planting coral vine seeds

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

can someone tell me the most successful way of getting these seeds to germinate? is it easy to get these vines started from easy as morning glories? is it better to plant outside or start in little pots inside? do these seeds need to be soaked or scarified? thanks to everyone. barb

Mesilla Park, NM

I soaked mine for a day, then grew them inside in little cups on heat mats and a dome. They will do fine if you put a cut into a plastic bag to create a little greenhouse, maybe on top of the frig for heat.

They form a tuber, but take a long time to get any good size as far as I can tell.

Hopefully someone will come along with more ideas.

Polkton, NC(Zone 7b)

i hope you don't think this sounds too dumb, but i know that sometimes the simplest things on the web can go unnoticed. I have found by trial and error that if you type 'how to grow ______ from seed' (include any plant name - common is ok, but botanical is better) in the google search that you will get a good selection of informative sites. Thats how I usually find out if I dont know.

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

thanks george. i am a computer illiterate and i never think of things like that. i will go there now.

west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I find them pretty easy to root from cuttings--do you have a source? If not I can do you some for fall Dallas swap or RU.

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

no i don't deb and i had no luck with the seeds i got. i got both the pink and the red seeds but no plants. another thing is that i bet you grow the snail and corkscrew and blue clitoria vines or at least know of them. are these things all slow to take off. i have a corkscrew plant. looks healthy but it appears to be the same size as it has been for months. blue clitoria the same way. why do you think that is? and is your coral vine pink? i don't really care what color you have and i really appreciate you offering. barb

west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Mine's the light pink--there is a dark pink cultivar now, and a white one too.

Snail and corkscrew I don't have...clitorea ternatea does well for me; funny you should mention that vine. I just started seeds this weekend for plain blue, double blue, and white for fall RU and Dallas swap. Also dutchman's pipe vine. I'll start you the coral vine to go with your hyssop plant. :)

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

The coral vine seeds seem to be fairly successful. I usually will plant a few seeds at the location I want them to grow, then plant a few in small pots. This way you have a couple of options. This time of year is nice hot and humid - so they shouldn't take too long. I have not nicked mine before, but they do seem to be pretty hard. If you have enough seeds..nick a couple that you plant in the small pots..label the pot that has the knicked seeds and see which ones come up first.
Pea vine seeds seem to have their own agenda - they can pop out in 2 days or a couple of weeks. They should sprout sooner in the heat though.

west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Thanks about the pea vines RJ--I did soak them before planting.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

oh..hey..I didn't realize that was you!! I love those peavines..The best royal blue ever!

west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I have double blue and white too--seeds from trade--we shall see.

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

i have to wait till i get back to start any seeds. but y'all don't think it's too late in the year? i heard coral vine seeds liked it hot but all they will get is hose water. it's not likely to rain here. does soaking help the coral vine? what about this hydrogen peroxide soak?

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

This time of the year...stick them in the dirt...they will grow like a.........vine

west Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Mine has aspirations of taking over the plant--vigorous is an understatement with that vine.

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