What happened to our W*I*N*T*E*R Canada???

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

I'm pretty sure at this time last year, and the year before, we (Saskatchewan anyways ;) were feeling temps of -50 to -54 (including windchill). This past month we've been above zero (daytime), more often then below, and tonight it's raining, almost pouring, out there. :S

So what's it like in your neck of the woods???

This message was edited Jan 10, 2006 7:57 PM

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

I remember it being bitterly cold this time last year! This year we had some really cold weather early Dec and nothing to speak of since then. No snow, 14C on Xmas day! Well as long as we dont have a chinook lasting long enough for the ground to start to defrost I guess the plants will be OK but I always find I lose a few when there is little or no snowcover.

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

Most of the snow here is gone as well fancy. We've got a protected yard so still have a little (but it's mainly an inch or two of snow covered with ice now). A very strange winter.

Crossing fingers and toes for our plants!

Blyth, ON(Zone 5b)

Yahoooooooooo!!!!! So little snow, so little cold. It's going up to 8C here tomorrow with rain, and the milder temps are supposed to last until Saturday, when we're going all the way down to -1C :-) I love this (can you tell at all that I detest snow and cold and everything winter stands for?). Some Canadian, eh?

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

LOLOL ;) Still it just doesn't seem right (normal). I don't want the -30's (and lower either tho ;).

I think I'm going to take a peek at the Old Farmer's Almanac and see what's in store for next summer.

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

I knew the prairies were in for a mild winter and I now see winter was predicted to be relatively mild in much of Canada, with above-normal Arctic temperatures, on average, with only occasional very cold periods.

Summer will be hotter and drier than normal just about everywhere :S (excluding southern Ontario).

Old Farmer's 2006 Almanac

Blyth, ON(Zone 5b)

Here's my current theory for my area of Ontario:

Two years ago we had a cool and wet growing season (can't remember what that winter was like) - many plants held back and never really made much of themselves.

Last year we had tons of snow and a prolonged deep freeze in the winter then blistering heat and drought in the growing season - again, many plants could not thrive in this.

Working on the law of averages, this year we are getting a mild and easygoing kinda winter, so maybe we'll be getting an average sort of just right growing season. LOL Works for me!

Blyth, ON(Zone 5b)

(excluding southern Ontario)

Yippee! Not hot and dry this year! Maybe my theory is actually right!

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

Well here's a *little* longer version Ginny........

June through August will be rainer and cooler than normal in most of Southern Ontario, with above-normal temps and below-normal rainfall just about everywhere else

Grand Forks, BC(Zone 5b)

Don't despair ladies, I have lived in this country long enough to know the conditions can change quickly, despite the predictions of the "Farmer's Almanac" There are a lot of weeks of winter left yet! Let's just see how it pans out over the next 3 months.

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

Continuing on.........

September and October will be milder than normal from Southern Ontario eastward and :b colder q: than normal in The Prairies and British Columbia. Precipitation will be above normal in Nova Scotia, western Southern Ontario, and Manitoba; near normal in British Columbia; and below normal elsewhere. Snowfall will be above normal in British Columbia, Alberta and Saskatchewan, and below normal elsewhere.

I wonder if Saskatchewan will ever see the dumps we had when I was a child?

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

Hi Don :)

That it can. ;) (esp. in this province)

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

Just got home from work.......I am sooooooooooooooooo happy we bought the Easterner's tires this winter (ie. ice tires instead of our usual all-season). Ü

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

The Rideau Canal skateway here in Ottawa just opened a few days ago and most likely will be closed down tomorrow because it's too warm and raining.

I don't recall last winter as being bitterly cold, but it was cold enough and a steady cold that the canal was open for a record or near record season.

It is not unusual for us to have a real thaw near the end of Janaury, usually followed by heavy rains and an overnight freeze-up. I could live quite happily without that.


Belwood, ON(Zone 5a)

I'm actually getting concerned about the snow cover, or lack thereof. What's spring going to be like if there isn't any snow to melt into the ground, could make for a pretty tough growing season ahead.

The copy of the farmer's almanac I have called for below normal temps for southern Ontario in Dec and Jan, I'd say it's going to have to be pretty cold at the end of the month for this to happen, we're suppose to get up to +8 today.

Crazy weather, bring back the "normal" stuff so my plants are all protected.


Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

I watched the weather channel last night, and other than the mountains and east coast, it sure doesn't look too promising for the short term forecast. Winnipeg may get a smattering.

Sounds like we all need it. :(

Blyth, ON(Zone 5b)

I do NOT need more snow! LOL I'm all for a more permanent warming trend actually. But in order to be a good neighbour I will pray fervently that you all get all of the rest of my winter snow alotment :-)

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

LOL...Ginny we will gladly take it! :) Your plants however may not be too happy about it. ;)

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

Yipppppeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee thanks Ginny!!! We have huge big fluffy flakes falling right now. :D Ü :D

Blyth, ON(Zone 5b)

Hey, anytime! Glad to be of service ;-)

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Got a bit of the white stuff here too but dont suppose it will last long!

Thanks Ginny!

Blyth, ON(Zone 5b)

Happy to oblige! Can I offer up my 2006/07 allotment of snow as well? Any takers?

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

You've got pull somewhere Ginny ;) ......it's still coming down! Keep it up!!! Ü

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

Ü Doing the happy gardener's dance here now! Ü

Thumbnail by Lilypon
Vancouver, BC

Nothing but rain for the last three weeks on the West Coast, I hate the rain around Christmas time, really takes away from that "Christmas feeling".

Grand Forks, BC(Zone 5b)

Gimme the rain anytime. At least you don't have to shovel it! And you must admit, it sure is nice having everything so nice and green.

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

Bryan I understand your feelings perfectly. Ü We will try to send some your way next year! :)

North Saanich, Canada

Lilypon, you are sounding entirely TOO happy with your snow!!!


Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

Glenda we just have toooooo little out there. ;) If the temperatures drop to our normal winter loveliness nothing is gonna make it to spring.

edited to say the total amount we received was ~1 to 2 cm. We, being anyone in the colder zones without snow (that wants it), will continue to be tickled pink to get yours Ginny. ViolaAnn and sunkeeper would also appreciate a nod from you in their direction ;).

This message was edited Jan 11, 2006 11:33 PM

Blyth, ON(Zone 5b)

Consider it done! LOL I don't know about ViolaAnn and sunkeeper though - they're pretty close, relatively speaking, to me. I'll only send it their way if they promise to keep it confined to their own borders and don't let it get loose.

Praying.......praying......praying very hard.......hope it's working!!!!!!

Belwood, ON(Zone 5a)

But but Ginnylynn, your plants want some snow. Now I'm not asking that we get dumped on, just enough to keep them toasty warm and protected till April. Besides, this rain is soooooooooo gloomy and depressing.

Picture this, light snow flakes dancing in the sunlight. A beautiful red cardinal sitting in the pines. Sun so bright it's blinding......ahhh, a perfect winter's day.

Thumbnail by sunkeeper
Blyth, ON(Zone 5b)

Noooooooooo. My plants do not want anymore snow. What they really want is for this to be Spring and the temps to stay mild! Besides, we don't get many cardinals in my area - only one has been seen in the past 10 years :-)

Last year, my hyacinths came up under the snow. It was so deep and took so long to melt that when I could finally see them the stems and leaves were completely white and misshapen, and I almost lost the lot of them!

Here's my "picture in your mind": Bright clear sunshine on a mild fresh-smelling day. The buds on trees and shrubs just about bursting they're so plump. Brand new bright green shoots coming up all over the gardens. Toads and chipmunks and birds and bees filling the air with their songs and the yards with their delightful antics. The grass so green and lush from the gentle rains that you almost want to take your shoes off and run across it bare foot. That electrifying feeling of everything in the world being new again. What heaven - a perfect spring day!

All kidding aside, I know that the lack of snowcover places my plants at risk when the next inevitable cold snap comes, but I so long for spring during the long dreary days of winter that I'm more than willing to trade a few plants for this tiny early glimpse of spring. Plants can be replaced easily for the most part. I'm a Leo, and a natural sun-child.


Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

You are NOT playing nice Ginny .......... teasing us with visions of paradise. ;b

I'm going to have to burn sunkeepers image in my mind now. ;) Only I'll put Chickadees, or Nuthatches, or Blue Jays in my mind's eye (since Cardinals aren't to be found here).

Blyth, ON(Zone 5b)

Here's a little spring time fun. This is a little ditty my Mom used to tell us kids in the spring when we were little. I think almost everyone has heard one version of it or another.

Spring is sprung,
The grass is riz.
I wonder where
The birdies is?
Some say the bird
Is on the wing,
But that's absurd -
The wing is on the bird.

(Variously attributed to Ogden Nash, Spike Milligan, and Anonymous. Also comes in different flavours - different spellings, different wording.)


Blyth, ON(Zone 5b)

Oh yeah....just one more thing....I live in Blyth and work in London, and I have seen an average of 2 robins per month each and every month in both places. They have never migrated south this year. Do they know something we don't? Oh please, please, please let it be true :-)

(photo from Coffee Creek Watershed Preserve - found on Santa Fe Botanical Garden web site)

Thumbnail by ginnylynn
Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

LOL............Ginnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy it's January 12th don't do this!!!! ;) We still have 3 more months of ???

Blyth, ON(Zone 5b)

LOLOL Okay....I'll stop now....but I'll think about it if I want and you can't stop me....

(image from an unknown web source emailed to me a couple of years ago)

Thumbnail by ginnylynn
Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

chuckling here :)

I did check your 14 day forecast and you could get some snow ....... you really will be pouting then. ;)

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

Please somebody send smelling salts to poor Ginny! Her bottom lip is prolly touching the ground by now.

Blyth, ON(Zone 5b)

sniff....no, that's okay.....sniff, snuffle.....I'll suck it up....sniff, sniff.....I'm a big girl now...Whaaaaaaaa! :-)

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