Jeff's Hospital Stay

So. Puget Sound, WA(Zone 8b)

I started this thread because even with DSL the last thread was taking a long time to load. Here's link to previous thread:

Get well Jeff, lot's of good vibes going your way.


Moon Twp, PA(Zone 6a)

Jeff - Wishing you a speedy recovery!! Just think, hours of "spare" time for you to learn on the internet. Put 'seeds' into google. Think how many old threads you can read through here on Dave's too... Every cloud has a silver lining! ~ Suzi :)

So. Puget Sound, WA(Zone 8b)

Hi Jeff, I was just looking at your Passiflora photos. Coool! I "discovered" one this year climbing a bird feeder. I didn't know I had one (only lived here a year). I want to plant more and other vines too. I have Morning Glory I've wintersowed and I'm going through catalogs and online sites. My deck is about six feet off the ground so I guess I have the choice of growing from the ground up or in pots down. I'd gett quicker eye appeal from the deck going with pots. Can any vine that grows up naturally all be trained to cascade?

Don't reply if you aren't feeling pretty chipper. I'm in no hurry, after all it's only February! LOL

Hope you're feeling better than yesterday and will feel better tomorrow than today.

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

Hi, Jeff, I'm thinking about you this morning and wishing you the best. I hope the time flies for you and each day finds you feeling better and better.

Yep, winter has returned here but it's nothing compared to the east coast, thank goodness. There are flurries this morning and the hellebore buds are huddled against the cold. But it won't be long now.....I hope. C'mon Spring!!

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

Jeff, I didn't know you were having surgery(hardly ever get here to this forum). I hope you have a speedy recovery.

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Jeff now you are officially the "Propergator"!!!
My prayers are with you.
Give us a report.
Got my stuff from Susan today.
Big hug!!!!

Olathe, KS(Zone 6a)

Thanks everyone, please keep those prayer's etc.flying my way. I need all the help I can get.
Monday I was loaded up into an ambulance and transported to another facility so the insurance company only pays for the least possible. It's still a hospital, they just don't have the whole 9 like truama etc.. The biggest bummer IMO is they don't have highspeed internet!!!!! I'mjust this minute finishing a dial up config. 4nthis pc. Man I forgot how slow it is, lord help me;)
After a sleepless 1st night here due to a poor old man in the bed next to me, I conned my way into a room w/o a room mate!!! This is awesome for soo many reasons but 1 biggie is being able to use the empty bed's phoneline for my pc 24/7!!!LOL
I guess there is always a small silver lining if one looks hard enough;)
WELL I gotta get cleaned up but I'll be back soon. 1 week down already! WOOHOO

Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)

Jeff, I am so glad you have 1 week down. Hope it is flying by for you and going good with the drs and hospital staff.
Spring will be here before we know it. Of course here it is spring every other day?? The weather changes about everytime I inhale. This has been a strange year. There was ice on the roof yesterday morning and it is probably 70 today.

Take care my friend.

Sandy ^8^

So. Puget Sound, WA(Zone 8b)

Good to hear from you again Jeff. I juse recently got DSL and can't imagine having to go back to sloooww. One week down huh? Are you sleeping, eating, etc. okay yet? We're due for an Artic Express the next few days here in Washington after several weeks of very mild temperatures. As this is the first one I'll experience since I moved here I don't know what it'll do to all the budding plants but no good I'm sure! Keep getting better!


Pontotoc, MS(Zone 7b)

Jeff: I don't "know" you like most of the folks here do, but I send you my best,too!!! I have had my share of surgeries/recoveries, but nothing compared to yours ! I am a newie to the forums (almost 2 weeks now !) and I have gone back and read a lot of your old threads and enjoyed them. I have so much to learn in ALL departments that I feel too stupid to even ask questions!! Can't wait for you to get back up and running. I remember the days of having dial up . Wouldn't want to go back to that again !

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

Jeff, glad you are on the mend and have internet. I have dial-up at home, I can sympathize with you!

Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

Jeff, you get well, ya hear! You've got a nice package sitting at home waiting for you when your ready to grow! Your in my thoughts and prayers :)


Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

We're with you Jeff. One thing about the dial up is it takes up time in that hospital. Am I a Polyanna or what? LOL

Hang in there. Jeanette

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

Get well soon, Jeff.

Mystic, CT(Zone 6b)

Jeff, I hope all is well, and look forward to your speedy recovery and more posts!

Olathe, KS(Zone 6a)

Hello my friends;)
Well here I am, another Sunday is here and I've been here for almost 2 1/2 weeks now. I'm thinking I MAYBE healing a tad sooner than thought!!!WOOHOO!!! I was told I would probably be FLAT on my back for atleast 3 weeks. Wednesday I was told to start sitting totally upright for 30 minutes 3 times a day and see if that would damage my suture line etc.Well there are no signs of damage from this and I think my surgeon will give me permission to do more. I know He'll prescribe more time upright and hopefully allow me to get into my wheelchair for very short periods of time!!!>I NEVER thought I'd find myself happy to be allowed to get into a wheel chair;) LOL
I'm still a little concerned about the infection overall. I had a positive culture result this week but the way it was taken could could explain why it showed positive.

I have NEVER had such a huge suture line and op site look so good so fast and I've had many to compare this 1 to. I'm convinced much of this has to be a result of all the prayers and positive thoughts coming from everyone here at DG and a few others.
I have 1 other EXTREMELY BIZAARE situation that is taking place this time that hasn't in the past... I've always insisted on private rooms and gotten them in the past even though my insurance doesn't cover this, it's just always worked out until this last week until last week. 2 Fridays ago I had a very ill, black man moved into my room very late that night that totally ruined any idea's of sleep. The following day, we got to talking and hit it off very well and I learned he is also a Pastor!!! LOLOL Such Irony on so many levels. We have both been blessed and have benefitted greatly by this situation. It was an arrangement made by the man above with out a doubt. I have all the knowledge to answer all the questions he needs/wants to know about his rehab. and the like and he has all the knowledge(as a Pastor) I've searched for most of my life on many spiritual levels. It has turned this "sentence" into a wonderful learning experience that is invaluable.

Thanks to you all for your thoughts and prayer's, please keep them coming;)Jeff

Moon Twp, PA(Zone 6a)

Jeff - WOW!! Great news!! Get well quick, physically, mentally and spiritually!! ~ Suzi :)

So. Puget Sound, WA(Zone 8b)

Jeff, God blessed you both! So happy to hear your progressing well... I'm sure the thoughts and prayers will continue to just fly your way.

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

Jeff, that is such great news. Like so many others I continue to send positive thoughts your way for you and for your roommate. It is so wonderful that you each have what the other needs to support healing and well-being on so many levels.

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Well Hallaleya and pass the cookies. I find God answers prayers in the most unusual ways. Sometime ago I learned when things were exactly how I was not wanting them that I would say to myself, 'This is the best thing that could happen.'
Often they are then shown to be a blessing. I still haven't gotten over the Pepto Pink color the house next door is, but I still say"That's just the color I wanted it to be."
Bless you and the Reverend, Jeff. You might have a life long buddy there.

This message was edited Feb 26, 2006 7:53 PM

Seymour, IN(Zone 5b)

The Man upstairs thought you needed some way to make this a positive experience and , has done so in a very obvious way! Talking with him will make the time go faster for both of you. Great experience for you both. I've been following this thread and praying for you speedy recovery. I don't post much as I am still cybershy, but I wanted to let you know how much Iv'e been thinking of you. I am always amazed at the wonderous ways of our Lord. Lou

Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

Great to hear form you and that is wonderful news. God Bless you Jeff.


Mansfield, TX(Zone 8a)

Have only recently found this, and have been lurking and watching and hoping for good news, so was very glad to see your post! You're in my prayers :-)

Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)

What wonderful news, and What a wonderful Jesus we have. Your surgery and roomate were ordained to be. I am so happy you could share your rehab knowledge with your pastor roomate as I am sure it settled alot on his mind.

I am so happy you are doing so well.

Abundant blessings,
Sandy ^8^

-South Central-, IL(Zone 6a)

You know, it's easy to plan how everything should be...down to the minute details. Then, things don't work out like we planned, and we think we have a failure. I LOVE to see it when God does what He wants to do. It's amazing! He puts occurrences in our lives that we never would EVER have thought of! And its so much better than anything we could have imagined! (I think you call that the hand of God, or a miracle... ?)

Jeff, I've been all through the hydrogen peroxide thread, which brought me on over to this one. You're in my prayers, even though I've not said anything before. You and that pastor have a blast in that room together. What an opportunity! Your time will fly by (hopefully) with this arrangement!

Praying for you -- FlowrLady

So. Puget Sound, WA(Zone 8b)

Hey Jeff, I've been working my way down (size wise) in my seeding and I'm to the itty-bitty, where are I glasses, ones. Should they have the H2O2 treatment too?

Olathe, KS(Zone 6a)

Man I just finished writing a marathon long post covering everything you'd ever wanna know about this ordeal and I lost it all somehow!!!!GRRRR I think I the dreadful dial up connection is at fault. So you just get a quick/short briefing, sorry.
I'm getting out of bed intomy w.chair in the morning;) twice a day for 30 mins starting Monday. LOL Here it is Tuesday night a no actionyet. That super fancy bed I had was way too tall to get in/out of safely or so I'm told. I just got into a new bed and I'm ready for Wed. to do what I needed to do Monday!LOL I'll catch up somehow safely There was mention of a posible discharge Sunday but I don't see that happening safely.
I can b arely keep my eyes open so I must go. Thanks so MUCH TO YOU ALL!
I'll write again asap;)JD

Mansfield, TX(Zone 8a)

Just checking on you, Jeff. Glad you are in a better bed, and so sorry about the lost post because that is SOOO frustrating. Hope you feel up to repeating it tomorrow :-)

So. Puget Sound, WA(Zone 8b)


Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

I am glad to hear you are doing so well Jeff.

Olathe, KS(Zone 6a)

You guys are incredible! You can't imagine how great your posts make me feel and the smile they put on my face. I appreciate this more than you'll ever know;)

KatyMac...Sorry I missed your Q. I don't descriminate any seed by size or color, they all share the same bath water;) LMBO They are a pain to seperate so I tend to plant them in the smallest clumps possible;).

Well looks like I maybe home soakin some seeds next week;). Wednesday at the latest, they want me to heal up on these fancy beds and other soft equipment. The minor "shearing" action(that is what they call it when you "skoot" across any surface w/o lifting your rear end all the way off said surface) is my worst enemy I'mtold so I must be darn careful dragging myself in and out of my truck, bed etc... Its the stuff you'd never think of that seem to get the best of me.
Well I gotta run, it's therapy and bath time.
Thanks so much everyone!

So. Puget Sound, WA(Zone 8b)

Good news! And, thanks for your reply Jeff. Keep up the good work!

Mansfield, TX(Zone 8a)

Glad to see you in such good spirits. Be careful with your "scootin" :-)

OC, CA & Twin Lakes , IA(Zone 4b)

HI Jeff,

Still keeping you in my prayers for a fast recovery.


Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)


Just came across this thread.... sending positive thoughts and prayers your way, also thought this would make you smile.


Thumbnail by judycooksey
Olathe, KS(Zone 6a)

Well they've put me off until thurs. morning before going home. I can't say I'm totally devistated, you just can't beat breakfast in bed EVERYDAY! LOL And this place has good food, they'll even let you create your own menu;).

i have a few major restrictions when it comes to what "motions/actions" I'm allowed to do. I'm not allowed to bend over at all! Man I drop something atleast once every 5 minutes and stopping that "pick it up reflex" is impossible. I'mma major clutz.

I'll have time to sort/plant some seeds soon. I'm only "allolwed" 2 periods of 2 hours out of bed daily until I see him again on the 14th. Man I hope this change fast on this front.

I never got around to making any of the dozens of trades I planned on darnit. I hope to get organized as I have so many types of seeds in huge numbers I have got to do something with . I'll post a list in here ASAP and cross my fingers, many will go for SASE if nothing else.

Take care friends and thanks.

So. Puget Sound, WA(Zone 8b)

Good news Jeff. Now, don't overdo it! The temptation will be there I'm sure. I know, I pay for my indiscretions regularly when I try to do 'just a little bit more'. Slow and steady, guy. Blessings!

OC, CA & Twin Lakes , IA(Zone 4b)

Behave yourself, Jeff; don't need any setbacks!

Pontotoc, MS(Zone 7b)

Jeff, I have moaned and groaned over the years about MY medical problems and the surgeries I have had to have, but nothing compares to yours and you still keep a happy spirit. Bless you for reminding us all that things could ALWAYS be worse! Keep us informed on both you and your roommate!

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

Jeff, congratulations on going home! As Dorothy said, "There's no place like home, there's no place like home, there's no place like home......"

Are you looking for any particular seeds? If I have any that you want I would be glad to send them out to you. I hate seeing good seed go to waste and I always have more than I can use of some varieties. Let me know.

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