pod had 4 seeds. The pod is an egg sized fruit that starts out green and as it ripens it turns yellow and falls off. To collect seeds, let the pod fall off naturally and then scoop the seeds out of the fruit.

Jones Creek, TX(Zone 9a)

LOL.....Cala I was talking about the Black Eyed Susan Thumbergia. LOL
Now I know there is hope for me.

The passie has set fruit several times but it is up in the tree and I really couldn't get to it. I think maybe a possum or somthing else got it before I could. This is when I had the Citrina and the Tricificate right under it. I think maybe the only reason it set anything is because it crossed, but I'm not sure about that.I have so many bees I think just about anything will cross...........LOL..... What do you think...

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

Oh my, I can tell I'm having one of those "blonde days" that DH teases me about, lol. The BES vine will make hundreds of seeds, but they pop open and fly everywhere if you don't collect them daily. We have lots of bees too.
I bet the passies crossed. I have one seedling from my seeds that flowered last year. It was very pretty but the gulf frit cats ate the vine and flowers down to the stems. It is growing again and I saw the cats were back, they love it. I am going to have to root a piece and grow it under a net to see the flowers!
I have your vine all packed up. It had a flower on it, but I went ahead and cut the stem shorter so it wouldn't wilt.

Jones Creek, TX(Zone 9a)

Thanks Susie, yours will go out tomorrow. I got everything dug this morning and it is sitting in mud right now. I will let it take up all the moisture it can before packing it for the trip. Thanks so much for the trade i really appreciated it.
I will let you know when your package arrives and I know you will let me know when you get yours.


Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

OK, I'm sooooooo glad to get another Lavender Lady. It is not going in the back yard where Bleu can dig in it!!

west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Cala--will these bloom from seed? I'm having some problems with them.

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

DMJ, which ones from seed? Passifloras? they can take a couple of years to flower from seed, except foetida, they usually flower the first year. Germination of passiflora seed can take from a couple of weeks to six months, they're all different. The fresher the seed, the better.
Mexican Flame vine I've never gotten the seed to come up.
BES will flower the first year and are pretty easy to germinate.
If you need a Mexican Flame vine, I've got some rooting.

west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I was talking mexican flame vine

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Susie, if you can grow roses, plant some bushes in amongst your vines and Bleu will leave them alone. Another option is to cut chicken wire and lay it around the base of the vine, flat on the ground, and anchor it with some 2-foot heavy wire, bent into a U-shape, then cover it with mulch. He might dig thru the mulch, but when his claws hit the wire, he will give up.

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

Jo, that vine was all he dug up. He would bite the vine, dig around it and try to rip it out of the tree. Don't know why he didn't like that particular vine. The only other tree he attacked was a shaving brush tree, he pulled it out of the ground. It was about 10 ft from that vine.
He steps on stuff every now and then, usually when he's chasing a bug or butterfly. I have rock paths thru the garden and he's pretty good about using them.
He was so funny yesterday. I moved some garden scraps that I'd piled up a few days before and he had a bone hidden under it. He walked around for an hour with that bone in his mouth trying to find a spot to hide it. He would start to go in the garden(fresh dirt, easy to dig) and I'd say "you know better" and he would look some more. He finally buried it in a leaf pile. I pretended like I didn't see him hide it because if someone looks at him while he is hiding a bone, he has to start all over to find a place.

Jones Creek, TX(Zone 9a)

Gosh that sounds like my hubby..........I have a dread when my hubby does the yard work. Since I've had this back injury he has had to do the yard all by himself. I have red tags around anything I don't want if that were a guard.........LOL......and I can tell you right now the didn't work either........ my small trees are almost rung all the way around about the height of the Lawnmower wheels......
Anything that is trailing on the ground is not moved it is mowed, I had so much vines in the flower beds that were just hacked, pulled and jumbled, red ribbon or not. Once my "Willy" gets on the lawnmower he doesn't get off other than to unload the grass catcher.........LOL.......If its in the way it is run over or as he said it " just a little bump" we had some heated conversations to say the least.
I had Morning Glorys growing in 5 gallon buckets with the trellis that were just knocked overr. He told me, well you can just sit them back up and they don't look to bad.........Oh my Gosh, can you belive he said that????

Oh I am so glad I can finally sit on the lawnmower and do my own yard. He was sooooo helpful I just wish he hadn't "Overdone it"................LOL....this was me when I would go out and survey the damage.

Thumbnail by WillowWasp
Mc Call Creek, MS

I just read somewhere that to grow senecio confusus from seeds you must not cover them up....they need light to germinate. 'Don't know if it works or not, but I think I'm going to give it a try since I have lots of seeds.


Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

Dee sounds like me and my DH. He is already hollering about me putting stuff in his way and I haven't planted anything yet lol. Stakes, ribbons, etc he doesn't see them either. Last summer he took out 8' of my passi on the west fence. He knew he was in trouble. He took it all and threw it over the fence in the neighbors on the opposite side(east) in the wooded area. Like he didn't think I would find it. Boy did he get it. After that he comes to me and tells me when he tears something up and says it wasn't on purpose. I guess telling him I would give the Boat, Riding Mower etc and tune up for him and if it doesn't get put back together right it and won't work it wouldn't be on purpose but just the fact that i know nothing about it but the only way to learn it to do it lol

Jones Creek, TX(Zone 9a)

LOl........Donna what a riot........I will have to give that a try and I'll bet it will work at my house to..........LOL

Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

my problem is when he get the weed eater and goes crazy with it lol. He's pretty careful with the mower

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

The dreaded weedeater! I had a gardener. He liked to use the weedeater. He liked to cut my vines down that were growing up the trees. I think he and Bleu were in a conspiracy to kill my passion vine. I no longer have a gardener.

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