Jeff's Hospital Stay

Ashburn, VA(Zone 7a)

Jeff--glad to see this board, and to hear you are doing well, you have been in my thoughts. I hope you are able to return home soon, it will make a world of difference. Take care! Dana

Mansfield, TX(Zone 8a)

Just checking on you. Thursday will be here before you know it!

Olathe, KS(Zone 6a)

YEEHAAH!! I just found hi speed internet in the waiting room but it's not wireless. How cheap is that? I guess I should just be happy to be off the phone line at 52.5k. LOL

I'm looking for anything that you don't just see everyday plus some different moonflower bushes and vinbes. It maybe easier if I couldv talk you into e or dmailing me a list of possibilities.
Here is a abbreviated list of what I recall from my seed stash I wanted to share/trade or sase.
Many different colors of giant Hardy Hibiscus.We started off with red and white, now we have white w/ red center as well as both parents colors.
I have a few others but I forget the colors, a few Texas Star, Disco Belle pink and red. I guess I shouldn't be listing any particular color as they've all crossed up I'm sure.

I have a bunch of white moonflower bush seeds(Datura Inoxia)
Possibly some purple and yellows in the Datura family, doubles and triples but once again, sooo much cross pollenating.

Boat loads of cleome (spider flower). I've gotten some very cool 2 colored types as well as the white, pink, purples. I can't get a yellow tosave my life darnit! I'll get her someday;)
Hmmm, what else...............................

Lotsa Various Cosmos
lotsa various vines we all have on our fences and my brain fails me miserably right now with the names.I'll get to them soon.
I have some Passion flowers now too. Passiflora Incarnata for sure.That is the native variety but I've never seen it locally. I was fortunate to find mine growing wild on the side of the road just out side of Kingston, Oklahoma (Lake Texoma Land). My family has owned a tiny cabin there for over 75 years and nobody can recall it growing in the drainiage ditch out front all of those years...Then 1 Memorial Day about 6 years ago, there it was blooming away. Fascinating history behind that 1 IMO;)
I may have a few other passiflora seeds. I'll have many kinds of rooted passiflora cuttings if this year goes like all the past. That would lead to other cutting types as well.
Well I KNOW I'll have much more to offer but I'm short on time and battery power at the moment. I also better get to my hospital bedy rookie nurse freaks out.
Talk to Ya'll soon;)

Moon Twp, PA(Zone 6a)

Yea Jeff, you get to escape tomorrow!! Congrats on finding the hi speed I-net in the waiting room! Better late than never, right?!

Best wishes and get healed from this real soon!!! ~ Suzi :)

Olathe, KS(Zone 6a)

Hello Friends.
I'm home now!!!! Man this transition is....well something else. I've never been soo tired from doing absolutely nothing. I'm sure everything will smooth out soon as I've had to do this more than once, it's just no fun at all.
I'll write more later, I just wanted to let y'all know I got home.
I can't thank you guys enough for your kind words of support. It helped more than you'll ever realize;)

So. Puget Sound, WA(Zone 8b)

Hooray!!! I hope you get a good nights' sleep in your very own bed and feel better in the morning. Slow and easy wins the race (and any other cliches' that apply. LOL) Seriously, don't expect too much too soon. Blessings!

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

It's good to know that you're in your own home again, Jeff. As Katy said, don't try and do too much too soon. Rest a lot, stop before you get tired and let the old well fill back up. We will continue to cheer you on!

Moon Twp, PA(Zone 6a)

YAY Jeff!!! So glad you are back home! Like they said "slow and steady!" You will be gardening great in just a few months, if you will take it easy now! Best wishes for a speedy recovery!

Here's ☼ for your day!
Here's some ♫ to raise your spirits!
Here's a ☺ for you to give yours when you don't have one of your own!
And ¢¾ from all of us here at DG, to help speed you on your way!

~ Suzi :)

OC, CA & Twin Lakes , IA(Zone 4b)

Welcome home, Jeff!

Olathe, KS(Zone 6a)

Thanks everyone and I promise to take it slow and easy. I've been in this exact situation probably a dozen times now sadly. When I began all this bologna in 93-94', I was cocky and would push it too hard. I found out very quickly how stupid that was and it cost me dearly in down time body damage. So as difficult as it is to crawl along, I'll keep crawling.
My surgeon is "allowing" me to get out of bed twice daily 2 hours at a time. It seems so funny laying in bed trying to schedule every minute of that up time. It's insane!
I go to see him Tues. morning and hopefully I'll get more time and good news. I'll keep you posted and try to get my seeds in order too for trade etc.
Thanks so much everyone and take care;)

(Zone 7a)

Hi Jeff - you probably don't remember me - your fellow hijacker in the morning glory forum regarding gardening books on the internet? Just found this thread - had lost track of the H202 thread until now.

Hope you're continuing to heal and pacing yourself. I often ask myself, "what if I did nothing in the garden for a while?" Well, snowdrops would return every wint-pring, the birds would continue their aerial feats on business known only to themselves, and at night the stars would continue to remind me of universes way beyond the tiny limits of mine.

In case you haven't found this site yet, it's one of my favorite gardening websites - it's gardening with your mind up in the sky:

The astronomical image for today, 3/24/06, is the Rosette Nebula, particularly gorgeous. NASA changes the image every day, and if you read this later on, you can find it in the archives by:

-- click on above link
-- go over to right-hand column, and click on Astronomy Images
-- There's a short paragraph explaining the daily image with hyperlinks for the curious. Down below that is a line of links: click on Archive and then click on 3/24/06.

I like to save some of these for wallpaper on our 'pooter monitor.

Hoping things are improving for you and that you'll let us know how you are. And! hijacking another thread with you - LOL


Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Jeff, please let us know how you are doing as you are in my prayers.

Mansfield, TX(Zone 8a)

Just checking to see if there was any news.

Olathe, KS(Zone 6a)

Hello my friends;)
Well I'm doing great personally, healing like old times and I think my troubles are now part of my past! FINALLY!!! I honestly don't know how to act as I've had some sort of open wound for the last 4-5 years! I am all healed up on the outside and I think the inside is just as healed. I find it so hard to believe that I was a patient for so very long, it's so wierd to try and comprehend. I'm sure I'll manage some how;)

I apologize for not posting sooner. The day after I returned the borrowed laptop, our desktop pc crashed HARD. I don't know whats up with that, I'm still trying to fix it as it is a pretty new and nice pc. I'm now using a older pc to get by until I can figure out what crashed my other pc. Man it is always something isn't it? LOL That phrase just reminded me of 1 of the best Saturday night live characters...Rosanna Rosanna Danna. I forget how she said it but I'm laughing anyhow. It went something like "it's always something...If its not 1 thing its another..." Oh how I miss her.

Well thanks again my friends. I must run for now but will be in touch...It's time to get some seeds going yesterday;)

Oakland, OR(Zone 8a)

It's awfully good to hear from you, Jeff, and to know that you are doing well. There are many of us who were concerned that we hadn't heard from you. Glad to know it was a sick computer and not a sick Jeff. Dotti

Yukon, OK(Zone 7b)

Hi Jeff, I've been following your progress and it's great to know you're doing good!

Mansfield, TX(Zone 8a)

Good to hear you are all healed up - great news! Hope your computer gets healed up, too.

(Zone 7a)

Great news - thanks for letting us know. You were missed.

Olathe, KS(Zone 6a)

Man you guys know how to make a guy feel good;) It's nice to drop buy and hear such kind gestures.
Now if I could only get my gardening act together. I collected so amny seeds to trade and give away here and I didn't have time to make a single trade over winter. I have more hibiscus, coleus, clematis and the like in seed form than I know what to do with.
Is anyone out there still in trading mode and do you have anything to trade? My list of plant wants and what I have to trade for is insane. I'll try to get a complete list together of what I have. If you have anything to trade, I'm all ears;)
Thanks my friends!

Beachwood, OH

Well Jeff, I'm very late to this thread and I have to say I certainly admire your courage and spirit. I liked the story about your room mate in the hosp room - He does provide and in such crafty ways sometimes. We only have to be open to receiving.

I'll be brave and tell you which plants/seeds I'm looking for. I sincerely doubt you've got them but wouldn't it be cool if you do.

1. Pulmonaria 'Anna' has only pink flowers and is more upright

2. Polemonium Bressingham Purple'Bressingham%20Purple'.htm

3. Iris Celeste

4. Aster Celeste

5. Aster Andrea

6. Anemone Andrea Atkinson

7. Clematis Ernest Markham

8. Clematis John Treasure

I hope you are enjoying those 2 hours of getting up! Must feel nice to have that freedom again.
Best to you

New York & Terrell, TX(Zone 8b)

Anyone ever know what's become of Jeff??

~* Robin

Thumbnail by NatureWalker

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