Best Soil for Earthboxes!

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

I made an experiment pertaining to potting mix and my EBs to see which they prefer and the results were surprising. I use Jungle Growth for all my plantings however, this time I planted one EB with Jungle Growth and another with Miracle Gro. In them I planted six peppers in each. This is the Miracle Gro EB.

Thumbnail by Tplant
Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

This is the Jungle Growth. Peppers do not like Jungle Growth for some reason. I tried growing peppers last season with Jungle Growth and had the same results but my Tomatos love JG! Go figure? So , if you want to grow some beautiful peppers use Miracle Gro and not JG. It may be more expensive but well worth it. I will continue to use JG for my tomatos and other plants.

Thumbnail by Tplant
Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Have any of you had the same experience with potting mix? I would like to know?

Byron, GA

Did you add fertilizer to the Jungle Growth? I know the bag I bought had none. MG has some fertilizer so that might explain the difference in growth.

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Jungle Growth also contains fertilizer. Both were fertilized equally and watered togeather.

Fulton, MO

It would be interesting to have a control plant in each box; maybe one tom, or better yet, something that would take up less room, just to see if it was something quirky about that batch of mix or if it is the peppers themselves. SB

Bethelridge, KY(Zone 6a)


Did you try a side-by-side comparision with JG and MG with your tomatoes last year to see which worked best?

I'm curious because I'm going to try a few Earth Boxes this year to see how they do.

Thanks in advance.


Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

No Red I did not. Always used JG for tomatos and was always happy with the results. However I will try a comparison next season. To late for this season.

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Hey TP, I made it onto the container forum! ;)

Interesting results with the two kinds of soil. I've used Scott's potting soil and it works great with everything EXCEPT tomatoes for me. I had much better success with MG potting soil for my maters. Sam's usually sells these enormous sized bags that I can barely lift for $8.88 and lasts me for quite awhile. I have not been able to find your Jungle Growth in our stores in Texas, so I can't try it. MG also has an organic soil that is just for veggies (yes, I know, technically tomatoes are fruits) and I wonder how it does?

I was going to use the MG in my EB since my Scott's didn't do well for me with the flowering plants loved the Scotts however.


Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Don't use it! If you read the back of the bag it says"Not for Containers" See what I mean about this forum? You'll pick up all kinds of good stuff and EBs are containers. Ebs are also listed in the vegetable forum.

Brookline, MA(Zone 6a)

An interesting experiment. I used Pro-Mix last year with great success. A little pricey but worth the excellent results. Anyone else with different soils? Sorry I don't have pictures to document the results but I'll be using it the new EB's I'll be ordering soon.

Miami, FL(Zone 10b)

Michelle, I used MG in the EB tplant gave me and found that it worked just fine for the two mater plants in it. You've seen the pictures of them in in the mater forum. So far, I've got about one hundred Stupice maters off the one plant and it's still going strong. I've never tried the Jungle Growth as the nearest Lowe's to me is about 30 miles away.

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Hmmm. well why in the world would MG not be good for containers Tplant? I've used it in my big pots for flowering plants and it does fine...of course, I realize maters are different. I know the MG bag says to not reuse the soil in a container for the next change it out with fresh MG. I'll check at Lowes and see what other soil they have...I know they have Scotts just for veggies but it is mega expensive.

Flip, so you didn't have any problems using MG in your EBs? I guess not...I've seen your pictures. Well good grief man...why don't ya have a Lowe's closer to you? What is wrong with Miami anyway?! hehe.

Bethelridge, KY(Zone 6a)


This message was edited Jan 25, 2006 10:50 AM

Bethelridge, KY(Zone 6a)

I was at Lowes yesterday and checked out some of their products. They have a couple by Sta-Green, anyone use these? They're a little less costly than MG.

Miami, FL(Zone 10b)

Michelle, when I transplanted my tomato seedlings last Sept/Oct into pots, every one was potted with MG potting mix. Then, when they went to the garden, I dug an extra big hole and filled it MG garden soil. I think MG works just fine with maters. Just be caeful not to overfertilize.

If you use it in an EB, use a little less time release fertilizer in the EB fertilizer strip.

In the past few years, I've never used anything but MG and a little Scotts garden soil once or twice (and I didn't really care too much it.).

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Michelle -- MG is OK for containers but there is an organic potting mix made by Scotts or MG brand. Can't recall which one but aren't they both the same company? Well anyway the back of the bag says not for containers and I happened to investigate a broken bag and the soil was very fine but rich. I imagine in a container it may compact or fill the holes of an EB. Really don't know but don't use it for containers!
Oh, what bag did you see the instructions not to re-use the soil? Was it the regular MG mix or the organic mix? It would be a very inconvenient thing to use fresh potting mix every year and also very expensive?

Big -Red --- Earthbox people recommend Sta-Green, Pro-Mix, Jungle Growth and most any quality potting mix except MG? I think it is a personal issue between the two. However the peppers do love MG. As far as a comparison , Flip used MG with the EB I gave him and his results were very good so it seems we do have a control!

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Red, yes I've used Sta-green from Lowes and I did like it for my flowered plants but not for my tomatoes. My tomatoes perfer MG. So all this time I've been saying Scott's...I meant Sta-green. Sorry for the confusion.

TP, I need to double check, but I thought it was on the regular (not organic) MG that said to change out the potting soil every year...not to re-use it. But don't hold me to that until I go to Sam's to get a bag of it.

So you are saying that the organic is so fine that it goes thru the EB holes and plugs things up?

Flip, so I should not use the Jiffy mix soil when transplanting the mater seedlings into bigger pots?

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

I'm saying that the product states on the back of the bag "Not forContainers" if we are speaking of the 100% Organic?

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Ah...Okay...not for containers for the 100% organic. I have not seen that written on the bag, but I have not bought any MG organic before...I saw the bags at Lowes but didn't look any closer. That makes sense though...b/c it is finer soil, it would compact too much in a container.

It is good to know that BEFORE I planned on buying and using MG Organic in the EB!

Miami, FL(Zone 10b)

Yes Michelle. Jiffy mix soil is a misnomer. It's actually a soilless potting material made up of non-soil things! (How's that for a detailed description??) When you do your first transplant, use MG potting soil or something similar.

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Thanks Flip. It is as clear as mud. haha.

San Marcos, TX(Zone 8b)

Hey Michelle
I have just recently ordered my first three EB's, so I have no experience as yet. But my intentions are to use Gardenville's Potting Soil in at least one of them. I've really had great results in the past with this product, especially for seed starting. They have a store in Austin, so finding it wouldn't be a problem. If you decide to give them a shot, check out their line of organic fertilizers while you're there. They've really worked well for me also. Paul

San Marcos, TX(Zone 8b)

Hey Michelle
I have just recently ordered my first three EB's, so I have no experience as yet. But my intentions are to use Gardenville's Potting Soil in at least one of them. I've really had great results in the past with this product, especially for seed starting. They have a store in Austin, so finding it wouldn't be a problem. If you decide to give them a shot, check out their line of organic fertilizers while you're there. They've really worked well for me also. Paul

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Thanks Paul. I wonder if the Natural Gardening down in South Austin carries the Gardenville's Potting soil? maybe Redbarn? I'll google it and check it out.

Hudson, NH(Zone 5a)

Many seem to have good results using Miracle Grow with tomatoes, is this because of the slow release fertilizer in the mix? It's got me wondering if slow release in the mix is better than just using the fertilizer strip alone. Better to go with plain no fertilizer mix or MG?

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Dave -- The EB people specify not to mix fertilizer into the soil but use as a strip on top of the soil as far away from the plant as possible. What I do is run a strip along the side of the box as they suggest and then plant off center to keep the roots away from the fertilizer.

I have heard some using organic fertilizer do mix into the soil as organic won't burn the roots but I think you would have the same results planted along the sides although you would use three cups of organic compared to two cups of chemical.

Hudson, NH(Zone 5a)

Hi Tplant,
I should have been more I read my post and realized I forgot to say MG potting mix instead of MG. I'm assuming all the MG potting mixes have their time release fertilizer in it. Wondering if that is a benefit in addition to the fertilizer strip or is it better to get potting mix with no fertilizer. I saw your post where it seemed to make quite a difference with some of your pepper plants.

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

The amount of ferilizer in the mixes are minimul so I wouldn't worry. My peppers do love the Miracle Gro!

Hudson, NH(Zone 5a)

Could you tell me what the EB's potting mix and water capacities are?

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Just got home Dave and happy to answer. The soil capacity is 2 cu.ft.and water is about 2 1/2 gal.

Inverness, FL(Zone 9a)

Tplant - I've never been able to fill one with a 2 cu ft bag. The father of the EB said the mound on top is needed to keep the cover stretched so very little water can get in that way and it is very important. Takes me 2 1/2 cu ft every time. Here is their blurb on the soil from the earthbox research farm website:

"Almost any brand of potting mix for containers or hanging plants will work. You'll need the big bag - 2 1/2 cubic feet or about 75 quarts per box. Some national brands are: Jungle Growth, Pro-Mix, Majestic, Sam's Choice and Peters Professional Mix. Or mix your own: 45% peat moss, 45% compost, 10% perlite, and two cups of dolomite or hydrated lime."

I have been using the potting mix right from EB so there may be some difference, but is seems like a cubic ft should be the same no matter what kind of potting mix it is.?? I could be wrong. The brand they use in all their EBs, 1800 on the farm and another 75 or so at the retail store is Speedlings and they get $8.50 for a 2 cu ft bag. It is 25% canadian sphagnum peat and "a select vermacellulite mix with no ash, bark, or sand to restrict plant growth".

Maybe it packs down more when you water it in??? It does sink down when you water it in good so maybe that is the difference. Like 2 cu ft dry is quite different from 2 cu.ft. dry mix weted and how much difference there is will depend on the mix being used?? Anyone know for sure? Ed

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Ed -- I use Jungle Growth and 1 bag (2cu ft) fills my EB? Strange! It goes to the top and leaves a mound in the middle. Their old info called for two cu ft. But now with the new EBs they may use more.

Inverness, FL(Zone 9a)

Tplant - It must be the potting mix. I couldn't fill the old ones with 2 cu ft bags of Speedlings either. It is real fine and light when dry. I can carry two bags in each hand without a problem. I used JG in my regular containers and there definitely is a big difference in composition. The difference between mixes when wet has to be the answer.

Did you make it down to Flip's OK. I can just see you all munching away on all those delicious maters. ...... All my frozen ones from last year are long gone. Send us a report when you get back. Take care - Ed

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Yeah we sure did. I am burped out from tasting so many of Flip's fine tomatos from his great garden. Present were Kim, her friend Chantile, Alice, Flip's DW and of course yours truly. It was a magnificent day all-a-round especially weather wise. It was about 72 deg. sunny,mild, clear, the type of weather tourists pay for. There was a balmy,dry breeze with chirping birds and the sweet scent of fragrant flowers in the breeze. It was so quite that you could hear the squish of a Stupice tomato as the juice shot out of Kim's mouth from the pressure of her bite. Flip was beaming with pride as we inspected his crop which by the way were in magnificent condition! Not a bug to be found anywhere.

Kim was ravageing thru the crop as if she'd never seen a tomato before? I guess that's what happens to would-be-northeners when they come down south and see greeneries and fresh ,juicy,sweet tomatos on the vine instead of snow.(Kim is really a transformed southern gal) The nervous system has a hard time coping and Flip had a whale of a time keeping up with here as she made him "tomato holder." LOL Wish you could have seen him following Kim around like a wheel barrow overflowing with tomatos. Then came the tasting as Flip cut up about fifty or sixty tomatos trying his best to use up the gigantic surplus. He was so desperate to eliminate the surplus(his home was running out of storage room)as his friends and neighbors would turn out the lights and lock the doors when they see him walk out his front door with a load of tomatos. Flip works for Florida Power & Light and he has two pick-up trucks that he loads daily with tomatos and drives to work and tries to give them to his former friends and co-workers but now they've locked the gates and let him work from home.

Now comes the most delicious bacon I've ever tasted, crisp but not too crisp, with the most attractive dark golden color and prepared to perfection, made by Flip's beautiful and most personable sixteen year old daughter. (IF I were only forty-five years younger -- Flip would be my FIL) LOL Back to the bacon that made fantastic BLTs. I had mine on bakery fresh white bread that truly complimented the bacon and a giant slice of Red Brandywine that over lapped the sandwich with a piece of fresh crisp lettuce that I almost forgot because of my drooling but reminded by Kim to add-on, smothered in Hellmans Mayo. Time out while I remember the flavor!

After awhile we were definetly TOMATOED OUT if you know what I mean and Flip had a golden oppourunity to get rid of some more tomatos as Kim aked if she could take some back to Maryland as she was leaving in the morning? Flip promptly backed up one of his pick-ups but Kim exclaimed"No just for me! Not the state!" After he settled down she filled a suitcase and made up a FED-X for a friend we decided we had better leave before Flip tries to stuff us with the overflow. As we walked to Chantile"s P/T Cruiser overloaded with tomatos we backed down the driveway waving goodbye and thank yous. We drove away burping and throwing the excess tomatos from the windows of the van, that he silently loaded in the car while we were distracted with the bacon sandwiches to lighten the load for the tires.

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Of course you know I was only joking but A GREAT TIME WAS HAD BY ALL!

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Sounds like y'all had a fantastic time Tplant! Thanks for letting us know!! Are there any pictures?

Ijamsville, MD(Zone 6b)

Of course there are! Scoot on over here...and prepare to drool.


Cypress, TX(Zone 9a)

Thanks for the tip on the Miracle Grow vs the Jungle Growth. I am growing peppers in Jungle Growth right now. The bell peppers don't seem very happy about it but the New Mexican 6-4s and the Poblanos love it.

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Fool, my bell peppers and banana peppers haven't germinated yet. I've got them in jiffy pellets but they are not popping up. I planted them 1/31. Any suggestions? I give them warmth on top of the clothes dryer and in the dark.
thanks, Michelle

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